A fathers rights

I would never drag anyone into the Fowlnoxious battle. I didn't mention it. You brought it up. Don't and it's no problem, right? Not sure why you even mentioned it, AAMOF...:)

I brought it up because she's the only one you've condemned for using the word. You've already thanked other posters who use it.
I know what referral means...just wondering why the latest referrals here are all posters immediately banned...Just looking out for those who "refer"...:)What if your name showed up as a referral for one of the banned? And you knew nothing about it?

Then you should take your question to a mod. Like I would do if I saw my name in a referral.
I brought it up because she's the only one you've condemned for using the word. You've already thanked other posters who use it.
I only condemned her because she used it about me. Does that sound the tad bit familiar? I never saw you say a word to her when she used it Multiple times in reference to me...
Then you should take your question to a mod. Like I would do if I saw my name in a referral.
Before we do that, I just wanted to be sure that a poster wouldn't be able to refer without permission. So, exactly what will be done?
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Yes. Any existing JPP member can be listed by a new registrant as their referrer.

Seriously, are you really upset by this?
Only if the person listed wasn't aware of their "referral"... I find it odd to just list a random person...what if they didn't want their name listed?
I don't feel that I have right to judge other cultures. I don't pretend to be a feminist, and I don't claim to be fighting oppression of women.

So you're only bringing it up to criticize liberal women. As if I didn't already know.

That's not what I wrote, and you know it. I was quoting Y O U, Princess Privilege.

Your assertion that the pink pussy hat posse's women's marches aren't "about Trump" is laughable.

When American women do something substantively to support women's rights I won't need to define it. It will speak for itself.

Where did I claim the pink pussy marches weren't about trump? You brought trump into the discussion as a dodge, although why you would refer to someone who doesn't give a rat's ass about Muslim women is beyond me.

I'm asking Y O U to define it what American women do that's substantive because I want Y O U R opinion. Your waffling is telling, though.

I used that speech for a reason. She has been running her mouth about championing women for almost a quarter of a century. What results has she achieved?

What results have any women achieved? Perhaps you should google it. You know as well as I do that it's not about just one woman.

Hillary burned up lots of jet fuel criss-crossing the globe yapping about women's rights as SoS. I seem to recall that you actually thought her frequent flying was an accomplishment. :D

What did she do for women?

What exactly do you want? You bitch that feminists don't do enough and you bitch that Hillary criss-crossed the globe and didn't accomplish anything.

I'll understand if you dodge and bring up Trump instead of replying honestly.

You brought him into this. That was a mistake.

Spell it out, sister. What have American feminists done? Include yourself, if you dare. You were desperately looking for something, anything, to assuage your guilt. Obviously, you found nothing.

:rofl2: Projecting? I have no guilt whatsoever. I'm amused that you think I do.

That's the whole point. You aren't part of the solution. You aren't even on oppressed women's radar, apparently. That's how little your pathetic women's marches and pink pussy hats mean to women who are in real danger. They don't expect anything from you, I suppose, because you've never done anything for them. Have you?

^ And you know this how? I would bet the farm that no matter what I told you I did and do, you'd find fault with it. That you have to blame American feminists for the cultural problems in the ME tells me this isn't about those women. It's about you grinding an anti-feminist axe. You haven't said a word about the men who keep those women down. I understand, it's a trump stance too and you're a good little soldier in his misogynistic army.

If I'd said that "ME women are blaming us, and not their paternalistic, dictatorial menfolk for their problems", you'd have a point. Since I didn't, you don't.

I'm glad you admitted that ME women aren't mentioning or blaming American feminists for their problems. It just solidifies my opinion that you don't care about them either and you just want to trash feminists.
Before we do that, I just wanted to be sure that a poster wouldn't be able to refer without permission. So, exactly what will be done?

I have no idea if anybody was referred without permission but apparently you do. So you'll have to ask a mod.
So you're only bringing it up to criticize liberal women. As if I didn't already know.

If you knew, why'd you ask?

Where did I claim the pink pussy marches weren't about trump?


This is not about trump but your effort to move the goalposts is noted.

You brought trump into the discussion as a dodge, although why you would refer to someone who doesn't give a rat's ass about Muslim women is beyond me.

Fallacious assumption. It's a pity you didn't get a Jesuit education.

I'm asking Y O U to define it what American women do that's substantive because I want Y O U R opinion. Your waffling is telling, though.

My opinion is irrelevant, for the reasons already cited. Do you have a man handy to mansplain it for you?

What results have any women achieved? Perhaps you should google it. You know as well as I do that it's not about just one woman.

So you have nothing. Your waffling is telling. :D

What exactly do you want? You bitch that feminists don't do enough and you bitch that Hillary criss-crossed the globe and didn't accomplish anything.

I pointed out the facts. Glad you see her for what she is - ineffective.

You brought him into this. That was a mistake.

Are you drunk?

Projecting? I have no guilt whatsoever. I'm amused that you think I do.

So you say.

And you know this how? I would bet the farm that no matter what I told you I did and do, you'd find fault with it. That you have to blame American feminists for the cultural problems in the ME tells me this isn't about those women. It's about you grinding an anti-feminist axe. You haven't said a word about the men who keep those women down. I understand, it's a trump stance too and you're a good little soldier in his misogynistic army.

I blame nobody, except Muslims who practice Islam, and I say plenty about them and their religion as it impacts our country and others in the West. I don't want their culture to spread here. You do, don't you? Ask yourself if that's wise.

I'm glad you admitted that ME women aren't mentioning or blaming American feminists for their problems. It just solidifies my opinion that you don't care about them either and you just want to trash feminists.

In order to 'admit it' I would have to have previously denied it. I didn't. I don't want Muslims to export their Islamic values to our country. Do you?