4 kids killed outside Atlanta.

Correct. The answer is to harden the schools and train the teachers. Ohio oddly enough is the epicenter for training teachers.
The alt right does not trust teachers to bring books to school, but does trust them to bring guns to school? There have been several school shootings by teachers, and would probably be more if you give them all guns.
ll check intoArm the teachers!

A teacher here in Palm Beach County had a mental break, went to the school and parked his motorcycle in the middle of the road, blocking traffic. Then he went to his classroom with his guns, because “ the bad guys were out to get him”. Thank God the voices in his head did not tell him the kids were out to get him.

Now imagine if we allow every teacher to carry a firearm.
Hopefully he got the help he needed...
I'll check into that story...
The alt right does not trust teachers to bring books to school, but does trust them to bring guns to school? There have been several school shootings by teachers, and would probably be more if you give them all guns.
Links? (We can brings books to school...just not inappropriate ones...;))
They have the shooter in custody...14 years old? but whoever did this is not mentally stable...There had to be red flags...
There had to be red flags that this 14 year old child should not have been given a military style gun... Like that he is a 14 year old child getting a military style gun... That alone should be a huge red flag.
There had to be red flags that this 14 year old child should not have been given a military style gun... Like that he is a 14 year old child getting a military style gun... That alone should be a huge red flag.
And I'm sure they are investigating...he was red flagged...by the FBI, I believe...at the age of 13..
And I'm sure they are investigating...he was red flagged...by the FBI, I believe...at the age of 13..
So you are saying that a 14 year old child should be allowed to bring a military style weapon to school, if they have not been investigated by the FBI? That being 14 years old is not enough of a red flag by itself to prevent possession of a military style weapon?
There have been plenty of cases of people shooting into schools, and killing people. Bullets can go through windows.

Another alt right "simple solution" that goes down in flames.
You said that there were school shootings by teachers...I asked for links. I know there are shootings outside of schools...
My car was hit by a random bullet in the school parking lot during a basketball game...that was neighborhood action, not some teacher randomly firing...
I don't a "simple solution" going down the drain...there isn't a single solution...there are many actions that can be taken...
So you are saying that a 14 year old child should be allowed to bring a military style weapon to school, if they have not been investigated by the FBI? That being 14 years old is not enough of a red flag by itself to prevent possession of a military style weapon?
No one gave him permission to bring a weapon to school...
The red flags were ignored, apparently...that is a major issue that needs to be addressed...and wasn't...
more percentage of people owned guns in the 1950s 60s and with a lower murder rate than today...u stupid fuck
The 1950's and 1960's had a slightly lower murder rate than today, but not much. Countries like Japan have a much lower murder rate than the USA.
Don't twist this tragedy for political purpose...you know...Don't let a good tragedy go to waste...
If you have children, work with your schools...If you don't have children, work with the community...
Make sure that people are responsible when red flags pop up...if you see something, say something...
Many people were aware of the situation with this very trouble young man...
You think a lot of people are getting stoned to death in first world countries, and it is never reported? Most first world countries have more journalists per capita than the USA. So why would British, Canadians, Japanese, Germans, French, etc. journalists leave their homes and check into hotels? Wouldn't their bars be near their homes or work, and also their schools? Have you ever been to London, Paris, Tokyo, etc.? I would not describe any of them as "villages."

lol now you think the world is all first world countries? No, you're just trying to deflect from your made up propaganda attempts is all.
America has a far higher murder rate than any other first world country. We are along the lines of a third world country. That is just reality.

Most part of the U.S. have less violence than most of Europe. We all know where that is and why, so you're just blowing yourself up with this juvenile attempt at deflection and fake news.
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Ok...i'll edit my post...It was still one mentally flawed teacher...years ago...a very isolated incident...

Population growth and increasing urbanization are also a factor, so comparing 70 years ago with today is also not valid, since there was a dominant cultural norm and of course it began fraying in the 1960's and has all but disappeared today, replaced by a pseudo-intellectual 'libertarianism' and affluenza. Rural people migrated to the factories during the World Wars and brought their populist values with them from the farms and small towns. Unfortunately they didn't transfer them to the following generations very well, only partly.
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