HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Christianity does not concern itself about the weathers.
Let's verify. I'll go with whatever gfm7175 has to say on the matter.
@gfm7175, do Christians concern themselves with the weather, perhaps even when they might be praying at a Sunday service? If it will make it any easier, you can focus on the God-fearing, religiously oriented, "praise God" Bible-reading Christians (and not worry too much about the atheist Christians). Is there any time when Christians declare a "moment of rest from concerning themselves about the weather ... or might Christians arbitrarily concern themselves with the weather at possibly any time, day or night?
I have no religion. You do.
Your shame at being suckered into a WACKY cult by being led to believe that the religion was really a branch of science ... is actually kind of humorous. Yes, you should have insisted back then that they provide you the science before you made any decision, but it's all water under the bridge now. You can either grab some friends and laugh about it over a beer or you can continue to let others bend you over furniture for the rest of your life.
I'm ready to laugh about it with over a beer whever you decide to break free.
By the way, what religion/theism do you claim that I have?
Weren't you going to explain this? You piqued my curiosity.
And yet you refuse to answer my questions again. Why?
You're not answering mine. Your three-step process is as follows:
1. EVADE my question
2. Insist that you answered my question
3. Pretend that there is some question that I did not answer, as a means of pulling me away from discussing my point, as a distraction/smokescreen.
Because you think science is a religion.
Nope. I know the difference, unlike you.
You, on the other hand, believe your religion is science. You were gullible. You allowed yourself to be hoodwinked and bent over furniture.
"Why should any rational adult believe as gravityzombies and gravity lemmings believe?" Do you see how silly your question is?
Your analogy does not hold. Your question here involves people who accept particular science models, not people who worship your religion without any rational basis.
In this case, I can produce the science models in question. one is
g = m1 * m2 / d^2
By contrast, we are 16 pages into this thread and none of your congregation have been able to produce any science supporting your religious faith, because there isn't any science to produce. Your religion is a religion, completely unfalsifiable, and you have confirmed this with striking alacrity.