The remora of JPP
It has religious-like aspects to it.
No it does not.
Climates have been studied around 200 years.
It has religious-like aspects to it.
No it does not.
Climates have been studied around 200 years.
Climate as it applies to Gorebal Warming has many aspects of a religion.
It has a dogma in place that says the cause of climate change is:
All other causes are rejected or dismissed as irrelevant. The True Believers also attribute any and every weather event to Gorebal Warming. Hurricane? Gorebal Warming. Tidal surge? Gorebal Warming. Hot weather? Gorebal Warming. Drought... Well, you get the idea.
If you point out some other potential cause, you dismissed, often hysterically, as a lunatic or heretic
. I regularly point out that contrails have been found to contribute possibly as much as 10% of warming, maybe more. That gets ranting and scathing hatred from the True Believers. It's a variant of devout Christians saying this, Al Gore said it (fill in the name with some other Gorebal Warming "expert"). I believe it. That settles it. No different from The bible says it. I believe it. That settles it. Not one iota of difference.
Please explain how Global Warming or Climate-anything is somehow not a religion. AProudLefty can't do it. All he is able to do is attempt to redefine words. Please explain how any Climate dogma differs from a science-free church sermon.It has religious-like aspects to it.
Gorebal Warming is a play on words. It is a concatenation of Al Gore, high priest of global warming (before that became a pejorative and was replaced with Climate Change), or Gorebal Warming. Gorebal Warming is the religious belief that Al Gore and his ilk know everything about climate change and are to be believed regardless of how insane what they might say is.
Gorebal Warming is a play on words. It is a concatenation of Al Gore, high priest of global warming (before that became a pejorative and was replaced with Climate Change), or Gorebal Warming. Gorebal Warming is the religious belief that Al Gore and his ilk know everything about climate change and are to be believed regardless of how insane what they might say is.
Gorebal Warming is a play on words. It is a concatenation of Al Gore, high priest of global warming (before that became a pejorative and was replaced with Climate Change), or Gorebal Warming. Gorebal Warming is the religious belief that Al Gore and his ilk know everything about climate change and are to be believed regardless of how insane what they might say is.
Is Buddhism a religion? What about Shinto? What about Jainism?Yes it is essential. You chanting will not make it go away.
Yes you did, liar.I did not make the claim, liar.
Do you have an alternative explanation for mass "flash-freezing" of random animals? I am all ears.And there are no evidence to your silly hypothesis, child.
You cannot clear it by pretending that it doesn't exist. Lay off the Barney and Mr Rogers, dude...There is no paradox.
Right, as it was YOUR say so that put it into existence. I simply noted it for you (and the forum).Your say so does not put it into existence.
Why do I have this sneaking suspicion that you will only allow the "real" scientists to do your thinking for you?Well, its good then that most of us know Al Gore isn't a scientist and we don't really care what Al says. We listen to the actual professionals.
Why should any rational adult believe that AGW is real, especially when you cannot even unambiguously define the term "global warming"?AGW is real. But by all means act like it isn't. Hope you don't have kids because they'll learn what you couldn't.
To me, the real question is WTF even IS "global warming"? It has yet to be unambiguously defined by any Church of Global Warming member... In fact, I've only ever seen one valid definition of the term "Global Warming", as follows:To me, the real question is whether it's still reversible or whether we've passed the tipping point.
What is there to discuss about an undefined buzzword? If you wish to discuss the arch-villain of the Global Warming mythology, then I'm all ears... but otherwise you've presented nothing TO discuss...Very little is discussed about that, and I think it's because we have passed the tipping point and nobody wants to tell us.
Can't know for sure, though.
The "tipping point" of WHAT?if we've actually passed the tipping point, we last humans in the chain should be doing pretty much whatever the fuck we want.
It's too late to worry about it.
To me, the real question is WTF even IS "global warming"?
Because science until recently still had a good reputation that could be put to use by the WOKE Cult.
All political bullshit aside, are you really denying that mankind is inducing climate change due to industrialization, Terry? Please tell me that someone of your experience and education hasn't gone around the bend like JPP's RWNJs.
There is unequivocal evidence that Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate. Human activity is the principal cause.
- While Earth’s climate has changed throughout its history, the current warming is happening at a rate not seen in the past 10,000 years.
- According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), "Since systematic scientific assessments began in the 1970s, the influence of human activity on the warming of the climate system has evolved from theory to established fact."1
- Scientific information taken from natural sources (such as ice cores, rocks, and tree rings) and from modern equipment (like satellites and instruments) all show the signs of a changing climate.
- From global temperature rise to melting ice sheets, the evidence of a warming planet abounds.
My point is and has been while humanity does have some effect on climate, it isn't just CO2, or even the majority CO2. As I've previously, and repeatedly, pointed out contrails represent at least 10% of that change, and possibly more. The Gorebal Warming crowd ignores that because it doesn't fit their political agenda of eliminating fossil fuel use, doesn't increase their political control, and would be easy and cost effective to implement. Worse, if they were to implement measures to reduce or eliminate contrails and that worked to slow warming significantly, it would be a disaster for the 'CO2 is the cause' crowd.
As for the IPCC, I could get better predictions from a psychic...
Every 10-ish years they predict that in 10 years we're doomed and other nonsense.
Why do I have this sneaking suspicion that you will only allow the "real" scientists to do your thinking for you?
Why should any rational adult believe that AGW is real, especially when you cannot even unambiguously define the term "global warming"?
Those are not religions, they are a way of life.Is Buddhism a religion? What about Shinto? What about Jainism?