The would be AG was a child sex predator

Defamed her? She published a book saying he raped her and he denied it calling her a liar. In what universe outside of the kangaroo court in NY is that defamation? You know he's never going to pay that filthy whore a penny right? That bitch belongs in prison.

Your TDS is laughable you pathetic fool. No court ruled on anything. That shit isn't a court it's a criminal organization and they should all be hung too including the dirty jurors.
Alternative facts
Evangelical pastors have been reporting that their MAGA laity are complaining that they can't follow the ethical tenets of the Sermon on the Mount because it's too outdated and wimpy.
Sad but not surprising that MAGAts claiming to be Christians are not following Christ. They are following the tenets of their Orange Jesus and Prosperity Christianity, not the tenets of Jesus Christ as laid out in the Gospels.

A recent survey finds an increasing number of churchgoers in the United States subscribe to beliefs associated with the prosperity gospel. “In the last five years, far more churchgoers are reflecting prosperity gospel teachings,” says Scott McConnell, executive director of Lifeway Research, “including the heretical belief that material blessings are earned from God.” The problem, as McConnell points out, is not with the idea that God provides material blessings (all good things provided to God’s children come from him [Rom. 8:32]) but with the false teaching that we do anything to earn such favor.
They treat him more like a God than a king.
Can't disagree there.

I wonder what they will think when he drops dead from a massive coronary or stroke? Begins babbling in "tongues" as Alzheimer's sets in like his dad?

The Republicans are vocalizing concern that the Democrats hid Joe's mental condition....not that any of them pushed for the 25th Amendment. LOL

I wonder if this is preparation for using the 25th on Trump when he goes too far? Will JD side with them?
Defamed her? She published a book saying he raped her and he denied it calling her a liar. In what universe outside of the kangaroo court in NY is that defamation? You know he's never going to pay that filthy whore a penny right? That bitch belongs in prison.

Your TDS is laughable you pathetic fool. No court ruled on anything. That shit isn't a court it's a criminal organization and they should all be hung too including the dirty jurors.
Another MAGAt displaying a Red Flag. Sad.
Can't disagree there.

I wonder what they will think when he drops dead from a massive coronary or stroke? Begins babbling in "tongues" as Alzheimer's sets in like his dad?

The Republicans are vocalizing concern that the Democrats hid Joe's mental condition....not that any of them pushed for the 25th Amendment. LOL

I wonder if this is preparation for using the 25th on Trump when he goes too far? Will JD side with them?
IN ten years you will have a hard time finding anyone who admits they every liked him....

Kinda like GWB.
Can't disagree there.

I wonder what they will think when he drops dead from a massive coronary or stroke? Begins babbling in "tongues" as Alzheimer's sets in like his dad?

The Republicans are vocalizing concern that the Democrats hid Joe's mental condition....not that any of them pushed for the 25th Amendment. LOL

I wonder if this is preparation for using the 25th on Trump when he goes too far? Will JD side with them?
I just triggered magats by saying " Hopefully it will be "orange man dead" very soon." If he keeps up his current lifestyle it will happen sooner rather than later.

New research shows the massive hole Democrats are in

What a demented skag. I forgot she has a thread to fluff her hatred. Judging by the last few people to comment, it's simply the trash compactor of JPP.

Bwahahahaha! Seriously. It's been amusing this morning watching her desperately trying to get our attention with post after post of increasingly shrill trolling. It is true that if an ignored troll rants on a forum, no one can hear. :rofl2:
Thanks for admitting that your #MalignantMessiah is that incredibly uninformed about the ppl he tapped for various positions, and that apparently (according to your suppositions), even his aides are so incompetent that they "forgot" to mention the Ethics Committee investigation and what it was about.

Better questions would be:

When will you admit that #TRE45ON made a very bad choice when he picked a known sex predator, illegal drug user, and grifter to be the country's highest law enforcement officer?

When will you admit that you had no problems voting for a convicted criminal, a corrupt incurious would-be dictator with the morals and class of a weasel?

When will you acknowledge that the Republican Party loves its crooks, predators, molesters, and garbage and fights to keep them in office?

When will you realize that your party has lost whatever ethical compass it once possessed, in order to gain and keep power because that is more more impotant than anything else?
LOL, I knew you were just another drone in the hive, I was proving a point. You, like all your fellow libtard hive members, are terrified there won't be some pre-approved meme to guide your every thought. Don't be ashamed, you're not alone in your pathetic need for constant validation from your meme overlord. It's about as much "information" as most of you can process.(judging from you posts you're at the top of that crowd) I'll get a kick out of watching your mindless drivel and tossing you an occasional pat on the head. ROFL.