The would be AG was a child sex predator

Adorable. Apparently I've caught your fancy. Sadly you have not caught mine. I've been trolled by experts, child. I give this attempt a 3 because it's so amusing. Judges?


Well, there you go.

Trolled? Ha! I'm not a troll, I'm a fucking truth-teller. And the truth is, you're not special. You're just another drone - someone incapable of independent thought. Ring any bells? Probably not, because drones suck at self-reflection. You only know what the hive feeds you, feel what the hive permits. You're indistinguishable from every other libtard around here, and deep down, you know it.

You're scared shitless of answering even the simplest question without your hive's help, I have yet to see you make a cohesive statement that wasn't a radical left wing cliche'. I'm so sick of looking for a drones with a thought and coming up empty. Here's the kicker, you're this supposed "troll master," why the fuck are you hiding? You lurk like a scared little girl at home alone, just clicking thumbs up and down like a chimp in a lab, rarely ever having the balls to voice your so-called brilliant mind. Your response to me? It's proof you're just an intellectual mouse, so spare me the "I'm a badass" speech; I've heard it from every wannabe in the hive.

Here's what I tell all the pathetic drones and I'm starting to sound like a broken record but it's in a sincere attempt to help - grow your hair back, if you can find anyone willing to ............ then end the strike, get out of your mommy's basement, give her back her Visa card, and get a fucking real job. It's the fastest way back to reality. Then, if you muster up even a pinch of courage, unlock that profile so someone outside your pathetic hive can challenge your supposed expertise in dealing with what you call trolls. Fair enough? I take offense to that label because, as I've stated, I'm just a truth-teller.

Sorry for the winded response, I just don't when when you'll have the courage to attempt saying something that's all you. Hope this hasn't been a struggle to comprehend, it's an important message, I couldn't condense into a meme. Your turn 'expert' ROFL
Actually, dear whore,
ThatOwlCoward begins speaking this way whenever she desperately needs a dick up her ass.

the discussion has morphed all over the place
Well, it wouldn't if you had an attention span that extended beyond a few words. That's why your posts never rise above the level of "compost."


since you last left one of your slime trails on it yesterday.
Perhaps if you stopped projecting you'd be able to focus on the topic at hand.

No one has missed you or talked about you since.
You've made it clear that you are totally omniscient within the refuge of your snowflake safe space. In the real world, however, you don't speak for anyone but yourself.

YOU came here this morning and once again tried to make it about YOU again
@TOP - that sounds great. Could you make this thread all about you again and give us an update on how your holidays are progressing?

with your neediness and desperate cries for someone, anyone to LOOK AT MEEEEE.
@TOP - I'll look at you. How are things going?

You have no shame, no courage, no intelligence, no morals, no compassion, no friends, no life, no nothing but your rage and your bitterness.
Whoa! Easy there, catfighter. You're describing yourself to a "T." That's called "projection." Explain to @TOP why you have me on "ignore." Explain why you are JPP's reigning, defending, undisputed intellectual cowardice champion (with Guno in very close 2nd place).

Adorable. Apparently I've caught your fancy. Sadly you have not caught mine. I've been trolled by experts, child. I give this attempt a 3 because it's so amusing. Judges?


Well, there you go.

Catdrone, look at this, your little army of sycophants is out in force, handing out participation trophies for me just because I dared to poke the hive's pet mouse. How touching. I'm the big, bad wolf that's supposedly bullying poor, innocent Catdrone, the saint who never complains. Wow, you're like a fucking silent martyr - or just a spineless drone too scared to squeak.

But here's the real test, isn't it? When you're asked something that requires actual thought, not just regurgitating the hive's gospel, that's when your true colors bleed through. How about you let the real Catdrone show up? Have an opinion that's not pre-approved by your masters. But we all know that's about as likely as you growing a fucking backbone. How am I doing Catdrone, don't hide like a mouse. I tried to have a conversation you could have said no thanks but you wanted pats on the back from the hive. You got them, Congrats!!
You only know what the hive feeds you, feel what the hive permits. You're indistinguishable from every other libtard around here, and deep down, you know it.

You're scared shitless of answering even the simplest question without your hive's help, I have yet to see you make a cohesive statement that wasn't a radical left wing cliche'. I'm so sick of looking for a drones with a thought and coming up empty. Here's the kicker, you're this supposed "troll master," why the fuck are you hiding? You lurk like a scared little girl at home alone, just clicking thumbs up and down like a chimp in a lab, rarely ever having the balls to voice your so-called brilliant mind. Your response to me? It's proof you're just an intellectual mouse, so spare me the "I'm a badass" speech; I've heard it from every wannabe in the hive.
I have to give you credit. You sniffed out ThatOwlCoward in record time. Of course, with her stink it's hard to miss, however you zeroed in faster than I did. You win.

Anyway, ThatOwlCoward posts from the safety of her snowflake safe space. She is far too scared shitless to venture anywhere a differing view can get within ten feet of her, much less any response to something she posted.

Trolled? Ha! I'm not a troll, I'm a fucking truth-teller. And the truth is, you're not special. You're just another drone - someone incapable of independent thought. Ring any bells? Probably not, because drones suck at self-reflection. You only know what the hive feeds you, feel what the hive permits. You're indistinguishable from every other libtard around here, and deep down, you know it.

You're scared shitless of answering even the simplest question without your hive's help, I have yet to see you make a cohesive statement that wasn't a radical left wing cliche'. I'm so sick of looking for a drones with a thought and coming up empty. Here's the kicker, you're this supposed "troll master," why the fuck are you hiding? You lurk like a scared little girl at home alone, just clicking thumbs up and down like a chimp in a lab, rarely ever having the balls to voice your so-called brilliant mind. Your response to me? It's proof you're just an intellectual mouse, so spare me the "I'm a badass" speech; I've heard it from every wannabe in the hive.

Here's what I tell all the pathetic drones and I'm starting to sound like a broken record but it's in a sincere attempt to help - grow your hair back, if you can find anyone willing to ............ then end the strike, get out of your mommy's basement, give her back her Visa card, and get a fucking real job. It's the fastest way back to reality. Then, if you muster up even a pinch of courage, unlock that profile so someone outside your pathetic hive can challenge your supposed expertise in dealing with what you call trolls. Fair enough? I take offense to that label because, as I've stated, I'm just a truth-teller.

Sorry for the winded response, I just don't when when you'll have the courage to attempt saying something that's all you. Hope this hasn't been a struggle to comprehend, it's an important message, I couldn't condense into a meme. Your turn 'expert' ROFL
I’m still waiting for ANYTHING original from you…I have a feeling it will be a long wait…
Oh look! ^ ^ ^ ^ Walls of unread text! I love it! :laugh:
And I can honestly report, you have not missed a thing!
I’m still waiting for ANYTHING original from you…I have a feeling it will be a long wait…

And I can honestly report, you have not missed a thing!
It might be, I have been scouring ever thread hoping to find a spark with no luck. If you find one somewhere, please come tell me, and by all means if you have a thought do share.
I think a lot of Americans, esp. RW ones, not-so-secretly worship royalty and monarchies and kings.
Of course they do, in your snowflake safe space, of course. It's necessary for you to believe that to support your mindless collective delusion that We the People exist to serve Trump, and not the other way around. You're totally correct ... in your snowflake safe space, of course.

Hence Trump's ability to impress the credulous with his pretend fabulous lifestyle and wealth.
Trump's "fabulous lifestyle and wealth" is his receipt for his success. Snowflakes, such as you, insist that Trump is a failed businessman, in your safe space, of course. In the real world, Trump has his receipt.

The gullible dupes even believed that rot about him donating his presidential salary.
Of course, we gullible dupes aren't privy to the hard-line truth promulgated in your mindless collective.

They totally ignored the fact that on the few of his tax returns ever published, there wasn't a cent given to any charity.
You obviously were looking at the "safe space" version of Trump's returns. In the real world, he donates a lot to charity, enough to pay for hundreds of your trailer.

In fact, he used his Trump Foundation "charity" as a piggybank and cash cow, and got it shut down for fraud.
Nope. That was one of the first cases of lawfare used against Trump. The charity worked great until the DNC shut it down as an "all's fair in politics and war" attack on Trump's campaign. The only ones who suffered were the potential recipients of the charity.

Nothing went to the veterans it was supposedly for,
It all did, until the DNC decided to screw the veterans by shutting down the charity. The DNC ruins everything.
I’m still waiting for ANYTHING original from you…I have a feeling it will be a long wait…
Of course it will. Why are you suddenly under the impression that you can somehow recognize something original. You can't understand half the stuff you read.

You should understand that it's perfectly OK to ask for help.
Full blown violent meltdown. I hope the feds interview MAGA soon because that psychopath is going to shoot up a public event.
Show up at my home with bad intentions and yes I will shoot you full of holes. Beyond that you need to take a chill pill sweet tits.
Would love to hear what you believe the truth to be.

Nothing but whorish hearsay it's no wonder you would embrace that with your cuntish demeaner. Fucking leftist losers your day has arrived

Would love to hear what you believe the truth to be.

Nothing but whorish hearsay it's no wonder you would embrace that with your cuntish demeaner. Fucking leftist losers your day has arrived.
What an juvenile reply, how long did it take you to copy it?
LOL, I knew you were just another drone in the hive, I was proving a point. You, like all your fellow libtard hive members, are terrified there won't be some pre-approved meme to guide your every thought. Don't be ashamed, you're not alone in your pathetic need for constant validation from your meme overlord. It's about as much "information" as most of you can process.(judging from you posts you're at the top of that crowd) I'll get a kick out of watching your mindless drivel and tossing you an occasional pat on the head. ROFL.
Well, that was a rapid and spectacular meltdown. Whose sock are you and what is the point? You couldn't go one day without losing your shit on someone you're pretending not to know. You're pathetic.