Why Does the Global Warming Faith Claim to be Science?

I don't need to alternatively explain anything. You are the one making the claim. It belongs to you.

Although, I've heard from trusted sources that 20,000 years ago, aliens from Mars flew their armed hovercrafts into the Earth's airspace and used the flash freeze machines attached to them to target whatever animals they could get their hands on. They left some of them here on Earth as clues to "life on Mars" for future generations of humans to figure out, meanwhile bringing some samples back to Mars for research and study purposes.

I did not make the claim, liar.

And there are no evidence to your silly hypothesis, child.
Weather is a topic that does come up amongst Christians from time to time. It is a topic that typically comes up as small talk whenever fellowshipping with fellow Christians after the service concludes. Sometimes a sermon during the church service might even make mention of weather. Sometimes the prayers of the church make mention of weather, for instance if a weather event happened to cause damage to a particular area.

Even outside of the church service and church building, weather is something that Christians concern themselves with. Christian farmers and gardeners need to be aware of if/when they have to water their crops, for example.

Know what else mention the weather? Groundhogs.
Inversion fallacy.

You continue to deny your own posts. You continue to argue both sides of your paradoxes. You continue to fail to define 'climate change'. You continue to fail to provide any evidence that 'climate change' is more than just a religion.

You're done.

You are locked in a paradox. You need to resolve it, dude.
Weather is a topic that does come up amongst Christians from time to time.
I have it on good authority that Christians sometimes lament bad weather and hope for better weather. It's almost as if they feel that they can't control the weather themselves but that the weather is occasionally part of "God's plan." One thing that is peculiar about Christians is that they will sometimes plan for inclement weather. Go figure.

Christians and weather. It's a complex relationship.

Sometimes a sermon during the church service might even make mention of weather.
I have directly observed, with my own eyes and ears, Christians being "thankful" for beautiful weather and for "a gorgeous day." No joke.

Sometimes the prayers of the church make mention of weather, for instance if a weather event happened to cause damage to a particular area.
Wait, don't tell me, let me guess ... the Christians prayed for people affected by unfortunate weather, right? Yep, I'm a psychic.

Christian farmers and gardeners need to be aware of if/when they have to water their crops, for example.
I have to admit, Christians walk the walk when it comes to "Heaven helps those who help themselves."
There is no paradox.
You worship a religion which you call "science" so that you can pretend that you don't worship any religion. Then you try to hijack the word "religion" to add a deity requirement, mistakenly believing that your religion has no deities, so that you can pretend that you don't worship any religion. You are obviously desperate.

Your say so does not put it into existence.
Correct. You put it into existence well enough on your own. I don't have anything to do with it.
What is it based on then? Enlighten me with your acumen.

What's in it for me? I rather enjoy how you make yourself a target-rich environment when you opt to be totally dishonest on matters of science. You are completely scientifically illiterate but think you are some sort of science genius.

I'll have to think about it. You're asking me to throw away a shitload of fun. Things would be different if you were routinely honest, but you're not. For the present, I'm just going to enjoy letting you continue backing yourself in a corner.
What's in it for me? I rather enjoy how you make yourself a target-rich environment when you opt to be totally dishonest on matters of science. You are completely scientifically illiterate but think you are some sort of science genius.

I'll have to think about it. You're asking me to throw away a shitload of fun. Things would be different if you were routinely honest, but you're not. For the present, I'm just going to enjoy letting you continue backing yourself in a corner.

Thanks for your irrational opinion.

Now answer my question. what is science based on?
You worship a religion which you call "science" so that you can pretend that you don't worship any religion. Then you try to hijack the word "religion" to add a deity requirement, mistakenly believing that your religion has no deities, so that you can pretend that you don't worship any religion. You are obviously desperate.

There is no hijack. Religion has always meant a worship in deity. Your denial will not make it disappear.

Correct. You put it into existence well enough on your own. I don't have anything to do with it.

Thank you for agreeing that there is no paradox.