Amazon Tavern

Take a guess at the identity of these beautiful blue flowers!

Bachelor Buttons?

They look like them, don't they? They're actually the blooms of a red lettuce! It came up as a volunteer in the herb garden. Probably from a seed in a potted lettuce collection from last year. I dump all the pots into the raised beds in the fall, and sometimes you get a surprise. The lettuce bolted and produced these gorgeous sky blue blossoms.
The Hopis have predicted a third great shake and purification. I hope I die before it occurs.

It is said that when Spider Grandmother returns, she who wove us into existence in the beginning, she will once again weave her webs. We will see her webs everywhere, all across the Earth. This means that the Fourth World is ending, and the Fifth World is beginning. Many believe that electric lines are her web.
4 days of insane heat and humidity coming up.
Then a nice cool down.

I know it. Today is absolutely picture perfect here, then it gets hot for a few days. Like maybe even up to 90F. Ugh.

Spent a few hours out in the woods looking for shrooms and berries. Picked enough blueberries just in the meadow to make Mr. Owl some blueberry muffins. I figure he deserves them because he spent weeks last summer cutting down all the pin cherries down there to open it up. The blueberries thanked him with their fruits.... they're bountiful this summer! Plus they've spread everywhere now that they have full sun.
93 here, but thunderstorms are supposed to come.
Supposed to hit the mid 90's and sunny all day through Sat.
Gonna be a very hot and humid day at the car show on Sat. and it's in a field with no shade :(
93 here, but thunderstorms are supposed to come.
Supposed to hit the mid 90's and sunny all day through Sat.
Gonna be a very hot and humid day at the car show on Sat. and it's in a field with no shade :(

Oh geeze. Are you able to tolerate that? Can you bring a canopy?
Chuck or round. We prefer chuck. That is the brides department I just cook what she tells me. Pretty bad when a 6'1" man is scared to death of a 5' 1" woman. LOL

Got a small pork roast on sale last week. Put it in the smoker today, now finishing it off in the crockpot. Gonna shred it up and make BBQ sammiches for tonight. Thanks for the marinade tip! Used it on the pork too.