538 now projects Trump winner of 2024 election

Four states exploited the COVID-19 pandemic to justify ignoring federal and state election laws and unlawfully enacting last-minute changes. The CONSTITUTION which Democrats ignore says ONLY the State legislature has the right to make election law. So I stand by my statement that Democrats bent election laws to get Biden elected.
Were they?

Guarantee if they could see the way national elections with the electoral college are done they wouldn’t approve, their intent has been bastardized by politicians ever since with bogus arguements and interpretations of Article II
They were smart enough to give us the greatest company on Earth. They just didn't see why morons like you would try to destroy it.
You are a Lawyer that lies for a living. I'm not surprised that you think a single judge could change the law that the entire state legislature made and were given the sole authority by the US Constitution to make. State judges do not have the constitutional authority to change state election laws.
They may well have been. But one thing they were not...conservatives of that time.

My guess: They wouldn't piss on Trump or one of the MAGA morons if they saw one of them on fire.
I believe that they would look at the politicians, and base voters, of both parties and shake their heads thinking 'what a waste of effort'
Were they?

Guarantee if they could see the way national elections with the electoral college are done they wouldn’t approve, their intent has been bastardized by politicians ever since with bogus arguements and interpretations of Article II
can you explain that 'guarantee'????? what, exactly, wouldn't they approve of?
They were. Do you think they were wrong when they gave the state legislatures the sole authority to make election laws.
I don't think that this is the way to look at it, in a federalism style that is. the ONLY power that the federal government has over state election laws is to guarantee that they are a republican form of government.
You are a Lawyer that lies for a living. I'm not surprised that you think a single judge could change the law that the entire state legislature made and were given the sole authority by the US Constitution to make. State judges do not have the constitutional authority to change state election laws.
1) That did not happen.
2) If a lawyer is caught lying in court he would get disbarred.
Irrelevant. Every president in America history has won the electoral college vote. It's time you to get the hell over it chum.
Relevant or not its a fact. Trump was a minority president who did not get reelected.
Relevant or not its a fact. Trump was a minority president who did not get reelected.
I agree it is a fact that every president in US history has won the electoral college vote. I love agreement. Dont you feel warm all over? I mean apart from when you piss yourself.
Trump is ahead "by the skin of his teeth" at 538 - 52 chances out of 100 to Biden's 48 chances. In 2020, 538 had Biden winning by considerably
larger margins not only at this early stage but all through the summer and up to election day. This thread is typical of semi-intelligent Trumpers believing what they want to believe.