Amazon Tavern

Oh look at this little visitor just now. Was downstairs reading, saw something dark out of the corner of my eye by the window. Thought to self: "What in the world is Mr. Owl doing out there in his bathrobe under the deck?" Then I realized that it was a frakking BEAR. He came right up to the window, looked at me, and ran. (I get that a lot. lol)

OMG! A bear! Black bear, I guess?

Yes, a male black bear. Definitely got my heart going! Closest I've ever been to a living bear. Found out later that he had knocked down the finch feeder which was hanging under the deck, and a suet feeder in a tree, and ate the stuff inside. Won't be replacing those till winter!
Yes, a male black bear. Definitely got my heart going! Closest I've ever been to a living bear. Found out later that he had knocked down the finch feeder which was hanging under the deck, and a suet feeder in a tree, and ate the stuff inside. Won't be replacing those till winter!

Go out there and slap the shit out of him!
Yes, a male black bear. Definitely got my heart going! Closest I've ever been to a living bear. Found out later that he had knocked down the finch feeder which was hanging under the deck, and a suet feeder in a tree, and ate the stuff inside. Won't be replacing those till winter!
Oh my, that's scary.

You have bears there, here we have alligators coming out of lakes, man-made and otherwise, and snatching pets. I saw this story yesterday.
That's horrible! They didn't say if Osi was injured, hope he is okay. I'd rather have bears. At least they generally fear ppl and stay away from us.
I think he is okay.

Saw this story today about a bear in NJ tearing down a bird feeder too!

Hopefully none of you have fallen into the trap!
But we watch that idiotic show Big Brother,and then after midnight,watch Live,Big Brother after Dark.
Anyway,this group of supposed educated young adults ,can't say a sentence without the word "like" in it three times.
It's "like" ,7th grade girls!
Hopefully none of you have fallen into the trap!
But we watch that idiotic show Big Brother,and then after midnight,watch Live,Big Brother after Dark.
Anyway,this group of supposed educated young adults ,can't say a sentence without the word "like" in it three times.
It's "like" ,7th grade girls!

Like wow, that's like crazy and like so stoopid.

It's like watching,a car wreck!
You like know you should change the channel,but like you can't make yourself do it!

Mr. Owl is like that with some of those stupid reality shows. I like some of them, esp. the ones about fishing and/or Alaska. But some of them... got no idea how he can stand them. There was one he used to watched about ppl who crawled around in the swamps in Louisiana, I think it was, looking for logs to drag out of the mud to sell. Apparently logs in the mud are worth something. I couldn't understand a third of what they were saying, and I speak smatterings of three other languages besides English. I bet the ppl in the shows spoke perfectly intelligible English but the show made them talk like they had a mouth full of marbles for "authenticity" or something.
Oh boy... just saw *another* bear! This was a small one, probably last year's cub. He was strolling across the meadow, heading for the blueberries, when he did an about-face and ran back into the woods. Guess Mama Bear said: "Billy! Get back here! Those ppl will see you!" lol

I'm gonna have to wear bear bells when I'm out foraging, looks like.
Oh boy... just saw *another* bear! This was a small one, probably last year's cub. He was strolling across the meadow, heading for the blueberries, when he did an about-face and ran back into the woods. Guess Mama Bear said: "Billy! Get back here! Those ppl will see you!" lol

I'm gonna have to wear bear bells when I'm out foraging, looks like.

Safer then dealing with boys,in the St Louis neighborhood!
That's how some parts of Toledo were too!

Anymore, that's how most American cities and suburbs are, at least if you are a woman out by herself. The year before we left, one day I was out doing my daily couple of miles in our neighborhood. It was a walkable place with sidewalks, and ppl out all the time jogging, pushing baby strollers, walking their dogs, etc. A car went slowly by with a couple of young guys in it, windows rolled down, eyeing me and the houses. They said some nasty stuff. I ignored them. At the end of the street, where I would turn to head to home a block away, they came by again, even slower. They said something; I ignored them. I took my phone out and used its surface as a mirror to see what they were doing. They stopped behind me, and the passenger opened his door. I turned around, pointed the phone at them, yelled "Video!" He got back in and they sped off. I did get a pic of the license plate, just in case.

Why the fuck this is acceptable in an upper middle class American neighborhood is beyond me.