A church congregation cheered as Lauren Boebert said she prays for Joe Biden's demise

keeps proving atheists haven't got a clue about Christian doctrine.....they think it means being a nice boy and respecting the ignorant.....

No one said that. You're having an argument with yourself and completely inventing your individual reality -- as always. What do you think a Christian is?
keeps proving atheists haven't got a clue about Christian doctrine.....they think it means being a nice boy and respecting the ignorant.....

How am I doing that, Pmp? Or are you just lying again as a minion of Satan spreading hate and lies?

First, while many atheists I've met online are a bit assholish, they often know more about Christianity than haters who claim to be Christians.

Second, I've never met an atheist who thinks being a Christian means "being a nice boy and respecting the ignorant" but I've met a few self-avowed Christians who think being hateful and respecting no person they dislike is being a Christian. Many of the latter turn out to be abusive liars. Lip-service Christians at best while secretly serving the Dark Lord.

Why do you hate Jesus, Pmp? Too much peace, love, dove coming from him for your violent, hateful tastes?


FBI? Hello? Bueller?

That's just sick.
The imprecatory psalm in question has always amused me because it shows just how prayer is no different than a witch/wiccan/pagan/Egyptian/Norseman/Etc. casting a spell or calling down a curse.

You are absolutely right. There is little difference, other than pagans tend to respect the power of prayer/spell, and understand that what you send out comes back to you whether that is positive or negative. "Christians" like GED Boebert, on the other hand, think nothing of using prayer to harm others.

Sad, but true.

Have you ever seen a Trumpian "Christian" ever post "love thy neighbor"? "Turn the other cheek"? They're all haters who seek to rule with iron fists and kill anyone who gets in their way.

Fortunately, there's plenty of FBI informants and girlfriends to turn these dumbfucks over to law enforcement when they cross the line.

FWIW, I especially love the girlfriends and ex-wives angle. Notice how most of these dumbfucks are also misogynists along with being racist fuckwads?
Sad, but true.

Have you ever seen a Trumpian "Christian" ever post "love thy neighbor"? "Turn the other cheek"? They're all haters who seek to rule with iron fists and kill anyone who gets in their way.

Fortunately, there's plenty of FBI informants and girlfriends to turn these dumbfucks over to law enforcement when they cross the line.

FWIW, I especially love the girlfriends and ex-wives angle. Notice how most of these dumbfucks are also misogynists along with being racist fuckwads?

Nope, the religious right are nothing but opportunists. They'll latch onto anyone they think can help them turn us into a "Handmaid's Tale" nation. twump was the least righteous man that's ever entered the presidency (except for the guy after Grant) and look how they all genuflected to him!

Biden's much more kind and presidential, but since Biden supports the right to choose and supports gay rights, he's "satan" to the bible-thumpers.
Nope, the religious right are nothing but opportunists. They'll latch onto anyone they think can help them turn us into a "Handmaid's Tale" nation. twump was the least righteous man that's ever entered the presidency (except for the guy after Grant) and look how they all genuflected to him!

Biden's much more kind and presidential, but since Biden supports the right to choose and supports gay rights, he's "satan" to the bible-thumpers.

All of which points out the nuttiness of American politics these days.
Dear Universe and JesusBuddha, hear my prayer.

please remove all demonic attachments collected through the karmic cycles of all souls reading this prayer, and especially Diesel's. he's hurting right now.

and beam universal love rays into their hearts at all times.
