Abortion: wrong or just sort of wrong?

truly smart voters are, for the most part, not one issue voters, in my experience.

Hitler is promising a living wage, welfare statism, safer factory conditions, stronger defense, and a return to pre-WWI greatness. But he wants to gas the Jews. Good thing I'm not a single issue voter!
That you think it's 100% liberal promotion is damn silly. Maybe that's the official repub position but the party's made up of individuals, some of whom support abortion and some of whom had abortions.
its amazing what you can make yourself believe if you ignore forty years of history.....next thing you'll be telling me its republicans instead of democrats who support gay marriage.....
Lefties don't have any morals. I wonder if this tendency to pick wrongly on major moral issues will one-day end the Democratic Party, or if there are enough proles to keep it going as always.
You should tell the women who keep picketing the Planned Parenthood down the street that you're a faggot. They might pray for you.

None here sausage lover!
And you have to be a flat earth Jesus freak to be anti abortion.
History degree equals min wage
I'm sure you did your best junior
The Following User Groans At iolo For This Awful Post: PostmodernProphet (Today) '

Who he? (She? It?) Is it groaning in childbirth, or just self-contempt?
Because the SCOTUS knows more about embryology than the embryologists.

Good one, comrade. No wonder government shills are such backward tree huggers.

and douchebags like you would put the law of the land in the hands of embryologists? LOL