Why Does the Global Warming Faith Claim to be Science?

I already answered it repeatedly. No logical people should believe in religions.

You made the claim that climate change is a religion without any kind of evidence whatsoever.

Incoherent babbling.

You never defined 'climate change'. You never gave any evidence that 'climate change' is more than just a religion.
You are now in paradox.

[1] No logical people should believe in religions. [implying that believing in any religion is illogical].
[2] A religion can be logical [implying that believing in some religions is logical].

You can't have it both ways. This is where you respond by saying some iteration of: "but, but I didn't sayyyyyy THAAAATTTTTTT"

So only the religions that make claims to gods/miracles/supernatural beings/etc are illogical? Religions that don't make any such claims can be logical?

No, but there IS a paradox (see above).

No, the issue is that you don't speak English.

Good catch on that paradox. The issue is also irrationality caused by arguing both sides of the paradox. That itself is incoherent babbling.
There is no paradox.

Example: "The Bigfoot love to eat wild berries."

That is a logical statement.

What is not logical is believing that Bigfoot exist without evidence.

What is your first language?

You cannot clear your paradox by denying it, dude. You are simply continuing to be irrational.
There is no denial. Climatology does not have any deity. You are the one who is in denial.

Thank you for agreeing that climatology is not a religion. Small steps.

You have not done such thing.

It is a philosophy and spirituality.

Thank you for confirming that climatology is not a religion.

We are making progresses.

Fallacy fallacy. Assumption of victory fallacy. Irrationality. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
Giving up? 19 pages in and you finally gave up in your attempt to gaslight us. Nobody takes you seriously. You are the irrational one.

My job is done here.

You gave up, remember? You cannot provide any kind of evidence to your claims. I hope you give yourself some moments to reflect.


I know. You have been defeated.


Inversion fallacy.

You continue to deny your own posts. You continue to argue both sides of your paradoxes. You continue to fail to define 'climate change'. You continue to fail to provide any evidence that 'climate change' is more than just a religion.

You're done.

Definitely not! :nono:

They worship money and power.

What a scam! "The weather changes, give us money and power."

It's UN-globalist based; They want to reduce the population of the world to a "manageable" 500-something million.
Let's verify. I'll go with whatever gfm7175 has to say on the matter.

@gfm7175, do Christians concern themselves with the weather, perhaps even when they might be praying at a Sunday service? If it will make it any easier, you can focus on the God-fearing, religiously oriented, "praise God" Bible-reading Christians (and not worry too much about the atheist Christians). Is there any time when Christians declare a "moment of rest from concerning themselves about the weather ... or might Christians arbitrarily concern themselves with the weather at possibly any time, day or night?
Weather is a topic that does come up amongst Christians from time to time. It is a topic that typically comes up as small talk whenever fellowshipping with fellow Christians after the service concludes. Sometimes a sermon during the church service might even make mention of weather. Sometimes the prayers of the church make mention of weather, for instance if a weather event happened to cause damage to a particular area.

Even outside of the church service and church building, weather is something that Christians concern themselves with. Christian farmers and gardeners need to be aware of if/when they have to water their crops, for example.
Do you have an alternative explanation for mass "flash-freezing" of random animals? I am all ears.
I don't need to alternatively explain anything. You are the one making the claim. It belongs to you.

Although, I've heard from trusted sources that 20,000 years ago, aliens from Mars flew their armed hovercrafts into the Earth's airspace and used the flash freeze machines attached to them to target whatever animals they could get their hands on. They left some of them here on Earth as clues to "life on Mars" for future generations of humans to figure out, meanwhile bringing some samples back to Mars for research and study purposes.
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The definition of religion is clear. It is a worship of deities and a belief in miracles and the supernatural.

Religion is defined by philosophy...something you also ignore. I have already given you several examples of religions that have no deity. So has IBD. You are just chanting.
Definitely not! :nono:

They worship money and power.

What a scam! "The weather changes, give us money and power."

It's UN-globalist based; They want to reduce the population of the world to a "manageable" 500-something million.

I think after the Apocalypse the population will be under a 1000. Spread out over the whole rock.
You mean the record for giving away the reserve? He is still below prepandemic levels


You said production is down, it isn't, it is at record levels. what we have in reserve doesn't have shit to do with production. The reserve is easily replenished. are you saying your fat shithead Trump would have been telling Europe and the Ukraine to go fuck themselves? That is the only way our reserve would not be down now.