The most likely? Honestly I don't have a good bead on people either. You're somewhat suspicious at this point but that's based on next to nothing. But the most likely at this point is Nom. Michael Sam is also kinda suspect to me but we'll see how they play before I say yes or now.

Nom's explanation for saying nothing was retarded, agreed.
So far I notice that Nom and Space are pretty straight shooters while everyone else is non-committal or goofing off. Not sure what to make of that.
Flawed, your thinking is; because villager, I am.

I think I know who you are now. The problem is you play the same way regardless of which team you're on! I still find you suspicious.

I am going to move Nom and the El Nino or whatever ahead of you as likely wolves though. For now.
Some early thoughts:

1) Moxy/Scissors: appear village, nothing certain, but leaning that way for both
2) Miley/Pardo/olaf/Monkey/Sam: uncertain due to lack of substance/posts

3) Nom, Yoda and Blarg seem most wolfish at this time

Keep in mind, this is day one, so a lot of speculation will occur. We should all produce lists like the above for the record. It will help provoke discussion, which is good for the village and it will force the wolves to comment. In addition, it will provide cover for the seer.

Seem that you are drawn to the dark side, would it; but when you look at the dark side, careful you must be...for the dark side looks back.
You might understand, if just free your mind, you would. Yeesssssss.

How about you provide some insight on who you think are villagers and who you think are wolves. Or do you simply plan to go through this game with your nonsense? You are not helping the village with this mumbling. Side note: You obviously have little idea as to how Yoda speaks. You have completely butchered your imitation of him.
i initially thought miley and moxy were agents because they tried to establish a faux confrontational dynamic faily early on based on nothing at all. this dynamic can serve as good cover to agents working in concert becuase if one is exposed as an agent, the other avoids scrutiny. miley voted to lynch moxy based on nothing. and, on the flip side, moxy asserted that miley was suspicious based on his work schedule but abandoned that line rather quickly when pressed. i think it is also significant that miley unvoted moxy once the prospect of a wagon forming arose.

sam i have no read on at all. he was active early and disappeared. it struck me as odd that he favorited moxy's post that he hoped the seer peeked miley on night zero, but that was based on my feelings above on the miley-moxy dynamic.

on the villager side of things i have olaf, space monkey, scissors and joe. not sure where blarg, the latin fella or yoda fit in.
So far I notice that Nom and Space are pretty straight shooters while everyone else is non-committal or goofing off. Not sure what to make of that.

Really? So Nom, who refuses to share his thoughts on who is a wolf and villager, you believe is a straight shooter and that he is committing? I would love for you to share the post numbers of his where you think he demonstrates that.
It's been about an hour, maybe two. Not an unusual length of absence.

No, it is not. Just bringing his absence up as I won't be on here towards the end of the day and if his absence continues it is worth noting. He would not be one of the two I would choose for a wagon at this point. At least not today.