Every trumper is a N4T.
Exactly. You are professing your faith in your religion and the blind trust you place in your clergy. You openly acknowledge that you aren't aware of any science that supports your admittedly contradictory dogma, but your clergy tells you exactly what to believe, and that's good enough for you. You don't demand to know the science behind what you are being told because this is religion, you presume that there isn't any scientific explanation for the miracles ... I mean "forcings" of your faith. No religious believer demands any science from his clergy. You don't question any of the terms you are told to regurgitate because ... that would imply that your faith is not strong. No religious believer demands that any of the religion's terms be unambiguously defined, as is required in science.
Yes, you are no scientist. In fact, you are scientifically illiterate, a prerequisite for accepting the absurd physics violations upon which your religion is based. How does it feel to be counted among the faithful of the religion tailored for the world's stupidest and most gullible?
Show me someone who believes in Global Warming, Climate Change or greenhouse effect and I'll show you a scientifically illiterate dullard at best, or a flat out science denier at worst.
Yes, the religion is for the world's stupidest and most gullible. You really don't need to tell anyone that you aren't a scientist.
1. Are you claiming that the earth's average global equilibrium temperature is increasing?
2. Are you claiming that this is a concern?
3. Are you claiming that this is caused by greenhouse effect which is caused by greenhouse gas?
4. Are you claiming that the global climate is changing?
5. Are you claiming that Earth's overall ice quantity is decreasing?
6. Are you claiming that the ocean is acidifying?
... or are you not claiming any of the above? ... or are you ashamed to say?
You don't speak for anyone but yourself. You certainly don't speak for any scientists.
What do you say?
Nope. There is no one who is supporting any claim that either Global Warming or Climate Change are science. Sure, there are gullible, scientifically illiterate people who pretend to speak for all the world's smart people and who assert, as you do, that they all worship Global Warming and Climate Change as you do.
All religions indulge in that "no true Scotsman" fallacy to some extent, i.e. they claim that all the smart people naturally come to the "correct" conclusion as they do, which is why they are smart. It's all part of believing that one's religion is true. You believe your religion is true and you like to think all the world's smart people believe as you do, or at least that's what you tell yourself.
The splash of cold water is that all the world's stupid and gullible people OBEDIENTLY believe as you do. NONE of you are scientists. NONE of you are good at math. ALL of you cling to the desperate hope that if you merely BELIEVE in your heart of hearts all of the dogma that you are handed, that you too will become a climate justice-dispensing science genius, a superhero of the Climate Justice League who will champion mother Earth against those evil, subhuman conservatives. Oh yeah, total science here.
All religious believers "just believe" their clergy. Say no more, say no more.
So tell me specifically, what do I not know? Be specific.
You are logically inept as well. This is the point at which I ask you how you established this probability. Your answer?
@gfm7175 - is someone projecting here? I'd like to submit Nomad for the projection awards. I think he's got a real winner here.
Are you saying that I somehow expect you to simply abandon your religion? Obviously I think that abandoning your religion would be the best thing you could do for yourself; one can't have anything but a shitty life if one is a slave whose very thoughts are forced onto him by others.
... but do I expect this? Nope. My expectation is that you will provide me months of entertainment while you never learn anything.
I understand it all, and I'm happy to teach you, but I think we both know that you will never allow that to happen.
I wish you luck in your faith.

I got you to waste another two hours of your sorry-ass life pounding out something NOBODY IS GOING TO READ!!!!
Me included!!!
