Obama ranked 7th greatest president

I bet the donations to the prestigious 154 are just pouring in....;) (I want to know why 7 out of 10 didn't respond to the request...)

Poor thing.

volsrock said:
Trump last

Yet..he leads Biden in the polls

Now thats funny
Hillary Clinton leads Trump in all the pre 2016 polls and yet Trump still thinks he has a chance to win.

Now thats funny.

Collusion was proven, Russians even admitted to it. The investigation said as much but that he could not prosecute. you assholes claiming no collusion are full of it.

And lets never let the Magats forget this...

Senate Russia report proves Trump collusion was very real. But do voters care?

...With over 200 witness interviews and roughly 1 million documents reviewed, the nearly 1,000-page report documents in detail the comprehensive campaign conducted by Russian President Vladimir Putin and his proxies to seek influence within President Donald Trump's campaign, help Trump win the 2016 presidential election and amplify polarization and division within American society.

Far from a hoax, as the president so often claimed, the report reveals how the Trump campaign willingly engaged with Russian operatives implementing the influence effort. For instance, the report exposes interactions and information exchanged between Russian intelligence officer Konstantin Kilimnik and then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. According to the report, campaign figures “presented attractive targets for foreign influence, creating notable counterintelligence vulnerabilities.” ...

The bipartisan tone of the majority of the report, released by a committee chaired by Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, should be welcomed by all Americans who want our elected leaders to protect American sovereignty. National security should never be a partisan issue...

The Republican lead Senate panel report, utilizes deep probing data from all US intelligence agencies and has astonishing detail before coming to their FINDINDS OF FACT that they detail.
The poll has been sourced a dozen times so far if you are too damn stupid to figure out where it is or how to open it nobody here can help you. The same group has been doing this for over 100 years so you go ahead and call it bullshit if you would like but the fact remains, the shithead you support is the worst president in history.

Irrelevant appeal to popularity.
confirmation that the survey can be totally ignored for not being based in reality

This is a ranking of 45 presidents of the United States.

Your average nitwit on the street wouldn't have a clue how to rank Rutherford B. Hayes or Zachary Taylor, and most likely have never heard of them.

There are some topics that are appropriate to consult with the experts on.
This is a ranking of 45 presidents of the United States.

Your average nitwit on the street wouldn't have a clue how to rank Rutherford B. Hayes or Zachary Taylor, and most likely have never heard of them.

There are some topics that are appropriate to consult with the experts on.

you would think, but the last 20 years has been proof positive that the 'experts' aren't about facts, but about a narrative
you would think, but the last 20 years has been proof positive that the 'experts' aren't about facts, but about a narrative

Given a pool of average nitwits on the street who have never heard of Martin Van Buren, Rutherford B. Hayes, or Millard Fillmore, then we are going to consult the experts who devoted a life to studying the presidency if we are going to construct a ranking of 45 American presidents
Uh , no shit. Correct. You can’t blame anyone in particular for starting the Cold War unnecessarily and under false pretenses.
Or maybe you do?
Agreed. The Cold War was a result of the end of WWII and the invention of atomic weapons. It was the result of the conflict between democratic nations AKA the Free World versus the totalitarian socialists, the USSR and PRC.
And yet “not that smart” will quickly accept such as Thomas’s sophomoric history interpretation in the Bruen case, the historians don’t know history but a political hack does

do you need a lesson in the history of the 2nd Amendment again? I wonder how you idiots can totally believe the fabrications you make on here.
Given a pool of average nitwits on the street who have never heard of Martin Van Buren, Rutherford B. Hayes, or Millard Fillmore, then we are going to consult the experts who devoted a life to studying the presidency if we are going to construct a ranking of 45 American presidents

It'd be easier for most lay people to rank the Presidents they lived under. In that case, #45 is still at the bottom of the heap as a draft-dodging, adulterous, lying, traitorous, oath-breaking pedophile. I wouldn't rank Slick Willie much higher due to those same character flaws minus the treason. LBJ, Nixon and GW Bush would be in the bottom half. I liked Ford and GHW Bush, same for Reagan and Obama. Carter was a nice guy but ineffective. I'd put him in the middle.
How much have you donated to Trump campaign? Did you buy the Action Cards of trump? Did you purchase the sneakers? How many pairs?
Are you on a monthly donation schedule? Did you give Trump your checking account number? Are you still sucking his dick?

Methinks 'yes' to every question. Am I right?

You think "yes" to to a "how much" question? What language did you grow up learning? I would purchase the sneakers though, not to give him money but to add to my collection of electioneering stuff.

I have buttons from Dwight D Eisenhower's campaign, Obama t-shirts, Billy Beer, Bill Clinton corkscrew, Hillary nutcracker, little tiny hands that are supposedly made from casts of Trump's hands... I have a lot of stuff like that. I will attempt to get a pair of the sneakers later from someone who donated the money... because they would fit nicely in my propaganda collection.
Were they just anyone online, accredited historians or any kind of knowledgeable person?
The poll had less than 300 respondents. It's laughable really.

“525 respondents were invited to participate, and 154 usable responses were received,
yielding a 29.3% response rate.”

I finally figured out how to become a member. Anyone willing to pay a $10 membership fee can be a member, students pay nothing.
Given a pool of average nitwits on the street who have never heard of Martin Van Buren, Rutherford B. Hayes, or Millard Fillmore, then we are going to consult the experts who devoted a life to studying the presidency if we are going to construct a ranking of 45 American presidents
Any nitwit on the street can be a member for 10 bucks.