Abortion: wrong or just sort of wrong?

again you miss the point....any acorn or sapling is individually AN oak.....within the species "oak".......a zygote and a teenager are each individually a human, within the species "human"......a sperm cell is never individually a human.....

An acorn isn't a tree; a zygote isn't a human being.

I understand the anti-abortion argument much more as the zygote develops, and particularly late-term. But at the zygote stage, there is just a clump of cells. I don't know how anyone can use words like "killing" or "murder"...it's just the zealots.
An acorn isn't a tree; a zygote isn't a human being.

I understand the anti-abortion argument much more as the zygote develops, and particularly late-term. But at the zygote stage, there is just a clump of cells. I don't know how anyone can use words like "killing" or "murder"...it's just the zealots.

lol.....try again but stop inserting the words "human being" for "old person".....then you'll stop looking like an idiot.....
because body parts are not organisms.....a zygote is not a body part.....its an organism.....

because it would not be accurate.....

the scientific one....

The human haploid is not a body part. You are just talking in circles and begging the question. Organism and human are not synonymous. So what you are clumsily TRYING to argue is that the zygote is human because it is a human organism. It is circular. The definition of neither human nor organism is without problems.

You haven't moved the ball an inch.

Define organism? WHICH scientific one? What about viruses? What makes a zygote an organism and a sperm/egg not? Now, are they human organisms or just organisms?

The answer you gave is just as accurate for your question as it is for mine.

The single celled zygote is not a human organism. It does not possess the characteristic traits that define the human species.
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lol.....try again but stop inserting the words "human being" for "old person".....then you'll stop looking like an idiot.....

The difference between a zygote and a fully developed human being doesn't = "old person." That's simply insane.

There are obvious differences at different stages of development. Sentience, viability, even something like "human-ness" - these are all aspects of the discussion.

You'd prefer it to be black & white, because it's easier to think about that way. Whether that's because you're simplistic, or just lazy, I don't know.
I know what the question was. Your answer was that anything containing human dna is a human which would mean all human cells are a human. It's a stupid answer.

No, that's not what I said.
It may be what you're last working brain cell made you believe that was what I said; but it's in error.

I'll try to assist you again; but if you're still having a problem understanding Sun Devil's question and my response, then see if your neighbors child can help you figure it out.

Postmodern, since you said a zygote is a human tell me what makes a human a human?

No, that's not what I said.
It may be what you're last working brain cell made you believe that was what I said; but it's in error.

I'll try to assist you again; but if you're still having a problem understanding Sun Devil's question and my response, then see if your neighbors child can help you figure it out.


You said Dna. It's a stupid answer. Every cell in the human body has Dna, human Dna even. Those cells are not humans.

You said Dna. It's a stupid answer. Every cell in the human body has Dna, human Dna even. Those cells are not humans.

That wasn't what Sun Devil asked, no matter how much you want it to be.
I see you not only failed to understand the post; but you also made the wrong decision to not ask for help.
That wasn't what Sun Devil asked, no matter how much you want it to be.
I see you not only failed to understand the post; but you also made the wrong decision to not ask for help.

You are such a boring troll. He asked what makes a human a human. You said Dna. Again, every cell in the human body has Dna. They are not humans. You fail!
You are such a boring troll. He asked what makes a human a human. You said Dna. Again, every cell in the human body has Dna. They are not humans. You fail!

OK, I'll play your game.
Show me where Sun Devil asked where Sun Devil ever asked me if every cell was a human.

I"ll go so far as to make it worth while for both of us.
You show me where he said that and I'll ban myself for 30 days.
If you can't though, you have to ban yourself for 30 days.
We can let the mods decide if my answer was correct for what Sun Devil asked.

Care to try and pick up the gauntlet, or are you just another blowhard bag of air?
OK, I'll play your game.
Show me where Sun Devil asked where Sun Devil ever asked me if every cell was a human.

I"ll go so far as to make it worth while for both of us.
You show me where he said that and I'll ban myself for 30 days.
If you can't though, you have to ban yourself for 30 days.
We can let the mods decide if my answer was correct for what Sun Devil asked.

Care to try and pick up the gauntlet, or are you just another blowhard bag of air?


Your answer to his question of what makes humans human would imply that every cell in the body is human.
What makes a liberal a liberal? Well, it's two parts horseshit, one part marijuana, and three parts STD.

See, even this is more relevant than your stupid 'what is a human' deflection.
The difference between a zygote and a fully developed human being doesn't = "old person." That's simply insane.

There are obvious differences at different stages of development. Sentience, viability, even something like "human-ness" - these are all aspects of the discussion.

You'd prefer it to be black & white, because it's easier to think about that way. Whether that's because you're simplistic, or just lazy, I don't know.

lol...."human-ness" the absence of that which keeps us from killing her......
A zygote is merely two joined gamete cells. Calling it a "human cell" is as confusing as saying my shoe is an extension of my human foot. The zygote is a potential human but it possess none of the characteristics of a fetus and neither does it possess the characteristics of an infant child. It is neither sentient nor conscious of its own existence. It is rather a potential human. I don't see why its difficult to accept that during the early stages of fetal gestation that a zygote is in the process of developing into a "full human being." This is why I made the comparison with the red blood cell. They are both living organisms and so I see no distinction between a zygote and a red blood cell or a sperm cell. The only difference is the fusion between two gamete cells that is it.

You are simply ignoring the science, I even quoted the book, gave you page numbers and everything. This is flat deliberate ignorance at this point.
What makes a liberal a liberal? Well, it's two parts horseshit, one part marijuana, and three parts STD.

See, even this is more relevant than your stupid 'what is a human' deflection.
Boring ass programmer with his head down all day!
Yeah you aren't an angry prick at all