4 kids killed outside Atlanta.

Maybe. I'm telling you you're weak for surrendering.

You can't stop them without understanding their motivations. You should be sterilized and shot for being so fucking stupid.
You aren't going to talk them out of it at this point in society's decay. It's generational now. What the fuck is wrong with your logic tree?

It makes zero difference what they are motivated by. You and I both know the answers to this and that nothing is on course to change it for the better in this broken society. So what are we going to do just sit around and hope they will get better while leaving our kids in soft target zones?

You mock the airplane door analogy but it's spot on. Make them safe first, then worry about why some idiot would want to shoot them.

Why is this so hard for your brain to digest? Is it really possible for a human to be this irrational and illogical? No doubt you're voting for the filthy whore and her soy boy.
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I rest my case once again...;)

hire military veteran parents and arm them inside the schools as well as the outside perimeter.
Oh good, the old "we need more guns" solution. I guess schools don't look enough like prisons now. And where do you suppose the funds to hire these people will come from? It's hard enough to get voters to pass bond issues and other funding for education as it is.
White Americans have twice the murder rate as any developed country (with the obvious exception of the USA).

Only if you cherry pick some country like Japan, which has no black or hispanic populations worth mentioning, and you count latinos as 'whites', and ignore the violence of blacks on whites and latinos on whites, i.e. really work hard to fudge the numbers, then also ignore the increase in violence on European countries and massage their data. In other words, lie a lot.
Only if you cherry pick some country like Japan, which has no black or hispanic populations worth mentioning, and you count latinos as 'whites', and ignore the violence of blacks on whites and latinos on whites, i.e. really work hard to fudge the numbers, then also ignore the increase in violence on European countries and massage their data. In other words, lie a lot.
It is not cherry picking. White Americans have twice the murder rate of any other developed country. There is no cherry picking that. It is all of them.

Whites are generally not counted as non-hispanic whites, which is what we are talking about. Countries like Spain have huge numbers of Hispanics. Countries like Canada have more immigrants per capita than the USA. Countries like France have huge Black populations.
Oh good, the old "we need more guns" solution. I guess schools don't look enough like prisons now. And where do you suppose the funds to hire these people will come from? It's hard enough to get voters to pass bond issues and other funding for education as it is.
You White Libs need to stop doing this ...

Oh good, the old "we need more guns" solution. I guess schools don't look enough like prisons now. And where do you suppose the funds to hire these people will come from? It's hard enough to get voters to pass bond issues and other funding for education as it is.
why is it so much easier for you to accept more money to protect government and politicians, but you can't fathom how to come up with extra money to protect our children?
Arm the teachers!

A teacher here in Palm Beach County had a mental break, went to the school and parked his motorcycle in the middle of the road, blocking traffic. Then he went to his classroom with his guns, because “ the bad guys were out to get him”. Thank God the voices in his head did not tell him the kids were out to get him.

Now imagine if we allow every teacher to carry a firearm.
Guns in every classroom just makes it easier for a troubled, bullied student to find a firearm to take revenge with.
Some people simply cannot let a good tragedy go to waste... It's a blessing not to be them...
so those plenty of others not voting for school funding means we should abandon protecting our children? or should we just blame them?
I'm pointing out to you that your solution of arming people and paying them to guard the schools is not feasible because schools already lack funding that taxpayers won't approve. Try another solution. No doubt we could possibly find volunteers to do the job, but the liability issues with insurers would be a problem. So would volunteers who cut and run when the bullets start flying. You mentioned Uvalde in another post.