4 kids killed outside Atlanta.

A half a million kids were in schools that had shootings. They will not be so cavalier about gun violence. They will not blindly follow the NRA and gun manufacturers.
How many are not so cavalier about teen suicide? Which is the greater danger and why doesn't anyone give a shit about it?

Compare the number of anti-gun threads started by Democrat voters to the number of teen suicide threads. It's really sad.

U.S. rates of suicide by all methods rose steadily for adolescents between 1999 and 2020, a new analysis shows.
During those two decades, over 47,000 Americans between the ages 10 and 19 lost their lives to suicide, the report found, and there have been sharp increases year by year.

Girls and minority adolescents have charted especially steep increases in suicides, said a team led by Cameron Ormiston, of the U.S. National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities....

...For example, while deaths from drug (or other substance) overdose rose by 2.7% per year between 1999 and 2020 among all adolescents, it rose by 4.5% per year among girls, specifically.

That trend has only accelerated in recent years: Between 2011 and 2020, suicides by overdose jumped 12.6% per year among female adolescents, Ormiston's group reported.

All of this suggests that "adolescents are finding more lethal means of poisonings, contributing to an increase in deaths by suicide," they said.
And while suicides using guns rose 5.3% per year during 1999 to 2020 among boys, it increased even more rapidly (7.8% per year) among girls.
Although older teen boys have traditionally had higher suicide rates than girls, "recent evidence suggests these gaps may be closing as suicide rates are increasing more rapidly among female adolescents than male adolescents," the researchers said.

However, it was among minority kids that the most dramatic, troubling increases were seen.

For example, between 2012 and 2020, suicide deaths using firearms jumped 14.5% per year among Black adolescents, with similar trends noted among Hispanic, American Indian/Alaska Native and Asian American adolescents, the study found.

Why do you encourage mass killings? Why do you prevent law abiding citizens from defending themselves before violent criminals? Why do you insist that children be compulsorily congregated into deflenselessness zones to be most efficiently murdered?

You're a sick fuck.
It worked for the Viet Cong and Taliban. :)

Why do you think the Federal government would nuke a US city?

If Trump becomes President, declares martial law, suspends both Congress and the Constitution and banned all civilian firearms, would you support the idea because banning guns is good?

No, I wouldn't.
Tell us why our rifles will be needed to stop tanks, aircraft carriers, and nuclear weapons, and from who?
Why don't you read back through the thread and try to follow it this time? One of your fellow MAGA morons suggested that civilians need guns to protect themselves from the federal government. If the federal government wanted to stamp out the civilian population, it could do it overnight.
Cracka pleez, the sexes are completely different. No surgery can change that.

You freak out over fuckin' pronouns. OMG :palm:
Genders are different, yes. Round of applause for the brainless chihuahua. That doesn't change the fact that men and women both live in the same world. You fucking moron.
[delusional denial omitted]
Every shooting you listed occurred ... you guessed it ... in a leftist-mandated defenselessness zone, designed solely by leftists and their dogma of death. Leftists, such as you, are proud of all the children you get massacred; you plaster the internet with each and every one to rub your achievement in everyone's face.

Face it, you're the sickest type of fuck there is. You pursue legislation specifically to render children completely unprotected where they congregate. You HATE humanity so much that you bitterly ramrod legislation through that gets children killed. You consider it a bonus if adults are also killed in the fray.

You are the sickest fuck. You own every mass shooting that occurs in a defenselessness zone. Oh, guess what, that's every single one of them.

You own every single one of them.
What I want is for us to have a country that you don't fucking need armed guards at schools, churches, grocery stores, theaters, etc
Are you omnipotent? Can you make the country where no law abiding citizen needs to defend himself, just by wanting it to be that way?

I just want to know if perhaps the problem is that you are suffering from a delusion by which you are convinced that you have special magical superpowers.

We've got more guns per capita than just about any other nation on earth.
Totally irrelevant to anything.

Let's say I start piling up (unloaded) firearms of all sorts. How many firearms will I need in the pile for a mass shooting to occur in Wisconsin? Does it work like voodoo?

I just want to know if perhaps the problem is that you are suffering from a delusion by which inanimate objects with magical evil superpowers are causing law abiding citizens to somehow be responsible for the murders committed by violent criminals. Wait! Does this have something to do with greenhouse gases destroying the planet by draining the life out of coral reefs and channeling it through Climate ground zero? I think I read something about that. Yeah, guns are responsible. I totally get it.

Why is this the only place this happens with this kind of regularity?
Apply just a modicum of critical reasoning and the answer will come to you in an instant.

Hint: Every single school shooting occurs in a leftist-mandated defenselessness zone. Every single one.
Hint: This NEVER occurs in a cop bar. Never.

Leftists own every single shot school child.

... and by the way, this happens far more regularly in Gaza than in the US. Far more.

We've tried your solution of "more guns". It isn't working.
Nope. Leftists have NEVER tried allowing law-abiding citizens to defend themselves. Leftists have only tried enforcing complete defenselessness. It's as if leftists lust for more and more shootings. As you pointed out, there are plenty of firearms with which law-abiding citizens could protect themselves if it weren't for leftists gleefully outlawing all manners of self-defense.

Leftists create defenselessness zones, people die, and leftists rush to build on their success.

Let's try something new, shall we?
Thank you. Yes. Let's.

Allow law abiding citizens to defend themselves. If anyone dies, it will be the violent criminals.
Why avoid discussing guns and regulations regarding them?
You are the one who avoids such discussion. You are a coward who likes children dying. You support the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime. You support children being huddled in defenselessness zones. You suck as a person.

I don't mind discussing why we should be removing the regulations on firearms that are completely unconstitutional because they infringe on the rights of the people to keep and bear arms. I don't mind discussing why our children should be schooled in completely defended zones, not in your ideal defenselessness zones. I don't mind discussing why we should be empowering law-abiding citizens to defend themselves wherever they go.

So bring on the discussion. Why avoid discussing your indefensible positions?

How many are not so cavalier about teen suicide? Which is the greater danger and why doesn't anyone give a shit about it?

Compare the number of anti-gun threads started by Democrat voters to the number of teen suicide threads. It's really sad.

U.S. rates of suicide by all methods rose steadily for adolescents between 1999 and 2020, a new analysis shows.
During those two decades, over 47,000 Americans between the ages 10 and 19 lost their lives to suicide, the report found, and there have been sharp increases year by year.

Girls and minority adolescents have charted especially steep increases in suicides, said a team led by Cameron Ormiston, of the U.S. National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities....

...For example, while deaths from drug (or other substance) overdose rose by 2.7% per year between 1999 and 2020 among all adolescents, it rose by 4.5% per year among girls, specifically.

That trend has only accelerated in recent years: Between 2011 and 2020, suicides by overdose jumped 12.6% per year among female adolescents, Ormiston's group reported.

All of this suggests that "adolescents are finding more lethal means of poisonings, contributing to an increase in deaths by suicide," they said.
And while suicides using guns rose 5.3% per year during 1999 to 2020 among boys, it increased even more rapidly (7.8% per year) among girls.
Although older teen boys have traditionally had higher suicide rates than girls, "recent evidence suggests these gaps may be closing as suicide rates are increasing more rapidly among female adolescents than male adolescents," the researchers said.

However, it was among minority kids that the most dramatic, troubling increases were seen.

For example, between 2012 and 2020, suicide deaths using firearms jumped 14.5% per year among Black adolescents, with similar trends noted among Hispanic, American Indian/Alaska Native and Asian American adolescents, the study found.

What a strange post. Kids are sitting in a class and a crazed person with a gun is running around shooting and they can hear the shots and screams. It is not the same thing as a kid committing suicide, not close.
That is not the same as kids sitting in terror during an experience as an active shooter is blowing kids apart.