Thanks for admitting that your #MalignantMessiah is that incredibly uninformed about the ppl he tapped for various positions, and that apparently (according to your suppositions), even his aides are so incompetent that they "forgot" to mention the Ethics Committee investigation and what it was about.
Better questions would be:
When will you admit that #TRE45ON made a very bad choice when he picked a known sex predator, illegal drug user, and grifter to be the country's highest law enforcement officer?
When will you admit that you had no problems voting for a convicted criminal, a corrupt incurious would-be dictator with the morals and class of a weasel?
When will you acknowledge that the Republican Party loves its crooks, predators, molesters, and garbage and fights to keep them in office?
When will you realize that your party has lost whatever ethical compass it once possessed, in order to gain and keep power because that is more more impotant than anything else?