After much contemplation, I have made a major decision

Just as predicted. If that makes you feel better and takes the thoughts away from your asthmatic son being quarantined in Alaska, go for it.
I talked to him today, he’s doing great and his company has put him up in a very nice extended stay motel and they are delivering food to his room. Zoom is awesome, we can keep in touch. He’s feeling great.
Trump is leading the way to America being #1 with COVID-19!

Bad news for you is that Vice President Pence is working well with the response team to minimize the damage. I wish Trump would resign and let Pence be the nominee in November. I'd vote for Pence but not for Trump...or Biden, Bernie or any other Democrat.
Pence is better than Trump by light years, but I still have a lot of reservations about him.
Pence is better than Trump by light years, but I still have a lot of reservations about him.

He's stiff and too religious for some, but I think he's a straight arrow. Agreed he's light years better than Trump. Biden is a nice guy but he's too old and appears to be losing it. Same for Bernie.....that and the fact the Democrats are too far Left for my tastes. ;)
He's one or more trigger pulls away from making the news along with his friend CFM.

Seriously. You know, we always hear that gun control is already strict enough, there are laws against mentally ill people owning guns and such. But then you see these insane and violent people online, and many of them claim they own guns. Sure, they might be lying, but if they're not, then we definitely have a bunch of timebombs walking around.
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Seriously. You know, we always here that gun control is already strict enough, there are laws against mentally ill people owning guns and such. But then you see these insane and violent people online, and many of them claim they own guns. Sure, they might be lying, but if they're not, then we definitely have a bunch of timebombs walking around.

Does it really matter of that "timebomb" has a gun or a 100MPH pick up truck? Both can kill a lot of people.