Amazon Tavern

Many ate at soup kitchens.

Yes. Unbelievably hard times that most of us living now can't even imagine. We got an orange in our Xmas stockings every year as kids. My mom said it was to remind us of how fortunate we were because sometimes that's all she and her brother and sister got for Xmas.... and they were glad of it. I don't think though that her growing up in those years experience was typical. Her father was a drunk who couldn't keep a job, so they moved around a lot and often had very little to eat. My dad's dad was a house painter and they seemed to have a much more stable life, and regular meals, from what he said.
Yes. Unbelievably hard times that most of us living now can't even imagine. We got an orange in our Xmas stockings every year as kids. My mom said it was to remind us of how fortunate we were because sometimes that's all she and her brother and sister got for Xmas.... and they were glad of it. I don't think though that her growing up in those years experience was typical. Her father was a drunk who couldn't keep a job, so they moved around a lot and often had very little to eat. My dad's dad was a house painter and they seemed to have a much more stable life, and regular meals, from what he said.

Yea, I think some foods like rum cake & fruit cake which most of us are not fond of, are kinda comfort foods for many of them, sweet, very filling & loaded w/ calories...
We got to see this awesome super yacht today! It was cruising by right outside on the Lake. Our theory is that it belongs to Jeffrey Epstein. He paid someone to get him out of jail and someone else to be dead for him so that he could make his escape. Seriously, who would ever expect that a billionaire playboy would be cruising around on his $125M yacht HERE? It's the perfect escape plan. lol
Good morning, everyone. What a beautiful dawn, too. Here, have some too:

Big Boys,Big Boys are great burgers!

I also like their chicken-fried steak.

We've been trying to figure out where to go for our anniversary which is in a couple of weeks. There is a terrible lack of steak, seafood, and BBQ places here. We do have a Red Lobster, and an Italian restaurant that has steak, but it's not very good. There's an upscale fancy-schmancy place downtown but our one and only experience there was pretty awful. Maybe I'll talk Mr. Owl into going down to Green Bay for the weekend!
I also like their chicken-fried steak.

We've been trying to figure out where to go for our anniversary which is in a couple of weeks. There is a terrible lack of steak, seafood, and BBQ places here. We do have a Red Lobster, and an Italian restaurant that has steak, but it's not very good. There's an upscale fancy-schmancy place downtown but our one and only experience there was pretty awful. Maybe I'll talk Mr. Owl into going down to Green Bay for the weekend!

You don't have where royalty eats?
Burger King?
I also like their chicken-fried steak.

We've been trying to figure out where to go for our anniversary which is in a couple of weeks. There is a terrible lack of steak, seafood, and BBQ places here. We do have a Red Lobster, and an Italian restaurant that has steak, but it's not very good. There's an upscale fancy-schmancy place downtown but our one and only experience there was pretty awful. Maybe I'll talk Mr. Owl into going down to Green Bay for the weekend!

Traverse City has tons of good restaurants.
We always vacationed just south at Beulah Michigan on Crystal Lake

When we were first moving up here the original idea was to move to Interlochen, a town or two over from there. Mom and Dad fell in love with the view of the lake coming over the hill where we live now.