Obama ranked 7th greatest president

“525 respondents were invited to participate, and 154 usable responses were received,
yielding a 29.3% response rate.”

I finally figured out how to become a member. Anyone willing to pay a $10 membership fee can be a member, students pay nothing.
Any nitwit on the street can be a member for 10 bucks.

That's priceless...
“525 respondents were invited to participate, and 154 usable responses were received,
yielding a 29.3% response rate.”

I finally figured out how to become a member. Anyone willing to pay a $10 membership fee can be a member, students pay nothing.
Any nitwit on the street can be a member for 10 bucks.

The guy who first lied that no source was provided in the NYT article,
Then lied they this was a secret organization,
Then never fessed up to his lies,

Now wants us to believe the Houston Chronicle did not commission accreddited historians from this organization.
The guy who first lied that no source was provided in the NYT article,
Then lied they this was a secret organization,
Then never fessed up to his lies,

Now wants us to believe the Houston Chronicle did not commission accreddited historians from this organization.
I’ll admit I’m wrong when I am wrong. They provided a source and that source was any nitwit on the street willing to pay 10 bucks .

“525 respondents were invited to participate, and 154 usable responses were received,
yielding a 29.3% response rate.”

I finally figured out how to become a member. Anyone willing to pay a $10 membership fee can be a member, students pay nothing.
Any nitwit on the street can be a member for 10 bucks.

It's not necessarily the total number, but the credibility of the participants. The American Political Science Association seems a lot more respectable that 90% of the people on Twitter and Truth Social. :)

The 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey asked more than 500 members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association and recently published scholars to rate the 46 presidents in “overall greatness” on a scale of one to 100.
Respondents ranked Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt and George Washington, respectively, at the top of the list.

Trump finished dead last behind James Buchanan, who preceded Lincoln and governed in the lead-up to the Civil War.

Founded in 1903, the American Political Science Association (APSA) is the leading professional organization for the study of political science and serves more than 11,000 members in more than 100 countries. With a range of programs and services for individuals, departments, and institutions, APSA brings together political scientists from all fields of inquiry, regions, and occupational endeavors within and outside academe to deepen our understanding of politics, democracy, and citizenship throughout the world. The Association promotes a lively, diverse community of scholars, teachers, students, and practitioners who bring wide-ranging interests, methodologies, and perspectives to the analysis and conduct of government and politics.

I haven't seen you confess you lied about having an NYT subscription,
Nor the lie you told about no source in the NYT article,
Nor the lie that this was a top secret organization.

There's no reason to expect you are telling the truth about anything here
I haven't seen you confess you lied about having an NYT subscription,
What makes you think I don’t have a NYT subscription? I can even prove it to you.
Nor the lie you told about no source in the NYT article,
I fessed up and admitted I was wrong. The source is any nitwit willing to pony up 10 bucks to be a member. Students free.:laugh:
There's no reason to expect you are telling the truth about anything here.
Yet you lie about me not having a NYT subscription. I can prove it, guaranteed.
What makes you think I don’t have a NYT subscription? I can even prove it to you.
I fessed up and admitted I was wrong. The source is any nitwit willing to pony up 10 bucks to be a member. Students free.:laugh:
Yet you lie about me not having a NYT subscription. I can prove it, guaranteed.
You either lie a lot or make a lot of 'mistakes'

If you had an NYT subscription it would have been crystal clear to you that source was highlighted and hyperlinked in the article
Irrelevant appeal to popularity.

Irrelevant to Magats, yes, but very relevant to how History will be recorded for future generations.

When future generations are looking at this question of the Best and worst POTUS, the collective view of top historians will be at the top of any list of data points they would consider.
If you had an NYT subscription it would have been crystal clear to you that source was highlighted and hyperlinked in the article
Find someone , anyone , phanny or even FoulWoman, on the board who has a subscription to the NYT that can verify I have one and I’ll prove it.
Which will take the wind out your obnoxious smugness.
The poll had less than 300 respondents. It's laughable really.

It is like so many other polls and articles by HISTORIANS. They almost all say the same about the Trump disaster. It is quite a strong group of professionals. Nothing laughable about it, really.
It is like so many other polls and articles by HISTORIANS. They almost all say the same about the Trump disaster. It is quite a strong group of professionals. Nothing laughable about it, really.

It isn't, literally anyone can join for $10, this isn't "elite scholars" it is just a group of folks who desperately needed to inflate their ego. There is no reason to listen to this inane gaggle of tosspots when compared to any other group of 'like minded' jackwipes with $10 and time to spare. I mean, Geebus... It costs more to maintain a membership at a church and you wouldn't listen to those folks, would ya?
“525 respondents were invited to participate, and 154 usable responses were received,
yielding a 29.3% response rate.”

I finally figured out how to become a member. Anyone willing to pay a $10 membership fee can be a member, students pay nothing.
Any nitwit on the street can be a member for 10 bucks.

Any nitwit can be a member, but not every member was asked to respond to the survey. They used qualifications to decide who to ask.
Do a little research and see who was asked to participate in the survey.

It’s in the first paragraph.
No breakdown of how many members who paid their $10 fee , students who paid nothing or scholars who had
recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic
presses. They only mention Republicans and democrats, no breakdown of the percentage of each, no mention of independents, libertarians or something else, No mention of methodology, questions presented in the survey, no statistical analysis with standard deviation, almost nothing.
I published twice (a long time ago) and my papers were rejected several times before finally getting published. If I presented something this vague not only would it be rejected but the review committee would chastise me for wasting 5 minutes of their time .
This survey is laughable and totally random. But if it makes you feeeeel good I guess that’s what counts.
Last edited:
It’s in the first paragraph.
No breakdown of how many members who paid their $10 fee , students who paid nothing or scholars who had
recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic
presses. They mention Republicans and democrats, no breakdown of the percentage of each, no mention of independents, libertarians or something else, No mention of methodology, questions presented in the survey, no statistical analysis with standard deviation, almost nothing.
I published twice (a long time ago) and my papers were rejected several times before finally getting published. If I presented something this vague not only would it be rejected but the review committee would chastise me for wasting 5 minutes of their time .
This survey is laughable and totally random. But if it makes you feeeeel good I guess that’s what counts.

Yes, it is in the first paragraph and it appears you didn't read it or didn't understand it.
The 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey was conducted online via Qualtrics
from November 15 to December 31, 2023. Respondents included current and recent members of the
Presidents & Executive Politics Section
of the American Political Science Association, which is the
foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics, as well as scholars who had
recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic
They didn't send this to every nitwit that is a member of the American Political Science Association. They sent it to the members who are in the Presidents and Executive Politics Section.
They sent it to members of one section out of the 55 sections. No one in the women studies section was asked. No one in the Human Rights Section was asked.

Then it clearly states it is a survey. Surveys don't have statistical analysis because there is no random sample. Surveys only represent the respondents. They don't show what non respondents might answer.

They clearly state what the question was that they used to rank Presidents.
we asked respondents to
rate each president on a scale of 0-100 for their overall greatness, with 0=failure, 50=average, and
100=great. We then averaged the ratings for each president and ranked them from highest average
to lowest.

No wonder your papers were rejected since you clearly don't know the difference between a survey and a poll and you didn't take the time to read what the methodology was but instead came her to claim they didn't reveal it.
The poll is bullshit!
Oh it’s a “poll” alright.

It’s in the first paragraph.
No breakdown of how many members who paid their $10 fee , students who paid nothing or scholars who had
recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic
presses. They only mention Republicans and democrats, no breakdown of the percentage of each, no mention of independents, libertarians or something else, No mention of methodology, questions presented in the survey, no statistical analysis with standard deviation, almost nothing.
I published twice (a long time ago) and my papers were rejected several times before finally getting published. If I presented something this vague not only would it be rejected but the review committee would chastise me for wasting 5 minutes of their time .
This survey is laughable and totally random. But if it makes you feeeeel good I guess that’s what counts.
No wonder your papers were rejected since you clearly don't know the difference between a survey and a poll and you didn't take the time to read what the methodology was but instead came her to claim they didn't reveal it.

Most anyone who submits papers for scientific journals gets rejected their first few times but are sent back with recommendations to correct the deficiencies. It’s not an easy process.
They eventually get published though.