Should the US become a democracy?

The electoral college was installed to get slave states to join the union. They have, 200 years ago. It was not designed to provide more power for smaller states. That is anathema to democracy. It is way past time to get rid of it. The majority of people should pick the president. There is no vote that emulates the electoral college because it is admired for fairness. If you vote for any other position it is proudly called "majority rules". A union leader is picked by majority rules. A school board is run by it. Nobody suggests a modified electoral college. It is wrong.

a republic with a bill of rights is superior to a democracy.
Ahh, so you run only from people you didn't ask the question. Figures.

Because you used the word. I was quoting you. Going out and be fruitful is a Abrahamic thing so I call those people Christians, Jews and Muslims. Why do you consider Christians, Jews and Muslims "parasites"?

Will you now answer my question about abortion or do you want to keep running with cognitive dissonance?

Well, I did say I'd tell what I think about abortion if you answered my question. Afterwards, I regretted making that promise. Thread title is "Should the US become a democracy?" Has nothing to do with abortion. I replied that one reason I don't favor a pure Democracy is that it puts too much power in the hands of people who take take take and demand more. They contribute nothing but expect everything. My answer has nothing to do with abortion.

Your insistence on knowing what I think of abortion is just another example of a liberal deflecting and refusing to respond to MY original question - Do you really want the parasites making decisions for our entire nation??

I did, however, say I'd tell you what I think. I have no religious or moral objection to abortion. Certainly doesn't mean I "support" abortion. For me, it's a non-issue. I'm a patriot who hopes for a strong, free, and prosperous United States. It happens, by chance, that politicians who share my views tend to be pro-life. So I vote for mostly pro-life candidates. I would not vote for or against any particular candidate because of his stand on abortion.

Clear enough, Dutch Uncle??
Without the electoral college, the GOP would have had one or possibly two presidential terms since Reagan. It didn’t work out for them this year. Time to come up with a new dodge?
The Constitution is not a dodge.
I’m not sure Trump is on the right track, though. America may not be a democracy, but for the SCOTUS to choose the POTUS could be a step too far.
SCOTUS does not have authority to choose the President. They DO have the authority, however, to order States to comply with their own election laws or to require a legislature choose it's electors or abstain. Seven States have chosen to abstain at this point.
WRONG! In a presidential election each states electoral votes go to the candidate that won the popular vote. Only exception is Nebraska and Maine the only states using the District Method of distributing electoral votes. Thus the presidency is won by the candidate that wins the majority of electoral votes based on the popular vote.

The electors are chosen by the legislatures of each State. See the Constitution of the United States Article II. The method they use to choose those electors is up to those same legislatures.
Correct. And the Constitution provided for House members to be elected directly by the voters which is a democratic procedure.
Nope. It's a constitutional procedure. That is a republic procedure.
States gave the voters of their state the right to select electors which is adding a democratic element to the electoral college.
Nope. It's a constitutional procedure. That is a republic procedure. The Constitution of the United States specifically states that State legislatures are the ONLY authority for choosing their electors and the ONLY authority for how they choose them.
We amended the Constitution to give the voters the power to directly choose Senators which is also a democratic procedure.
Nope. It's a constitutional procedure. That is a republic procedure.
So, like I stated, the Constitution has evolved into a more democratic government
Nope. Democracies have no constitution.
than originally written because we have given the voters a greater role in choosing their officials.
The Constitutions specify that role. Nothing else.
I should have said we all have the same constitutional rights.
Constitutions do not provide rights.
Government is prohibited from abridging certain rights and that applies to everyone in the U. S.
True. Among those rights is the right to defend myself with any weapon of my choice, even a nuclear bomb. Of course, I am responsible for storing and using any weapon.
That is a pure or direct democracy that does not exist outside of New England town meetings.
New England town meetings are constitutionally authorized. They are elements of a republic, not a democracy. Any votes taken during such a town meeting also must conform to constitutional law.
All other nations categorized as democracies, including the U. S., are representative democracies.
There is no such thing as a representative democracy. Democracies have no representatives and they have no constitution.
Still, there differences between the U. S. and other representative democracies that make them more "democratic"
There is no such thing as a representative democracy. Buzzword fallacy.
Well, I did say I'd tell what I think about abortion if you answered my question. Afterwards, I regretted making that promise. Thread title is "Should the US become a democracy?" Has nothing to do with abortion. I replied that one reason I don't favor a pure Democracy is that it puts too much power in the hands of people who take take take and demand more. They contribute nothing but expect everything. My answer has nothing to do with abortion.

Your insistence on knowing what I think of abortion is just another example of a liberal deflecting and refusing to respond to MY original question - Do you really want the parasites making decisions for our entire nation??

I did, however, say I'd tell you what I think. I have no religious or moral objection to abortion. Certainly doesn't mean I "support" abortion. For me, it's a non-issue. I'm a patriot who hopes for a strong, free, and prosperous United States. It happens, by chance, that politicians who share my views tend to be pro-life. So I vote for mostly pro-life candidates. I would not vote for or against any particular candidate because of his stand on abortion.

Clear enough, Dutch Uncle??

No. You dodged and weaved for half a dozen posts then ran like the Coward-in-Chief himself on your parasite post.

Finally, as you started running out of wind, you at least addressed the abortion question. Agreed, it's an individual choice. God Bless America.

Someday, when you have the spine, maybe you'll define what you mean by "parasites".

Here's the problem I have with pure Democracy: Big cities (New York, Los Angeles etc.) are filled with parasites who make living by pumping out more parasites.

Do you really want those people making decisions for our entire population??
The electoral college was installed to get slave states to join the union. They have, 200 years ago. It was not designed to provide more power for smaller states. That is anathema to democracy. It is way past time to get rid of it. The majority of people should pick the president. There is no vote that emulates the electoral college because it is admired for fairness. If you vote for any other position it is proudly called "majority rules". A union leader is picked by majority rules. A school board is run by it. Nobody suggests a modified electoral college. It is wrong.

You don't get to speak for dead people. You only get to speak for yourself.

The United States is not and never was a democracy. You don't get to disenfranchise States of the Union.
No. You dodged and weaved for half a dozen posts then ran like the Coward-in-Chief himself on your parasite post.

Finally, as you started running out of wind, you at least addressed the abortion question. Agreed, it's an individual choice. God Bless America.

Someday, when you have the spine, maybe you'll define what you mean by "parasites".

Pretty sure you know exactly to whom I'm referring when I use the word "parasites'"
The electors are chosen by the legislatures of each State. See the Constitution of the United States Article II. The method they use to choose those electors is up to those same legislatures.

Wow so you are saying the legislatures award the electors to a candidate regardless of who won the popular vote! Your civics knowledge leaves much to be desired.
Here's the problem I have with pure Democracy: Big cities (New York, Los Angeles etc.) are filled with parasites who make living by pumping out more parasites.

Do you really want those people making decisions for our entire population??

Kinda reminds me of the rural rats that do that...........:rolleyes:
Trump does not support a monarchy, dictatorship, or oligarchy. Neither does any conservative.

No. It is on this thread. You brought it up here.

You don't get to just throw away the Constitution. You are not the king.

You are forgetting about the Socialist party, the Green party, the Libertarian party, and a whole host of smaller parties.

Nope. The election process is defined in the constitutions in each layer of government.

The election process IS embedded in the constitution for offices in that layer of government.

Okay. Let's look at some:

Fiat money, now losing it's value. Issued by an institution called the Federal Reserve. Founded by Democrats.
Attempting to redefine gender to the point it h as no meaning anymore, and including so-called 'gay marriage'. Democrats.
Environmental 'protection' laws, that do nothing for the environment but are designed to oppress business activity. Democrats.
Dictats on what light bulb you are allowed to buy, what toilet you are allowed to install, how much water you are allowed to use, what kind of car you are allowed to buy. Democrats.
Dictats on whether you have to wear a mask, how far apart you have to be from someone else, and shutting down many businesses as 'non-essential'. Democrats.
Implementing policies in cities that condone crime, defund the police, condone homelessness...Democrats.
Arson, pillaging, assaults, murders by violent thugs in the streets. Democrats.
Funding and supporting illegal immigration. Democrats.
High taxes and oppressive regulations. Democrats.
Schools that teach sex education to kindergarten children. Democrats.
Illiteracy in our schools because of poor curriculum, defined by the NEA. Democrats.
Making up fundamentalist religions like the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Green, and the Church of the Ozone Hole, and making them state religions. Democrats.
Creating 'Gun Free Zones', allowing mass shootings to occur there. Democrats.
Limiting and banning guns and other weapons. Democrats.
Attempting to form lists of dissidents and locking dissidents up. Democrats.
Turning every construction job into a tangle of red tape and conflicting regulations. Democrats.
Causing crop failures due to lack of irrigation water so a shrimp can be saved. Democrats.
Preventing the clearing of brush or the management of forest resources, causing massive wildfires. Democrats.
Massive election fraud through the use of fake ballots, illegally changed election law by dictat, and the use of programmable machines instead of tabulators. Democrats.
Banning oil, coal, and natural gas and manipulating energy markets. Democrats.
Money laundering schemes. Democrats.
Forcing business to comply with a particular religion. Democrats.
Faking data, such as the temperature of Earth, the global atmospheric CO2 content of Earth, the global sea level, the global precipitation, the temperature of ocean water, the pH of ocean water, the number of covid19 cases, the number of covid19 deaths, the sturdiness of condor eggs, etc. Democrats.
The banning of internal combustion engines and the cars, trucks, trains, ships, and aircraft that depend on them. Democrats.
The inability to produce sufficient electrical power or have sufficient water supplies. Democrats.
The annual attempts to ban or belittle Christmas, Easter, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, etc. Democrats.
Being forced to hire unqualified people and practice racism in businesses to prevent racism. Democrats.
Banning dissident opinions on social media sites. Democrats.
A Drug War that has utterly failed. Democrats.
Taking property to save a common owl. Democrats.
Pyramid schemes like Social Security and State Lotteries. Democrats.
Describe people that put up Christmas lights, wear a Hawaiian shirts, or carry a gun as 'racist'. Democrats.
Claim to see the future using magick prediction methods such as Holy Polls, Holy Gas, Holy Government 'Data', Holy Web Sites, or other Holy Oracle. Democrats.
Segregation. Democrats.
Slavery. Democrats.
Banning meat or other food. Democrats.
Requiring restaurants to serve certain foods (or else!). Democrats.
Banning certain chemicals and processes causing inferior paints and foams, less effective air conditioning systems that are more expensive, and pesticides and fertilizers, making farming more expensive. Democrats.
The Columbia Shuttle crash, caused by such defective foam, Democrats.
Price control laws that never work including Wage controls such as minimum wage laws and 'fair' wage laws, Gasoline price controls, rent controls, interest rate controls, etc. Democrats.

Shall I go on?
Well, I did say I'd tell what I think about abortion if you answered my question. Afterwards, I regretted making that promise. Thread title is "Should the US become a democracy?" Has nothing to do with abortion. I replied that one reason I don't favor a pure Democracy is that it puts too much power in the hands of people who take take take and demand more. They contribute nothing but expect everything. My answer has nothing to do with abortion.

Your insistence on knowing what I think of abortion is just another example of a liberal deflecting and refusing to respond to MY original question - Do you really want the parasites making decisions for our entire nation??

I did, however, say I'd tell you what I think. I have no religious or moral objection to abortion. Certainly doesn't mean I "support" abortion. For me, it's a non-issue. I'm a patriot who hopes for a strong, free, and prosperous United States. It happens, by chance, that politicians who share my views tend to be pro-life. So I vote for mostly pro-life candidates. I would not vote for or against any particular candidate because of his stand on abortion.

Clear enough, Dutch Uncle??

dutch uncle is just simpin'. he's broken inside.
No, we need to maintain the electoral college.

You socialists would love New York and California deciding every national election.

lol, & some prefer ppl like you in shitHOLE states & counties, living on our dime to make the calls:laugh::laugh::laugh:

A dictatorship of big cities or little tiny population states isn't prefereable..

One man one vote, you don't like move to Somalia
lol, & some prefer ppl like you in shitHOLE states & counties, living on our dime to make the calls:laugh::laugh::laugh:

A dictatorship of big cities or little tiny population states isn't prefereable..

One man one vote, you don't like move to Somalia

I say if you don't like the ec, go suck a dick.
Pretty sure you know exactly to whom I'm referring when I use the word "parasites'"

No. Unlike Chaz and a few other idiots JPP members, I not going to assume. If you are proud of what you say, you'll spill it out. If you are a fucking coward and ashamed of what you say, you won't. I'm sure we both know you are the latter since this is day three and a dozen posts later.
No. Unlike Chaz and a few other idiots JPP members, I not going to assume. If you are proud of what you say, you'll spill it out. If you are a fucking coward and ashamed of what you say, you won't. I'm sure we both know you are the latter since this is day three and a dozen posts later.

I did `spill' it out, in more than one post. I realize liberals make everything about race. Much in the same way this thread had devolved into a Bash Bubba fest instead of Should The U. S. Be A Democracy?

So you assume, Dutch Uncle, that I use the term `parasites' to refer to people of color. Actually, when I talk about people who make a living pumping out baby after baby, I'm talking about people who do exactly that. People who have children so The Government will give them free money. Don't see how I can put it any clearer.

Parasites come in all colors. Black, white, Hispanic, American Indian. Even a few Asians, though not many.

Now, how about you, Dutch Uncle?? Are you going to answer my question?? Do you want the parasites to make the decisions for our entire nation??
I did `spill' it out, in more than one post. I realize liberals make everything about race. Much in the same way this thread had devolved into a Bash Bubba fest instead of Should The U. S. Be A Democracy?

So you assume, Dutch Uncle, that I use the term `parasites' to refer to people of color. Actually, when I talk about people who make a living pumping out baby after baby, I'm talking about people who do exactly that. People who have children so The Government will give them free money. Don't see how I can put it any clearer.

Parasites come in all colors. Black, white, Hispanic, American Indian. Even a few Asians, though not many.

Now, how about you, Dutch Uncle?? Are you going to answer my question?? Do you want the parasites to make the decisions for our entire nation??

Jesus Christ on Christmas, was it really that hard for you to put into writing?

Agreed and disagreed on liberals; you and other Trump supporters do not hold a higher moral high ground than the liberals. Both of you agree the ends justify the means.

Thanks for your definition. What is your solution? Mine's abortion on demand at cost. If private groups want to donate money to help a woman pay for the cost, that's fine too.
lol, & some prefer ppl like you in shitHOLE states & counties, living on our dime to make the calls:laugh::laugh::laugh:

A dictatorship of big cities or little tiny population states isn't prefereable..

One man one vote, you don't like move to Somalia

I agree with the founding fathers with their electoral college.

And I disagree with you and your mob rule democracy loaded with illegal aliens.
And hate that the founders left us the amendment ability

The founders NEVER intended people to not have control of this nation

Your Republican Party hates the founders and the democracy they created