A fathers rights


Few feminists dare criticise Islam. To see why, look at the ones who do

Over the weekend, a Muslim conference held near Paris was interrupted when two Femen activists stormed the stage during a talk given by two fundamentalist preachers. The focus of the talk was on the role of women in Islam and, according to Inna Shevchenko – Femen’s founder member – they were discussing why husbands should not beat their wives. The topless activists were then forcibly removed from the stage and kicked aggressively by a number of the event organisers. Irony doesn’t even cover it.

It’s easy to dismiss this as yet more bare-breasted attention seeking from Femen protesters, and in a way, it is. But you can’t doubt that they often get their targets right. Back in Ukraine in 2008, Femen activists fought against sex tourism. They have also staged protests against female genital mutilation. Now, they are taking the fight to radical Islam.

According to Femen’s own statement on their website, the two activists were from Muslim backgrounds, one of Tunisian and the other of Algerian origin. They jumped onto the stage, screaming ‘no one makes me submit, no one can possess me, I am my own prophet’ and had a similar slogan written across their chests. Femen claim that the activists were protesting against violence against women, which they see as widespread in some Muslim communities.

Following the incident, the conference organisers urged fellow Muslims to ‘stand together’ and attend the final day of the event on Sunday, claiming that they were ‘the victim of an anti-Muslim media frenzy’. What’s interesting is that those involved in the conference have avoided defending their position on a woman’s role in the family and society at large. Yet Nader Abou Anas, one of the preachers, openly promotes marital subjugation. I suppose it’s easier to play the victim than defend your beliefs when confronted by the world’s media. The conference organisers now see themselves as victims, so it probably won’t be long until we hear that Femen and its two activists are racist and ‘Islamophobic’.

Criticising Islamic attitudes to women increasingly comes under the remit of ‘hate speech’, as the Danish Iranian artist Firoozeh Bazrafkan found. In 2013, she was found guilty of violating anti-racism legislation and handed a 5,000 kroner fine for a blog post she wrote that was critical of Islamic misogyny. In an interview with the Copenhagen Post, she argued that Danish anti-racism legislation should not apply to a critique of religion. ‘I wrote it as an artistic manifesto to show that we cannot say what we want [in Denmark] and we cannot criticise Islamic regimes. As a Danish Iranian, I know what a big problem Islamic regimes are in both Iran and the Middle East. These Islamic codes give men the rights to do whatever they want to women and children and I think it’s disgusting. They also prevent people in Iran from discussing and saying what they want. This is what I wanted to criticise.’

Feminism’s fight against certain strands of Islam is not for the faint-hearted. In March, Nick Cohen discussed in The Spectator l how Sweden’s feminist foreign minister had dared to tell the truth about Saudi Arabia and its subjugation of women:

‘A small Scandinavian nation faces sanctions, accusations of Islamophobia and maybe worse to come, and everyone stays silent. As so often, the scandal is that there isn’t a scandal. The non-affair shows us that the rights of women always come last.’

Following their protest, the Femen activists have been subjected to calls on Twitter for them to be stoned and collectively raped. They have also been accused of only representing ‘white feminism’ despite the two activists being themselves from Muslim backgrounds. You may dismiss Femen’s tactics, you may call it ‘attention seeking’, but they fight for women’s rights in a way many would never dare. I wish other feminists were as outspoken and unapologetic in calling out genuine misogyny.


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Reciprocity isn't a given.

If these faux-fierce feminists were serious about fighting for women's rights, they'd be killing Muslims like their sisters in the Middle East are.

They aren't. So we know the depth of their "commitment'.

There is a lot that can be done in the US.

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they cant be Americans

no American would want their daughter to be forced to have sex to feed her family
Apparently Christiefan's article on the previous page was too long and hard for you to read. It referenced this ^ exact thing. Trying to convince a group of people that things aren't all *that* bad because people over in ____ got it so much worse isn't working. Never has, never will. Is that what being "conservative" means now -- settling for less than the best because striving is too difficult?

First off If I wanted to read a book I would get one from the library. Second I rarely read anything that twit Christiefan posts and Third how do women have it so bad in this country? You are equals in all things about the only thing you can legitimately bitch about is that women do earn less than men for the same type work. But by the same token the average woman takes more sick time than their male counterparts. So before you bitch try putting yourself in a Muslim woman's shoes in the ME not here then tell us how bad you have it!
All I see in the USA is protests against Trump. Nobody is being prevented form protesting here, are they?

Has the pink pussy hat posse demanded to know what happened to this brave woman?

She was probably tortured and raped in prison, that's the Islamic way.

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I'm not the one who mentioned "backward" countries. That was Y O U. Apparently you feel capable of personally pronouncing sentence on other cultures. Check your privilege.

Let me rephrase the question. Do you consider nations where Islamic law subjugates women and prohibits abortion modern and forward-thinking, yes or no? I'm asking Y O U.

If you don't know what "substantive" means, look it up. I notice that Trump is still POTUS despite a plethora of pathetic pink pussy posse protests. Does that help you understand?

:rolleyes: You wrote "I doubt that "American women support and contribute toward women's rights in backward countries" in any substantive way." Explain exactly what you want women to do substantively. This is not about trump but your effort to move the goalposts is noted.

Exactly. I suspect you haven't even done that.

Suspect away. That and a couple of bucks will get you an overpriced cup of bad coffee at Starbucks.

Hillary seems to think it's her right and responsibility, and vagina-worshiping dutiful drones beatifically buzzed in bounteous bliss and proclaimed her strident speechifying a "qualification" for the highest office in the land.

Just one example:
Not a single case of rape, genital mutilation or any other oppression of women has been prevented by her grandiose grandmotherly garrulousness, as far as I know.

It's laughable that you would use a 22+ year's-old video of Hillary as evidence. Surely you can do better than that. Twenty-two plus years ago your messiah trump was a Democrat, a racist real estate developer, and married to his 2nd wife after cheating on the first. Now he's a Republican, a racist real estate developer, and married to his 3rd wife after cheating on the second.

Laugh away. You have no way of knowing what I do, what I've done, or what I am doing, and no way of finding out.

Nor do you know what every American feminist does or has done. It goes both ways.

Btw, earlier I was searching for articles about Saudi women criticizing American women for not doing enough on their behalf. I found nothing. Perhaps you can cite some legitimate articles showing that ME women are blaming us, and not their paternalistic, dictatorial menfolk for their problems.
When it "pops up"? How disingenuous. It doesn't pop up, you see it when you go to a poster's About Me and page.
And it popped up. What's disingenuous? So, do you know what it means?
Don't you ever look when someone is banned? Almost immediately?
Those "femlibchicks" are the ones who fought for what equality we have and that you and all of us are benefiting from.
We do have equality, though, don't we? And it's not because of the femlibchicks...The women who fought for the rights we have would be embarrassed by what's posted by the FLC around here...especially the ones who use such filthy language and that word you hate, when referring to other women. Right?
And it popped up. What's disingenuous? So, do you know what it means?
Don't you ever look when someone is banned? Almost immediately?

No I don't. Someone's About Me page isn't going to explain why they were banned.

You left out the part where you went to the poster's account to try and find out about the banning.

adjective: disingenuous
not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.
No I don't. Someone's About Me page isn't going to explain why they were banned.

You left out the part where you went to the poster's account to try and find out about the banning.

adjective: disingenuous
not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.[/

I didn't go to the page to find our why they were banned. I simply asked what the referral was all about...
They were banned too fast for me to do that...lol So, you have no answer as to what it is either? No problem.
I knew whose account it was, btw... That didn't take any checking....anywhere...
We do have equality, though, don't we? And it's not because of the femlibchicks...The women who fought for the rights we have would be embarrassed by what's posted by the FLC around here...especially the ones who use such filthy language and that word you hate, when referring to other women. Right?

You think conservative women like the late Phyllis Schlafly contributed to that equality? Dear hypocritical Phyllis who lived the feminist life she warned other women against?

Your attempt to drag me into your fight with Owl is noted. Please stick to the topic without making it personal.
I didn't go to the page to find our why they were banned. I simply asked what the referral was all about...
They were banned too fast for me to do that...lol So, you have no answer as to what it is either? No problem.
I knew whose account it was, btw... That didn't take any checking....anywhere...

I find it hard to believe that someone who's been around message boards for a number of years doesn't know what referral means.
You think conservative women like the late Phyllis Schlafly contributed to that equality? Dear hypocritical Phyllis who lived the feminist life she warned other women against?

Your attempt to drag me into your fight with Owl is noted. Please stick to the topic without making it personal.
I would never drag anyone into the Fowlnoxious battle. I didn't mention it. You brought it up. Don't and it's no problem, right? Not sure why you even mentioned it, AAMOF...:)
Let me rephrase the question. Do you consider nations where Islamic law subjugates women and prohibits abortion modern and forward-thinking, yes or no? I'm asking Y O U.

I don't feel that I have right to judge other cultures. I don't pretend to be a feminist, and I don't claim to be fighting oppression of women.

You wrote "I doubt that "American women support and contribute toward women's rights in backward countries" in any substantive way." Explain exactly what you want women to do substantively. This is not about trump but your effort to move the goalposts is noted.

That's not what I wrote, and you know it. I was quoting Y O U, Princess Privilege.

Your assertion that the pink pussy hat posse's women's marches aren't "about Trump" is laughable.

When American women do something substantively to support women's rights I won't need to define it. It will speak for itself.

It's laughable that you would use a 22+ year's-old video of Hillary as evidence. Surely you can do better than that. Twenty-two plus years ago your messiah trump was a Democrat, a racist real estate developer, and married to his 2nd wife after cheating on the first. Now he's a Republican, a racist real estate developer, and married to his 3rd wife after cheating on the second.

I used that speech for a reason. She has been running her mouth about championing women for almost a quarter of a century. What results has she achieved?

Hillary burned up lots of jet fuel criss-crossing the globe yapping about women's rights as SoS. I seem to recall that you actually thought her frequent flying was an accomplishment. :D

What did she do for women?

I'll understand if you dodge and bring up Trump instead of replying honestly.


Nor do you know what every American feminist does or has done.

Spell it out, sister. What have American feminists done? Include yourself, if you dare.

Btw, earlier I was searching for articles about Saudi women criticizing American women for not doing enough on their behalf. I found nothing.

You were desperately looking for something, anything, to assuage your guilt. Obviously, you found nothing.

That's the whole point. You aren't part of the solution. You aren't even on oppressed women's radar, apparently. That's how little your pathetic women's marches and pink pussy hats mean to women who are in real danger. They don't expect anything from you, I suppose, because you've never done anything for them.

Have you?

Perhaps you can cite some legitimate articles showing that ME women are blaming us, and not their paternalistic, dictatorial menfolk for their problems.

If I'd said that "ME women are blaming us, and not their paternalistic, dictatorial menfolk for their problems", you'd have a point.

Since I didn't, you don't.
I find it hard to believe that someone who's been around message boards for a number of years doesn't know what referral means.
I know what referral means...just wondering why the latest referrals here are all posters immediately banned...Just looking out for those who "refer"...:)What if your name showed up as a referral for one of the banned? And you knew nothing about it?