A fathers rights

so your claim is we should just accept inequality for ourselves until the rest of the world is free?

fuck you

you will give us equality NOW
We have equality. What is it that you (the femlibchicks) somehow missed out on?
We have equality. What is it that you (the femlibchicks) somehow missed out on?

you got a mouse in your pocket?

you don't speak for all women idiot

its a votey thing herein the USA

why do you want all women to settle for less because you like less?

because your an idiot

when the rest of us secure our equality you can still be happy with less

that is no skin off our asses

stay stupid

no one will stop you
Don't like it here evince, try living in a Muslim country then come back and tell us how bad it is here for women! :fu:
you are tired about hearing about the rights of other Americans?

yeah some Americans are sociopathic fucks that hate thinking of others

You cant take running an ADULT country

you want EVERYTHING simple

that aint real life idiot
You wrote "nations where Islamic law subjugates women and prohibits abortion..." Do you consider those nations modern and forward-thinking, yes or no?

I'm not the one who mentioned "backward" countries. That was Y O U. Apparently you feel capable of personally pronouncing sentence on other cultures. Check your privilege.

Define "in any substantive way."

If you don't know what "substantive" means, look it up. I notice that Trump is still POTUS despite a plethora of pathetic pink pussy posse protests. Does that help you understand?

You wrote "there's no way to know what actions someone like us has or hasn't taken"[/I] which translates to you not knowing whether I did or did not put on a pink pussy hat, etc.

Exactly. I suspect you haven't even done that.

Where do you get the idea that it's up to Hillary and American women to take on the paternalistic cultures in other countries?

Hillary seems to think it's her right and responsibility, and vagina-worshiping dutiful drones beatifically buzzed in bounteous bliss and proclaimed her strident speechifying a "qualification" for the highest office in the land.

Just one example:

Not a single case of rape, genital mutilation or any other oppression of women has been prevented by her grandiose grandmotherly garrulousness, as far as I know.

The idea that you got your hands dirty fighting the paternalistic cultures in other countries makes me :rofl2:

Laugh away. You have no way of knowing what I do, what I've done, or what I am doing, and no way of finding out.

You have to live with the knowledge of what you haven't done, not I.
Poor Fowlnoxious...have you ever seen such obesesion?
Stone Ox aka Jade Jr. should start a poll...:)

Hahaha, that's hilarious -- coming from the toxic twat who hasn't managed a single day here w/o mentioning me at least once.

The number 79 is interesting, eh? lol
Don't like it here evince, try living in a Muslim country then come back and tell us how bad it is here for women! :fu:

Apparently Christiefan's article on the previous page was too long and hard for you to read. It referenced this ^ exact thing. Trying to convince a group of people that things aren't all *that* bad because people over in ____ got it so much worse isn't working. Never has, never will. Is that what being "conservative" means now -- settling for less than the best because striving is too difficult?
Yes, look:

Then Obama dismissed ISIS as the "JV".

Hopefully now women will not be subjugated to sex slavery and oppression at the hands of Muslim men - no thanks to your ilk.

how many women and children are DEAD because we got lied into Iraq
Poor Fowlnoxious...still counting...lol...and the only one admiring her own handiwork...
Such unwavering obsession and dedication...and for what? Not a thing:)
how many women and children are DEAD because we got lied into Iraq

Plenty were killed, baby-threatener, but who lied? Saddam was a brutal dictator who oppressed his own people.

People die in war. Didn't you say people should stand up for themselves? Plenty of women have been killed fighting ISIS, as a matter of fact.