4 kids killed outside Atlanta.

Three variables found in all mass/school shootings: the shooter, the target, and the weapon

No way possible to know who the next shooter will be, today’s is a 14year old kid. America has too many potential targets, no way to protect them all. There is only one variable that is controllable, the gun that made it all possible

It is completely nuts not to address guns and especially the way to easy access to guns in America
Better mental healthcare and laws to support it would identify and treat kids, and adults, at risk of a mental breakdown. The problem is that mental healthcare always comes second, if not much lower in priority, than banning guns.

While mass shootings like today's are as spectacular as they are tragic, the more common story is teen suicide...which no one cares about unless they use a gun.

Almost ten years ago, Obama put Biden in charge of their "Cancer Moonshot". The results were stunning. Our nation, and the world, would benefit from such a program for mental health care.

Here’s the ultimate goal: To make a decade’s worth of advances in cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, in five years. Getting it done isn't just going to take the best and brightest across the medical, research, and data communities — but millions of Americans owning a stake of it.
Since the Cancer Moonshot was launched in 2016, remarkable progress and notable scientific accomplishments have been made. To date, NCI has supported over 70 programs and consortia and more than 250 research projects. That investment has led to many important insights tied to the Moonshot’s key research priorities.

Below are a few featured projects that highlight some of the progress that has been made to date, as a result of the Cancer Moonshot. Across all of these initiatives are the cross-cutting themes of reducing health disparities, increasing data sharing, and creating new collaborations and partnership

when politicians or precious items like diamonds or gold or cash are threatened, what does government do? when cops are in danger, what do they do?
They bring MORE GUNS in to it for protection. maybe they are just weak as well?
Maybe. I'm telling you you're weak for surrendering.
You are not a serious mind.

One way in and one way out without setting off alarms. Open your fucking ears jackass.

I understand the problem perfectly. Maniacs are shooting our unprotected kids. The fucking end. Stick your psycho babble up your ignorant ass. I don't care why they're doing it but just that we stop them.

I can't believe People like you are among us. Unbelievably stupid and think they are so smart.
You can't stop them without understanding their motivations. You should be sterilized and shot for being so fucking stupid.
Three variables found in all mass/school shootings: the shooter, the target, and the weapon

No way possible to know who the next shooter will be, today’s is a 14year old kid. America has too many potential targets, no way to protect them all. There is only one variable that is controllable, the gun that made it all possible

It is completely nuts not to address guns and especially the way to easy access to guns in America

The kid arrested was investigated last year over a threat to shoot up the school. So, yeah, it is possible to know, in many cases long beforehand.

The Left doesn't even want to control our borders, but they do want to force 5 year olds to take hormone therapies and sexually mutilate them due to some fad among the mentally ill, so we shouldn't really pay any attention to their raving idiocy on any topic. they don't have any solutions, just fashion and neurotic babbling.
The kid arrested was investigated last year over a threat to shoot up the school. So, yeah, it is possible to know, in many cases long beforehand.

The Left doesn't even want to control our borders, but they do want to force 5 year olds to take hormone therapies and sexually mutilate them due to some fad among the mentally ill, so we shouldn't really pay any attention to their raving idiocy on any topic. they don't have any solutions, just fashion and neurotic babbling.
The chaos is a feature not a bug.
Maybe people in the 50s and 60s weren't brainwashed with the lie that a gun can solve all problems.

Does that percentage mean there were more guns in circulation then than there are now?
Who has, and where is it taught (or "brainwashed" as you say) that a gun can solve all problems? I've never heard that one before.

I've said it before, it was far easier to get a gun in my younger days than it is today. Myself, I've owned guns since I was 12. The thought of randomly shooting other kids never crossed my mind., despite having 46 guns (many semi automatics) hanging on my bedroom walls
I doubt there are any statistics of population to guns in circulation back then. Everyone I knew who owned guns back then owned more (often many more) than just one gun. I would assume kids today are not taught what we were when we were young.
When we were 9 and 10 we would save up a buck, get our .22's walk to the local convenience store and buy a box of 50 rounds, then walk a couple of miles toward the lake and shoot cans and bottles. There were usually anywhere from 3 to 8 of us, and nobody looked at us twice then. Nobody ever got shot, even accidentally, nobody ever sniveled.

These days the same people who snivel about guns are fanatical about the fad of sexually mutilating children, de-sensitizing them to being raped by creepy old sexual deviants, i.e. insane sociopaths, feed the kids Ritalin and other dope, then act shocked when they do insane crap. And posting the Ten Commandments in a classroom is alleged to be extremist n stuff. lol
TROLL on...;) It never ever works though...
Top is right. Gun control is only 99% effective at preventing school shootings. It is not 100% effective. While America is the only first world country to have regular school shootings, other countries have school shootings too... Just that they are far more rare. Even in America, because of our keeping guns out of schools, we have far fewer school shootings than outside of school shootings.

There simply are no 100% answers, just 99% answers. And is 99% good enough? There will still be kids being shot, just far, far less of them.
Nobody ever got shot, even accidentally, nobody ever sniveled.
You understand there has never been a time in America that no one ever got shot? You might argue that before firearms no one would get shot, but that was before it was called America.
Just that they are far more rare. E

More like they never get reported, like how many women get stoned to death every week for knowing how to read and write, that sort of thing. Most 'journalists' never venture far from the hotels and bars, and most never visit villages.
You understand there has never been a time in America that no one ever got shot? You might argue that before firearms no one would get shot, but that was before it was called America.

Yes, you need to keep throwing out pointless statements to cover up you don't really know what you're talking about. You also have some bizarre idea the rest of the world is more peaceful than the U.S., which of course is rubbish. Most parts of the U.S. are pretty safe; we know which neighborhoods produce the most violence and crime.
It's not difficult to secure school entry...
All you need to do is chain lock all the fire doors. Yes, several times a year, entire schools will burn down with all their students in them... But thousands of children dying in a fire is a small price to pay for supporting reich wingnuts.
More like they never get reported, like how many women get stoned to death every week for knowing how to read and write, that sort of thing. Most 'journalists' never venture far from the hotels and bars, and most never visit villages.
You think a lot of people are getting stoned to death in first world countries, and it is never reported? Most first world countries have more journalists per capita than the USA. So why would British, Canadians, Japanese, Germans, French, etc. journalists leave their homes and check into hotels? Wouldn't their bars be near their homes or work, and also their schools? Have you ever been to London, Paris, Tokyo, etc.? I would not describe any of them as "villages."
All you need to do is chain lock all the fire doors. Yes, several times a year, entire schools will burn down with all their students in them... But thousands of children dying in a fire is a small price to pay for supporting reich wingnuts.
There's no need to chain lock doors...Just lock them so that entry from the outside isn't possible...If someone opens them accidentally, an alarm goes off... it's not rocket science...
Yes, you need to keep throwing out pointless statements to cover up you don't really know what you're talking about. You also have some bizarre idea the rest of the world is more peaceful than the U.S., which of course is rubbish. Most parts of the U.S. are pretty safe; we know which neighborhoods produce the most violence and crime.
America has a far higher murder rate than any other first world country. We are along the lines of a third world country. That is just reality.
Top is right. Gun control is only 99% effective at preventing school shootings. It is not 100% effective. While America is the only first world country to have regular school shootings, other countries have school shootings too... Just that they are far more rare. Even in America, because of our keeping guns out of schools, we have far fewer school shootings than outside of school shootings.

There simply are no 100% answers, just 99% answers. And is 99% good enough? There will still be kids being shot, just far, far less of them.
And it would not be 99% effective... We have gun control...and it's been patiently explained to you by others the many other issues that need to be addressed if we want less school shootings...less shootings period...
There's no need to chain lock doors...Just lock them so that entry from the outside isn't possible...If someone opens them accidentally, an alarm goes off... it's not rocket science...
OK, so someone on the inside, opens the door to get a gun, and then shoots up the school... Wow, we are right back to where we started.

Top started out by saying there are no simple solutions, and almost immediately shifted to there are nothing but simple solutions. It is amazing how quickly that happens with the alt right.