Obama ranked 7th greatest president

Oh it’s a “poll” alright.

Official Results of the 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey

Brandon Rottinghaus, University of Houston
Justin S. Vaughn, Coastal Carolina University

About the Survey

The 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey was conducted online via Qualtrics
from November 15 to December 31, 2023
The title of the paper, the header of the first section and the first sentence all state it is a survey.

Do you want to continue proving you are stupid and haven't bothered to check any facts?
Most anyone who submits papers for scientific journals gets rejected their first few times but are sent back with recommendations to correct the deficiencies. It’s not an easy process.
They eventually get published though.

I see you have decided to present no defense of everything you go wrong.
Yes, it is in the first paragraph and it appears you didn't read it or didn't understand it.

They didn't send this to every nitwit that is a member of the American Political Science Association. They sent it to the members who are in the Presidents and Executive Politics Section.
They sent it to members of one section out of the 55 sections. No one in the women studies section was asked. No one in the Human Rights Section was asked.

Then it clearly states it is a survey. Surveys don't have statistical analysis because there is no random sample. Surveys only represent the respondents. They don't show what non respondents might answer.

They clearly state what the question was that they used to rank Presidents.

No wonder your papers were rejected since you clearly don't know the difference between a survey and a poll and you didn't take the time to read what the methodology was but instead came her to claim they didn't reveal it.

Follow the link in this screenshot and you’ll see that any nitwit can be a member of P&EPS (section 9).

Follow the link in this screenshot and you’ll see that any nitwit can be a member of P&EPS (section 9).


Once again, you didn't do your research.
What is the cost to join Section 9? That cost is above and beyond the $10 you need to pay to join APSA.

You really should have stopped 2 days ago. You are only proving you can't do simple research
Anonymoose is a troll. He thinks he clever but he is a dope. I put him on ignore long ago.

Anyone who is lying, misrepresenting, and making 'mistakes' this frequently on one thread obviously is motivated to defend Trump, and run cover for him at all costs.

That makes him more of a Trump dick sucker than a troll.
Anyone who is lying, misrepresenting, and making 'mistakes' this frequently on one thread obviously is motivated to defend Trump, and run cover for him at all costs.

That makes him more of a Trump dick sucker than a troll.

Certainly. I have no positive evaluation of anonymoose.
Anyone who is lying, misrepresenting, and making 'mistakes' this frequently on one thread obviously is motivated to defend Trump, and run cover for him at all costs.

That makes him more of a Trump dick sucker than a troll.

Anyone who lies about me not having a subscription to the NYT is obviously a Trump dicksucker and motivated to defend Trump. See how that works ?

Table 2 Headers
Republican ... Democrat ... Independent/Other ... Conservative ... Liberal ... Moderate


Aside from all this tit for tat , do you really believe a survey concluding Brandon is the 14th Greatest President of All Time is representative of , well, anything ? I read where he gets such high praise is because he beat Trump. By that measure Trump should be ranked pretty high for defeating HRC.
In the end it’s the voters that have more to say than academians .
By that measure one could argue Reagan’s 2 landslide victories and Nixon’s over McGovern make them the Greatest in my lifetime.
I’d say the survey should be broken down to ranking
A. The best communicators
B. The most morally depraved and most moral.
C. The most and least corrupt
D. The best negotiators with the opposing party
E. The most fiscally responsible

for example.

Sure they go into that a little, most polarizing, e.g. And Reagan the 4th most polarizing? He won by 2 landslides FFS. Clearly biased.
“The Greatest “ ? Too nebulous.
I’d also limit it to the last 60 or 70 years.
You simply can’t compare presidents of eras too far appart.
It’s a dumb survey and means nothing.
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The poll had less than 300 respondents. It's laughable really.

Find me one credible ranking that doesn't put Trump at the bottom. Typical of the rightwinger to question the validity of the ranking yet every fucking one of them puts their shithead at the bottom.
“525 respondents were invited to participate, and 154 usable responses were received,
yielding a 29.3% response rate.”

I finally figured out how to become a member. Anyone willing to pay a $10 membership fee can be a member, students pay nothing.
Any nitwit on the street can be a member for 10 bucks.

Bullshit. It is by invitation. If what you say was true Trump would be at the top because the ignorant MAGA shithead would join just to vote.
I’ll admit I’m wrong when I am wrong. They provided a source and that source was any nitwit on the street willing to pay 10 bucks .

Those asked to participate were current or recent members of the Presidents and Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association with recently published peer-reviewed academic research that appeared in relevant scholarly journals or academic publications.

The association has over 15,000 members and only about 500 were invited to participate in the poll. You need to be a scholar and have published something. Ignorant shitheads like you cannot pay $10, join and participate in the poll. If ignorant shitheads like you could participate do you actually think Trump would be at the bottom?