Amazon Tavern

Thanks. I just looked at booking a hotel and there doesn't seem to be much available that weekend. It's the holiday weekend.

You will rarely find much in Traverse for the holidays in summer. You can try Elk Rapids, Suttons Bay, Kalkaska, or even Grawn. Going to Tripadvisor helped us on vacation. They do have a Native run casino hotel near us.
What a stretch of lovely fall weather we've been having. Have company coming to stay tomorrow, for a few days. The goldenrod is in bloom, the trees are starting to turn, and the fireweed is on its last blooms. Love this time of year!

The chairs, and deck, and view are ready.


How are things going on your bit of the planet?
What a stretch of lovely fall weather we've been having. Have company coming to stay tomorrow, for a few days. The goldenrod is in bloom, the trees are starting to turn, and the fireweed is on its last blooms. Love this time of year!

The chairs, and deck, and view are ready.


How are things going on your bit of the planet?

It's summer though!

Loves me some frozen north. It's just been delightful here lately. Cool and pleasant and sunny in the day time (70s) and cool and snuggly at night for good sleeping (50s). The sun is lower in the sky and has that lovely golden glow to it that you get in the lower lats in late September into October. The governor was up here visiting this week. She was saying how tourism brings $1.2 billion each year just to the U.P. Guess we're not the only ones who love it here! (At least in the summer lol)
What a stretch of lovely fall weather we've been having. Have company coming to stay tomorrow, for a few days. The goldenrod is in bloom, the trees are starting to turn, and the fireweed is on its last blooms. Love this time of year!

The chairs, and deck, and view are ready.


How are things going on your bit of the planet?
Loves me some frozen north. It's just been delightful here lately. Cool and pleasant and sunny in the day time (70s) and cool and snuggly at night for good sleeping (50s). The sun is lower in the sky and has that lovely golden glow to it that you get in the lower lats in late September into October. The governor was up here visiting this week. She was saying how tourism brings $1.2 billion each year just to the U.P. Guess we're not the only ones who love it here! (At least in the summer lol)
The weather is nice here year round, except for the heat in June/Aug. but I wish we had seasons. It will be warmish thru the end of the year at least.
Loves me some frozen north. It's just been delightful here lately. Cool and pleasant and sunny in the day time (70s) and cool and snuggly at night for good sleeping (50s). The sun is lower in the sky and has that lovely golden glow to it that you get in the lower lats in late September into October. The governor was up here visiting this week. She was saying how tourism brings $1.2 billion each year just to the U.P. Guess we're not the only ones who love it here! (At least in the summer lol)

To cold,to long!I can only handle cold and snow so long!