Abortion: wrong or just sort of wrong?

This is another problem with libefals. You perverts will scream like hell to keep guns out of responsible citizens hands, and yet you'll sell your souls to slaughter unborn humans in abortion factories like planned parenthood.
This is another problem with libefals. You perverts will scream like hell to keep guns out of responsible citizens hands, and yet you'll sell your souls to slaughter unborn humans in abortion factories like planned parenthood.

Such a drama queen
Fail! If dna is THE characteristic that makes humans human then the liver cell is human. Change it if you like, but your answer means that and only that. Sorry you gave such a stupid response.

The liver cell is not a human organism, it isn't even an organ. The zygote, however, is. The problem you have is ignoring the definitions provided by the scientific journals and textbooks quoted earlier. It's all good. We understand that you like to pretend that it is the "same thing" and will ignore all other evidence, but this clear deliberate ignorance makes even discussing the issue with you useless.
Uhhh... because eggs are not what makes cakes cake like and they have other very important ingredients or characteristics? Gosh, you sure are stupid.

It's apparent that you just can't admit it, when you've had your ass handed to you.
Take the challenge, if you're so sure of yourself, biatch. :)
The liver cell is not a human organism, it isn't even an organ. The zygote, however, is. The problem you have is ignoring the definitions provided by the scientific journals and textbooks quoted earlier. It's all good. We understand that you like to pretend that it is the "same thing" and will ignore all other evidence, but this clear deliberate ignorance makes even discussing the issue with you useless.

I only continue to biatch slap him, because I'm bored today.
If he really felt that he was right and I was wrong, then he would take the challenge and I would end up self banning myself for 30 days; but he knows he's wrong and he would rather continue, then admit he's an idiot.
It's apparent that you just can't admit it, when you've had your ass handed to you.
Take the challenge, if you're so sure of yourself, biatch. :)

Your analogy only proved MY point. A cake is more than just an egg and contains other important components and characteristics.
Another 10,000 anti abortion post from fat male slobs since our last review.
Maybe waisted time is why y'all suck at economics and education!
The liver cell is not a human organism, it isn't even an organ.

So then there is something more to humans than dna?

The zygote, however, is. The problem you have is ignoring the definitions provided by the scientific journals and textbooks quoted earlier. It's all good. We understand that you like to pretend that it is the "same thing" and will ignore all other evidence, but this clear deliberate ignorance makes even discussing the issue with you useless.

Again, you are arguing the same circular nonsense that PiMPle argues. That is, the zygote is human because it is a human organism.

I am not ignoring anything. You are. I already refuted your textbook claim. One textbook does not make for authority and you ignore all the others that disagree with you. You are cherry picking and confusing your poor semantic arguments for science.

Real scientists appreciate the fact that their definitions for organisms, life and classing of species, is not without problems. You pretend it's black and white by ignoring reality and practicing confirmation bias.
My analogy only showed the stupidity of your attempts to save face in the midst of your failure. :)

You failed. There is more to cake than eggs and we are far more complicated than a cake or the thing without drawers, legs and a surface area that your stupid friend calls a desk.
Evasive. Why not? Explain yourself, chickenshit. I know you'd like to pretend this is some cut and dry, black and white absolute, but it is not. There is no testable hypothesis that scientifically determines what the definition of an organism is and any definition provided comes with certain exceptions and problems. Again, you are trying to ignore the gray areas and you should retreat to your Bible where science denying idiots like you can pretend to be certain.

well, for one thing, viruses are not technically even alive.....neither a sperm cell or viruses will ever be able to reproduce themselves, grow or develop into anything other than what they began as.....
well, for one thing, viruses are not technically even alive.....neither a sperm cell or viruses will ever be able to reproduce themselves, grow or develop into anything other than what they began as.....

I appreciate that you finally made an effort. It's actually more than even your dumb friend, sf, has made. But, I don't think you even read your source or you would be aware that there is debate on the matter of viruses, that simple definitions fail to accurately describe what an organism is and NONE ARE UNEQUIVOCAL.

Haploids cells do grow and develop, so you are wrong on that point. We will never develop into anything other than humans, so your point about growing into something other than what they began as is not an accurate condition of an organism.

The zygote will never produce another zygote as a zygote. It has no hope of reproducing until and if it becomes a mature human and only then with the help of a mate. Even at maturity a human will never produce another human diploid alone but only haploids.

Likewise, if a haploid finds a mate creates a diploid that matures then it will be able to produce other haploids.

Maybe the male and female humans are just the means by which the sperm and egg haploids reproduce rather than the reverse. They find a mate and create diploids which they use to reproduce other haploids rather than we, the diploids, find a mate and create haploids which we use to reproduce other diploids. Clearly you are guilty of ploidy bigotry. :)

So why is the zygote or even a mature human an organism and the sperm is not? Because your definition, not science, tells you it is so?

Is the zygote a human organism. From your source....

An organism may be either unicellular (a single cell) or, as in the case of humans, comprise many trillions of cells grouped into specialized tissues and organs.

Yet, you reject that and claim the single celled zygote is a human. If the zygote is an organism, which is not a slam dunk, it is still a big stretch to establish that it is a human organism. And no, that does not mean it is a donkey.

You are grossly oversimplifying a very complex process and your definitions are not very helpful. The ACTUAL science says it is unclear and you reject that to demand that it is with definitions that fail simple tests.

There are other problems with your definition, i.e., a menopausal woman, a man that has had a vasectomy or, like usf, was born that way, can not reproduce. Are they then no longer organisms?