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Well, here's some mixed feelings. We heard a month or so ago that the DNR had put out a trap for our black bear friend. Just talked to them; they caught the rascal and moved him far, far away. So guess it's safe to put out the bird feeders again. But kind of sad knowing we won't be seeing him again.


He'll be back!
He'll be back!

The DNR guy said that it was possible. It's that time of year though when I want to have the feeders out to fuel the migrating birds as they head south. Already the flickers, tanagers, and wood thrushes have left. But don't want to be enticing Bear to come up to the house for a snack, either. Eventually someone will shoot him. :~(
The DNR guy said that it was possible. It's that time of year though when I want to have the feeders out to fuel the migrating birds as they head south. Already the flickers, tanagers, and wood thrushes have left. But don't want to be enticing Bear to come up to the house for a snack, either. Eventually someone will shoot him. :~(

That's always the answer for some people kill an animal!
Especially where you live,people move to a place like that,an are upset that animals live in their neighborhood

Isn't that nuts? With bears though it's usually a problem caused by humans in the first place. If you leave out bird feeders, pet food, unsecured trashcans, etc. they're going to come, and can become a nuisance too. The ppl we bought this house from own a couple of bakeries in town. The guy used to bring home leftover breads and donuts and leave them out in the back of his truck overnight. Guess who showed up to indulge his sweet tooth? There's a bullet hole in the side of the garage where the guy shot at him and missed. They ended up putting plywood shutters over the garage windows and putting the truck away at night.
The longer I'm on this,the better I feel,sugar is like a drug!I can't wait to get rid of the rest of this belly.
You are going to be so amazed at what this diet can do for you! Way to go. Sugar starts the vicious cycle of blood sugar spikes which keep you hungry -- get rid of it and you hardly ever get hungry.
Has anyone heard of the diet system called "Plexus"? It seems to be almost like a pyramid networking scam similar to Amway. I have a friend who is pushing it and is trying to get me to try it, even sent me samples of the stuff. I told her I only want to lose about 10 lbs max and have been dieting for years. I don't even want to try this stuff. I have no clue what's in it and I stay away from caffeine and stimulants. I guess I'm going to have to pretend I tried it. lol
You will be getting so skinny and feeling so much better. Sugar is the real poison, I'm convinced.

Anytime you need moral support, I will give it. I have made this a way of life. I lost weight after quitting smoking and have maintained it for years. I am so weaned from sugar, a small half packet of the pink stuff or stevia makes tea taste really sweet to me.

I am too... I have cut a lot of sugar out of my diet and I have felt SO much better.

I try to eat a high protein and low(er) carb diet, myself... I still eat a decent amount of carbs (as I freaking LOVE pizza haha), but I take in much less carbs than I used to. Sugar and carbs are real killers... Since changing my diet to a higher protein and lower carb/sugar diet, and since adding in plenty of exercise (ie, hiking and biking most days of each week), I have lost around 25 pounds (from 210ish to 185ish, which I don't think 185ish is all that horrible for a 28yr old 6 foot tall male). The most important aspect, I think, is that I can now do a lot of physical activity without getting all that winded (and when I do get winded, I recover quickly). I hated feeling very winded after doing basically nothing.

So, solely by changing my diet and increasing physical activity, I have gone from being a lard ass to being in much better shape. I'd still like to lose another 5-10 pounds, but I'm more concerned with how I feel while doing physical activity (ie, how winded I get and how fast I recover from it) than I am with the number on the scale, and let's just say that I feel great.
Has anyone heard of the diet system called "Plexus"? It seems to be almost like a pyramid networking scam similar to Amway. I have a friend who is pushing it and is trying to get me to try it, even sent me samples of the stuff. I told her I only want to lose about 10 lbs max and have been dieting for years. I don't even want to try this stuff. I have no clue what's in it and I stay away from caffeine and stimulants. I guess I'm going to have to pretend I tried it. lol

That's a new one. No, I haven't heard of it. Is it a supplement, something you mix up? I know there's several of the pyramid schemes going around with the purge thing, which they call "colon cleanse." People take stuff to give themselves rampant diarrhea, drink only liquids, lose weight, then try to push it off on their friends. It does not sound healthy or sustainable. What you're doing does sound both healthy and sustainable as a lifestyle change.

Can you up your activity/exercise in order to lose the 10 lbs.?
We have the most impressive storms here sometimes. One squall line rolled through in mid-afternoon. It had some pretty fierce but brief winds, and was a hailer. Power went out briefly. A few hours later another came through. Lots of lightning, an incipient waterspout out over the Lake that died out, and this beautiful stormy sky.

That's a new one. No, I haven't heard of it. Is it a supplement, something you mix up? I know there's several of the pyramid schemes going around with the purge thing, which they call "colon cleanse." People take stuff to give themselves rampant diarrhea, drink only liquids, lose weight, then try to push it off on their friends. It does not sound healthy or sustainable. What you're doing does sound both healthy and sustainable as a lifestyle change.

Can you up your activity/exercise in order to lose the 10 lbs.?
It's this stuff:

They call it "the pink drink".

Probably, but I'm too lazy. lol. I just need to get more disciplined.
I am too... I have cut a lot of sugar out of my diet and I have felt SO much better.

I try to eat a high protein and low(er) carb diet, myself... I still eat a decent amount of carbs (as I freaking LOVE pizza haha), but I take in much less carbs than I used to. Sugar and carbs are real killers... Since changing my diet to a higher protein and lower carb/sugar diet, and since adding in plenty of exercise (ie, hiking and biking most days of each week), I have lost around 25 pounds (from 210ish to 185ish, which I don't think 185ish is all that horrible for a 28yr old 6 foot tall male). The most important aspect, I think, is that I can now do a lot of physical activity without getting all that winded (and when I do get winded, I recover quickly). I hated feeling very winded after doing basically nothing.

So, solely by changing my diet and increasing physical activity, I have gone from being a lard ass to being in much better shape. I'd still like to lose another 5-10 pounds, but I'm more concerned with how I feel while doing physical activity (ie, how winded I get and how fast I recover from it) than I am with the number on the scale, and let's just say that I feel great.
Congratulations. This way is the ticket, for sure. I think if I binged on sweets and carbs now I'd probably get sick.
Well, here's some mixed feelings. We heard a month or so ago that the DNR had put out a trap for our black bear friend. Just talked to them; they caught the rascal and moved him far, far away. So guess it's safe to put out the bird feeders again. But kind of sad knowing we won't be seeing him again.


They can come back from 50-60 miles in a few days if he really likes it there..... THey are as bad as cats when it comes to finding there way back.....
We have the most impressive storms here sometimes. One squall line rolled through in mid-afternoon. It had some pretty fierce but brief winds, and was a hailer. Power went out briefly. A few hours later another came through. Lots of lightning, an incipient waterspout out over the Lake that died out, and this beautiful stormy sky.


Neither do I. Nor would I ever try to convince people to buy it. Idk how people get sucked into these schemes.

It's some weird innate human characteristic. Like someone who's just successfully quit smoking wants to preach at everyone else the wonders of being tobacco-free. Same with recovering alcoholics, successful weight-loss people, and newly-minted born-again Christians. They're happy about feeling good and feel compelled to share it. The pyramid scheme creators are very clever at using this to their advantage!