Amazon Tavern

Anymore, that's how most American cities and suburbs are, at least if you are a woman out by herself. The year before we left, one day I was out doing my daily couple of miles in our neighborhood. It was a walkable place with sidewalks, and ppl out all the time jogging, pushing baby strollers, walking their dogs, etc. A car went slowly by with a couple of young guys in it, windows rolled down, eyeing me and the houses. They said some nasty stuff. I ignored them. At the end of the street, where I would turn to head to home a block away, they came by again, even slower. They said something; I ignored them. I took my phone out and used its surface as a mirror to see what they were doing. They stopped behind me, and the passenger opened his door. I turned around, pointed the phone at them, yelled "Video!" He got back in and they sped off. I did get a pic of the license plate, just in case.

Why the fuck this is acceptable in an upper middle class American neighborhood is beyond me.

It's not acceptable,but cops can't be everywhere.
What you described is why Conservatives are gun happy.
I don't have a problem with law abiding citizens arming themselves.
It's not acceptable,but cops can't be everywhere.
What you described is why Conservatives are gun happy.
I don't have a problem with law abiding citizens arming themselves.

I'd rather live in a place where my only concerns are wild animals. I'll leave living where you can't go outside without a fucking gun to the rest of you. lol
Too early yet here for local sweet corn. But the blueberries and mushrooms are coming on! Just picked a bag of berries from the meadow. Watched carefully the whole time for


Anyone have local farmer's markets in the summer? What do they carry?
I forgot to ask how did your son and SIL weather Barry?

Thanks for asking! Sorry I didn't see this right away. So far so good. Lot of wind, lots and lots of rain and still coming down. But most of the warnings have been canceled except for the flash flooding.