Verified User
Adorable. Apparently I've caught your fancy. Sadly you have not caught mine. I've been trolled by experts, child. I give this attempt a 3 because it's so amusing. Judges?
Well, there you go.
Trolled? Ha! I'm not a troll, I'm a fucking truth-teller. And the truth is, you're not special. You're just another drone - someone incapable of independent thought. Ring any bells? Probably not, because drones suck at self-reflection. You only know what the hive feeds you, feel what the hive permits. You're indistinguishable from every other libtard around here, and deep down, you know it.
You're scared shitless of answering even the simplest question without your hive's help, I have yet to see you make a cohesive statement that wasn't a radical left wing cliche'. I'm so sick of looking for a drones with a thought and coming up empty. Here's the kicker, you're this supposed "troll master," why the fuck are you hiding? You lurk like a scared little girl at home alone, just clicking thumbs up and down like a chimp in a lab, rarely ever having the balls to voice your so-called brilliant mind. Your response to me? It's proof you're just an intellectual mouse, so spare me the "I'm a badass" speech; I've heard it from every wannabe in the hive.
Here's what I tell all the pathetic drones and I'm starting to sound like a broken record but it's in a sincere attempt to help - grow your hair back, if you can find anyone willing to ............ then end the strike, get out of your mommy's basement, give her back her Visa card, and get a fucking real job. It's the fastest way back to reality. Then, if you muster up even a pinch of courage, unlock that profile so someone outside your pathetic hive can challenge your supposed expertise in dealing with what you call trolls. Fair enough? I take offense to that label because, as I've stated, I'm just a truth-teller.
Sorry for the winded response, I just don't when when you'll have the courage to attempt saying something that's all you. Hope this hasn't been a struggle to comprehend, it's an important message, I couldn't condense into a meme. Your turn 'expert' ROFL