30 "American" Versions Of Foods That Gross Out Non-Americans

Very famous in the UK, so much so that true Cornish pasties can only be called that if made in Cornwall. By they way they are made in Michigan!


Michigan pasties are generally popular in the UP........from what I heard they came with the Cornish miners who immigrated to work in the copper and iron mines up there.......they would take them down in the mines for their lunch........
Michigan pasties are generally popular in the UP........from what I heard they came with the Cornish miners who immigrated to work in the copper and iron mines up there.......they would take them down in the mines for their lunch........

Cornish miners were mining tin, in truly hazardous conditions, often next to the sea and the danger of being drowned, they were tough buggers.
Have you tried one of those pasties?
Ok let’s keep in mind that there are traditional American foods the rest of the world fucks up;

Meatloaf. Something I thought was so simple to make that no one could screw it up. Traveling abroad has proven me wrong. They can and do fuck it up. They either grind the meat to fine, add to much bland fillers, mix it with ground pork so it’s swimming in grease or stuffing them with hard boiled eggs (worst meat loaf ever! Not a good combo).

Corn on the cob. What most countries call sweet corn we call hog feed. Never, ever had good sweet corn outside the US.

Hamburgers. Even when traveling abroad the only half assed decent burger you can get is at an American fast food joint. For a great burger made simple but right you gotta come back home.

Bacon. British and Canadian back bacon and Asian style roast pork belly are excellent but they just don’t hold a candle to the crisp, rich umami flavor of American smoked bacon.

Apple pie. There are a wonderful variety of apple pastries around the world and most are all horse and no cattle. That is too much pastry and not enough apples. So for the absolute best apple pastry American apple pie can’t be beat and it can’t be imitated.

BBQ. Lots of BBQ around the world in food markets and street food everywhere but they almost all have the same flaw. They don’t know how to smoke it low and slow. Best BBQ in the world is in the South East US bar none. Props to Puerto Rican’s and Filipinos. Lechon is almost as good but everyone else fucks BBQ up.
Oh yea...Italians love to bitch about how bad American pasta is. Well if they want to try the worst pasta in the world then try Filipino spaghetti. It’s made with banana ketchup, sugar, hot dogs saturated with red dye and served on mushy over cooked spaghetti. Gag!
Well, that was just a bunch of 3 year-old whiny front holes who get upset when the world doesn't conform to their ideas.

That read was a waste of time.