i initially thought miley and moxy were agents because they tried to establish a faux confrontational dynamic faily early on based on nothing at all. this dynamic can serve as good cover to agents working in concert becuase if one is exposed as an agent, the other avoids scrutiny. miley voted to lynch moxy based on nothing. and, on the flip side, moxy asserted that miley was suspicious based on his work schedule but abandoned that line rather quickly when pressed. i think it is also significant that miley unvoted moxy once the prospect of a wagon forming arose.

sam i have no read on at all. he was active early and disappeared. it struck me as odd that he favorited moxy's post that he hoped the seer peeked miley on night zero, but that was based on my feelings above on the miley-moxy dynamic.

on the villager side of things i have olaf, space monkey, scissors and joe. not sure where blarg, the latin fella or yoda fit in.

Okay good thoughts. But a lot of good players provoke early to see reactions, so that to me is not wolfy in and of itself. Doesn't mean they're not wolves, but right now I don't lean wolf on Moxy, and I am unsure of Miley but don't lean either way on him. Wouldn't vote to lynch either of them right now.
Really? So Nom, who refuses to share his thoughts on who is a wolf and villager, you believe is a straight shooter and that he is committing? I would love for you to share the post numbers of his where you think he demonstrates that.

Calling someone out and immediately voting for them isn't committing? :dunno:
No, it is not. Just bringing his absence up as I won't be on here towards the end of the day and if his absence continues it is worth noting. He would not be one of the two I would choose for a wagon at this point. At least not today.

Which two would you choose to bandwagon right now?
Lynch Nom De Guerre. This is going to be my pick for the night, unless some stunning revelation occurs. They were initially very reluctant to post their thoughts, and to me only do so now due to increased scrutiny and attention paid to them.

I am just throwing something on the board right now. Early in the game and my biggest reason is that Yoda is too busy playing Star Wars and not trying to help he village. Could just be someone like last game being an ass, but could also be Agent/Wolf behavior

Playing, I am not.
Try not.
Do or not do, there is no try.
Lynch Nom De Guerre. This is going to be my pick for the night, unless some stunning revelation occurs. They were initially very reluctant to post their thoughts, and to me only do so now due to increased scrutiny and attention paid to them.

this is a misread of my posts. i all along said that i would share my thoughts when i felt they would be helpful. now that we have over 200 posts and i am about to be out of pocket, i felt now is the most helpful time.
Calling someone out and immediately voting for them isn't committing? :dunno:

He refused to provide insight on the players multiple times. Simply voting for someone without providing insight as to why is very wolfish. Refusing to discuss is wolfish. No, he has not committed or shared insight... or I should say he hadn't at the time you posted that. Conveniently he did shortly thereafter. Were you supposed to post after him and you jumped the gun?
Playing Yoda is not.
Try not.
Do or not do, there is no try.

Joe is right, post some thoughts on the players Yoda. If you are villager and get bandwagoned because you are fucking off I am going to shoot you after we lynch you. Let's hear it. Can the shtick. Who are your likely villagers, likely wolves?
this is a misread of my posts. i all along said that i would share my thoughts when i felt they would be helpful. now that we have over 200 posts and i am about to be out of pocket, i felt now is the most helpful time.

Actually it is a very accurate read. We explained to you that your actions were wolfish. We told you why waiting only benefited the wolves. Yet you continued to pretend that you were refusing to discuss because you thought it would help the village. Tell us... HOW do you think that would help the village?

Lynch Nom
Yea.....I kinda of suspect that of both him and El Padro.

Joda/El Pardo;

Neither one of you have provided any analysis and your schtick of not really saying anything useful is pretty wolfish behavior. Can you explain your behavior to us?

Give no information, I can, when gone and been gone for most of day, I have. Yeesssssss.
Which two would you choose to bandwagon right now?

Right now... Nom and Yoda...

If Nom is indeed a wolf, then I think Sam just screwed up. We could be wrong on Nom... he could just be the village idiot. But that would be my first choice right now. I think Moxy is a bad wagon for night one.

Padro needs to start posting and sharing info. Could be he is east coast and in the process of heading home...
Not to knock the Nom bandwagon, but I notice it was started by Miley, who's first post was to randomly vote for Moxey. That said, I think it is a reasonable wagon at this time.
Right now... Nom and Yoda...

If Nom is indeed a wolf, then I think Sam just screwed up. We could be wrong on Nom... he could just be the village idiot. But that would be my first choice right now. I think Moxy is a bad wagon for night one.

Padro needs to start posting and sharing info. Could be he is east coast and in the process of heading home...

I agree if Nom's a wolf Sam did himself no favors with those posts. Yoda is a tough one. We know how he plays. That is to say, not too good! But I moved him down and then back up when he came back on and is just avoiding posting any thoughts at all. So far at least. I could go with either of your picks. I put Moxy with Miley already and stated I would not vote for either of them today. Still have no good bead on Miley but he's a good player and I wouldn't vote to lynch unless he displayed actual wolfy behavior.
Right now... Nom and Yoda...

If Nom is indeed a wolf, then I think Sam just screwed up. We could be wrong on Nom... he could just be the village idiot. But that would be my first choice right now. I think Moxy is a bad wagon for night one.

Padro needs to start posting and sharing info. Could be he is east coast and in the process of heading home...
How do you think Sam just screwed up?