A serious discussion about the future of America

For this particular OP to go over anybody's head- they'd have to be extremely short.
There were 20 fucking posts that got it wrong before Stone finally revealed the real purpose of the OP!
There sure are a lotta short people on this board.
I knew a lot of these people were stupid,...but I didn't think THEY ALL WERE! :laugh: Not one person, besides me that is,.. knew you were mimic mocking Kamala. Wow!,...A CHILD should have been able to figure it out before they even got halfway thru your second sentence. Kudo's!. In one simple post you were able to prove what a pack of idiots these people really are. If they had any brains they would be embarrassed!

Yakety yak.
And you STILL didn’t get it!
No, it’s not short people. There’s a LOTTA STUPID people here , you being one of them.
I’m saving this thread to remind me of those who I thought even had remedial intelligence but proved me wrong.
I ❤️ MAGAt Conspiracy Theories!

How about this conspiracy theory, Fat Boy: that was the plan all along. Pedo Don spent two years planning to run against Biden. Biden and Harris decided to let him then pulled a last minute switcheroo on him. Notice how badly it fucked up Team Crazy's plans? Notice how quickly Harris was able to pull together a campaign team? Notice how quickly Harris's favorability rose as Trump's started dropping?
Oh, so you are saying that Biden, Harris, and the D party in general set out to deceive the America public from the beginning so that the D party didn't have to hold a true primary? Good to know.
There were 20 fucking posts that got it wrong before Stone finally revealed the real purpose of the OP!
There sure are a lotta short people on this board.

And you STILL didn’t get it!
No, it’s not short people. There’s a LOTTA STUPID people here , you being one of them.
I’m saving this thread to remind me of those who I thought even had remedial intelligence but proved me wrong.
Spot on.
What the problem is with this thread and EVERY thread actually is that people have become foolishly combative. Yakuda proved a valuable point here in this thread, which I think may have even been his point. So someone from side A makes a post,....members of side B automatically set out to prove the post wrong, EVEN BEFORE READING IT. Which is BTW,...quite INSANE. How do I know they didn't actually read it and instead just quickly skimmed it and instantly went on the attack? Simple,....because as I posted earlier, a CHILD would have known what the OP was actually doing if they actually READ what was written. I mean,...almost NOBODY is that stupid,...and if they are,...we as a country are TRULY FUCKED. So please,....do not lecture us about answering any questions about the 2020 elections when you yourself literally go into INSTANT ATTACK MODE at any post written by a member of the opposite political point of view before actually READING IT. It's sickening to be quite honest. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Exactly. Nothing is worse than a stupid person who somehow believes they are hyper intelligent. They generally end up making asses of themselves,....as evidenced by this thread.
I’m saving this thread for future use. It really is a classic. Maybe genius.
I don’t think yakuda intended to reveal incredibly stupid posters here but it sure brought them out.
Its kind of like my laughing Heston Gif I am known to post. I get WRONGLY accused of using that Gif when I cant seem to come up with anything to say. :rolleyes2: I mean really,...ME, of ALL PEOPLE ? Nothing to say? :laugh: Puhhhhleaze! As I have explained multiple times before. I use that post as a retort to another post that I consider sooooooooooooo stupid and ridiculous that it either has to be a joke OR it actually is just plain old stupidity and not worthy of an actual reply from me. I will continue using too because why wouldn't I? I don't waste my time responding in earnest to nonsense.
Yakuda proved a valuable point here in this thread, which I think may have even been his point.
Disagree. I think his point was to simply make a witty parody of da Ho. That would have been quite clever in and of itself.

So someone from side A makes a post,....members of side B automatically set out to prove the post wrong, EVEN BEFORE READING IT. Which is BTW,...quite INSANE. How do I know they didn't actually read it and instead just quickly skimmed it and instantly went on the attack? Simple,....because as I posted earlier, a CHILD would have known what the OP was actually doing if they actually READ what was written. I mean,...almost NOBODY is that stupid,...
Again I disagree. You give them too much credit. I think most read it and took it seriously.
Maybe some didn’t read it but the unintended result was to reveal how incredibly stupid some of these posters are.
Some we already knew, I don’t have to name names.

and if they are,...we as a country are TRULY FUCKED.
We’ll be ok. Those that are clever enough take advantage of the stupids by and large.
Did Trump win the 2020 election?
Honestly,....I have no idea.
No surprise, considering your personality. You're a MAGAt, but don't want to commit. LOL

The fact remains that the 2020 election was put under a microscope over 50 times. The fact MAGAts don't want to accept that only serves to prove they are stupid, mentally ill and/or lying. The weak and slow ones say "I have no idea".
No surprise, considering your personality. You're a MAGAt, but don't want to commit. LOL

The fact remains that the 2020 election was put under a microscope over 50 times. The fact MAGAts don't want to accept that only serves to prove they are stupid, mentally ill and/or lying. The weak and slow ones say "I have no idea".
I guess you didn't read the whole post AGAIN, just like earlier. Or,...yeah you could be just stupid. Matters not to me.......
I guess you didn't read the whole post AGAIN, just like earlier. Or,...yeah you could be just stupid. Matters not to me.......
No worries, Fat Boy. You and I both know you're on the slow and lazy side. Without your daddy and two big brothers, you'd be drinking beer in a 30-year-old single-wide and working at the gas station.
Oh, so you are saying that Biden, Harris, and the D party in general set out to deceive the America public from the beginning so that the D party didn't have to hold a true primary? Good to know.
QED on the "slow" part. No, Fat Boy, that's not what I'm saying.