1932 was a pivotal year in the Nazis’ ascent. It’s a terrifying parallel for today

No. German conservatives did not back Hitler. Hitler gained power through a coalition with other Leftist parties in Germany.

Complex question fallacy. Trump is not as bad as Hitler, Godwin's Law fallacy on your part.
YOU NEED to go read some HISTORY on the German Conservation party and how they backed Hitler and helped put him in power.
They were the money behind him in the mid to late 1930's
here do some reading

and IF Trump gets in and does what he says he wants to and he gets done taking left leaning peoples Constitutional rights away and comes after yours are you going to tell us he isn't that bad?
have a nice day
At the moment and for over 2000 years it has been the dirty animal like christer goyim
So those Trumpanzees are still swarming like a hatch while the state that brought 9/11 to the USA where a Washington, D.C. born USA citizen couldn't marry a New Jersey girl but could gamble in Trump's Taj Mahal as Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist "what is 9/11 Freudian slip" with all those crooks on Capital Hill like now not being able to fly fish in Florida but can work in a fishing tackle store........
YOU NEED to go read some HISTORY on the German Conservation party and how they backed Hitler and helped put him in power.
They were the money behind him in the mid to late 1930's
here do some reading

and IF Trump gets in and does what he says he wants to and he gets done taking left leaning peoples Constitutional rights away and comes after yours are you going to tell us he isn't that bad?
have a nice day
There were 6 major political parties in Germany in 1932:

NSDAP (NAZI): Leftist
SDP (Social Democrats): Leftist
KDP (Communist): Radical Leftist
Centre: Centrist to Left of Center
DNVP (National People's Party): Left of Center
BVP (Bavarian People's Party): Right of Center

The Nazis and Communists after the election held the two largest blocs of seats in the Reichstag. To form a coalition government the SDP and DNVP sided with the Nazis because they, like the Nazis feared a Communist led government having seen what happened in Russia. Hitler was appointed Chancellor, even though Hindenburg and Papen were reluctant to go along with that.

Big business was satisfied as it kept the Communists out of power and eliminated the overt threat to their calls to Socialize industry and business under government control. Hitler instead, once in power, implemented statist capitalism allowing government to direct and dictate the economy while business and industry under government direction was still in private hands.

Your link glosses over all of that with a vague account that really doesn't portray what was happening in Germany at the time.
There were 6 major political parties in Germany in 1932:

NSDAP (NAZI): Leftist
SDP (Social Democrats): Leftist
KDP (Communist): Radical Leftist
Centre: Centrist to Left of Center
DNVP (National People's Party): Left of Center
BVP (Bavarian People's Party): Right of Center

The Nazis and Communists after the election held the two largest blocs of seats in the Reichstag. To form a coalition government the Centre and DNVP sided with the Nazis because they, like the Nazis feared a Communist led government having seen what happened in Russia.
I don't care.
it is a FACT that the conservatives backed Hitler and helped put him in power.
Have a nice day
To form a coalition government the SDP and DNVP sided with the Nazis because they, like the Nazis feared a Communist led government having seen what happened in Russia. Hitler was appointed Chancellor, even though Hindenburg and Papen were reluctant to go along with that.
Worth noting that Gardner is lying about the SDP. They never sided with the Nazis, which led to large numbers of them being killed. They opposed the right wing Nazis, but thought they could work with the Communists. They were larger than the Communists, counter to Gardner's claims.

Everything about the Nazis were right wing down to the swastika that Hitler picked to turn right to state his right wingness.
Hindenburg, head of the Social Democrat party in Germany
Not only was Hindenburg not the head of the Social Democrats, he was not even a member. Otto Wels was the leader of the Social Democrats.

Hindenburg hated most of the Social Democrats, especially Wels. He did like Muller(a lower ranking SD), and made a cabinet with him as Chancellor. Sadly, Muller died, and Hindenburg never found another SD he could work with. He tried the right wing DZ, but they slowly joined the Nazis. Finally, he was left with two choices: Wels or Hitler. He chose Hitler, because Hitler promised to not be as fanatically right wing as his image suggested.
No. German conservatives did not back Hitler. Hitler gained power through a coalition with other Leftist parties in Germany.
Hitler was never in any coalition with any leftist party. His coalition was with the rightest ZD. He regularly had his goons attacking the SD, and killed much of their leadership.
It is about using a Hitler / Nazis comparison to something that is specious. That is, the comparison is inappropriate, gratuitous, or meant to slander or disparage the target of the comparison.
The SD is very proud that they were the one mainstream party that stood up to the Nazis. It is disgusting how you make up slander about them.
The SD is very proud of having stood up to the Nazis, at a time that was not easy. Your creation of lies about them supporting the Nazis just shows what a dishonest scumbag you are.
because he says Trump proved him wrong between 2017 and 2020 and Biden proved he was the real American Hitler 2021-2024.........
There were five years between Hitler coming to power and Kristallnacht.... Just saying that Hitler kept his promise to be a moderate right winger for a few years.
It's as if they never studied history beyond a single semester in high school.
Sorry, we did not study your bizarro world history where Hindenburg suddenly stopped being a conservative, and joined the SD instantly becoming their leader, and then they started supporting the Nazis who were killing them...

Are you making up these lies as you go, or did you create them ahead of time?
I've heard Jews refer to themselves as Yids and also use the term Goyim for non-Jews. I also heard them refer to Judaism and Yiddishkite.
Commander Asshole really knows how to play you.
How old are you that you have heard a lot of Jews speaking Yiddish?
NO it was the Conservatives that backed Hitler with money and help put him in power.
this is a FACT
read some history it is all there
have a nice day
I obviously know more history than you.......Hitler took with threats and violence........nothing is more Demmycrat than that......