Former Prez All Ears, No Bandage... Seemingly No Injury
Too funny. NakedHunterBiden was gullibly led to believe that Trump would be wearing gauze forever ... for a graze!

@ JPP - How many people think that NakedHunterBiden still has a few gauze pads Band-Aided to the arm from the last few injections/blood-drawings?

Way too funny!
Too funny. NakedHunterBiden was gullibly led to believe that Trump would be wearing gauze forever ... for a graze!

@ JPP - How many people think that NakedHunterBiden still has a few gauze pads Band-Aided to the arm from the last few injections/blood-drawings?

Way too funny!
Ear cartilage does not heal back. Look it up. There would be an obvious sign on his ear if he was actually struck by something. Looks like he faked the entire thing.
Ear cartilage does not heal back. Look it up. There would be an obvious sign on his ear if he was actually struck by something. Looks like he faked the entire thing.
Dr. Jackson said there was no damage to Trump's ear cartilage just to the tissue above it. Looks like you are a troll.
Maybe if he acted less like hitler nobody would call him that.
Was Trump droning on and on in German again? Has Trump conquered Poland AGAIN!

The there's the fact that this "assassination" attempt was likely staged for the publicity.
So you're one of those conspiracy theorists who assumes that Donald Trump agreed to have local teenage kid from the hood fire a bullet at his head ... but just miss and graze his ear ... being mindful to anticipate exactly when Trump would turn his head and fire a fraction of a second before that.

Of course, you and I know this is all true, but how do we convince the rest of the world who only cares about "evidence"?
Nope. Freedom, Liberty and the Constitution are all the domain of Conservatives. "Gun Culture!" and "Gun Nuts!" and "Gun Violence" and "You're a RACIST!" and "2nd Amendment is BAD!" and "Let's build more defenselessness zones!" and "You're a RACIST!" and "NRA is BAD!" and "Conservatives glamorize cowboys and gun-toters" and "You're a RACIST!" are all owned by the left.
That is his ear and the bandage was on his ear.
Too funny. NakedHunterBiden thinks that Trump is somehow supposed to wear gauze until the end of time ... for a superficial graze that caused some bleeding.

When I cut myself shaving to the point that I bleed for a while, the area that was bleeding turns into a scab, and then the scab goes away after a few days.

The assassination attempt happened two weeks ago. I wouldn't expect any gauze to be necessary now.

Oh look, Trump isn't wearing any gauze after two weeks. It's like the bullet only grazed his ear.
Ear cartilage does not heal back.
Bleeding does not happen forever. Am I really the first person to explain this to you?

There would be an obvious sign on his ear if he was actually struck by something.
Nope. You don't get to declare a single possibility as "what would have happened", i.e. implying that what happened somehow didn't happen.

Looks like he faked the entire thing.
... and Coery Comparatore didn't die.