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Good morning, gang. Hard to believe that school starts again tomorrow. The one prof has already posted a pile of reading material -- and quizzes to go with it. Another one has a terrifying syllabus. Can't wait!
Awesome, we started last week....... I will be doing school pick next couple weeks.:)

What are you taking??

What is school pick?

This semester I have MN and WI Tribal Relations, and Boreal Flora. The last isn't a degree requirement other than they randomly decided not to count all the lab work I've had in Microbiology, A&P, Chemistry, etc. and insist that I take a course here that includes a lab. It's fine because it's a subject I dearly love, and the prof lives just up the road too. The "lab" is field trips to the forests/muskeg/bogs to study the plant life. The very first course I took at NMU was quite similar. It will be fun! I was also going to take Tribal Law but didn't want to get loaded down with too much homework.
What is school pick?

This semester I have MN and WI Tribal Relations, and Boreal Flora. The last isn't a degree requirement other than they randomly decided not to count all the lab work I've had in Microbiology, A&P, Chemistry, etc. and insist that I take a course here that includes a lab. It's fine because it's a subject I dearly love, and the prof lives just up the road too. The "lab" is field trips to the forests/muskeg/bogs to study the plant life. The very first course I took at NMU was quite similar. It will be fun! I was also going to take Tribal Law but didn't want to get loaded down with too much homework.

p/up, grandkids

Wow, sounds like an awesome fall line up.

If I may ask, are you Native American??

Very good friend & hiking group leader is Native from upstate NY (part Italian & Polish-100% New He is involved w/ several of the local Miwok, Maidu (Nisan) tribes in the area..
p/up, grandkids

OIC -- how nice of you! I bet they like that much better than riding the Twinkie. lol

If I may ask, are you Native American??

Not enough to be of any significance.

Very good friend & hiking group leader is Native from upstate NY (part Italian & Polish-100% New He is involved w/ several of the local Miwok, Maidu (Nisan) tribes in the area..

Interesting. My favorite prof's ancestors are also from that area, ppl called Penobscot. Another is Haudensaunee/Mohawk. What does your friend do with the ppl?
OIC -- how nice of you! I bet they like that much better than riding the Twinkie. lol

Not enough to be of any significance.

Interesting. My favorite prof's ancestors are also from that area, ppl called Penobscot. Another is Haudensaunee/Mohawk. What does your friend do with the ppl?

Yea, he was from Buffalo & his brother is an elder of Seneca council but they are a mix of that & Mohawk something.. It is a bit different every time he talks about it but you can dif see his heritage in his features....

He met an awesome Lady while hiking last year & she is also Native, from Hawaii-beautiful couple & very happy for them....
Yea, he was from Buffalo & his brother is an elder of Seneca council but they are a mix of that & Mohawk something.. It is a bit different every time he talks about it but you can dif see his heritage in his features....
He met an awesome Lady while hiking last year & she is also Native, from Hawaii-beautiful couple & very happy for them....

How awesome is that! They now live in your area?
You must have some pretty impressive calves, running up and down those mountains!

LOL, they were six months ago, now I will be starting over building them up, (long story) I have two hikes this week/end, I'll prob be loving it, but dying...LOL SOme ppl are slow so I'll hang w/ them..:)
LOL, they were six months ago, now I will be starting over building them up, (long story) I have two hikes this week/end, I'll prob be loving it, but dying...LOL SOme ppl are slow so I'll hang w/ them..:)

I've always found it kind of painful to be behind/with ultra slow ppl, but also frustrating to be behind super fast ones. lol Do you have some good weather in store?
I've always found it kind of painful to be behind/with ultra slow ppl, but also frustrating to be behind super fast ones. lol Do you have some good weather in store?

Yes, should be very nice weather.. 80 up top max & that is a nice cool breeze w/ 10-20% humidity usually....... (70's top starting first week of sept)

I can hang w/ both & usually do most of the way but if it short I get out in front. Some times like a pent up puppy.:)

A few times I do it if some is trying to show off-I don't like that.. I'll take lots of picts