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It's some weird innate human characteristic. Like someone who's just successfully quit smoking wants to preach at everyone else the wonders of being tobacco-free. Same with recovering alcoholics, successful weight-loss people, and newly-minted born-again Christians. They're happy about feeling good and feel compelled to share it. The pyramid scheme creators are very clever at using this to their advantage!
Well I'm glad I don't possess that characteristic. I have quit smoking and lost weight and don't feel the need to push it on anyone else. I mind my own business. Live and let live is my mantra.
I think that too!It's funny how fast I lost my sweet tooth.Same was true when I became lactose intolerant.I lost my taste for milk.
I've been on it for so long, not sure what it would do to me. I would probably wind up in the ER. lol

I knew a co-worker who was doing keto/low carb for a while, he binged on some birthday cake and said he felt so sick he wanted to throw up. That's enough to keep me from doing it. :laugh:
I've been on it for so long, not sure what it would do to me. I would probably wind up in the ER. lol

I knew a co-worker who was doing keto/low carb for a while, he binged on some birthday cake and said he felt so sick he wanted to throw up. That's enough to keep me from doing it. :laugh:

I don't have any desire to eat sweets anymore.
I'm sleeping better too.
Congratulations. This way is the ticket, for sure. I think if I binged on sweets and carbs now I'd probably get sick.

Same here. I can't eat that stuff like I used to... I have "re-trained" my body in that sense. I also try not to sit in front of the TV and "mindlessly" eat (instead, I try to replace that time with exercise/work of some sort -- ie, making myself useful). I guess I'm not so worried about carbs, although I do try to keep them lower rather than higher. It's really the fructose (and most sugars) [without the accompanying fiber, as naturally occurs in fruits, for example] which is the poison that people are ingesting.
I agree totally. Don't understand why some people are obsessed with with others are doing. I don't care, I worry about what I'm doing.


I have also lately been trying to live under more of a "lead by example" way of life. I just mind my own business, do me, and then people will naturally take notice of the good I am accomplishing and want a "slice of the pie". THEN is when I can educate them on how I have accomplished what I have.
A balanced diet based on unprocessed foods is the key, it always has been, these new “diets” have their fallbacks. They use a lot of questionable sweeteners to replace sugar. Your brain needs natural sugars, it’s not good to deny your brain.
Research is showing Paleo increases biomarkers connected to heart disease. Moderation in all things is the key in my opinion. I have lost lbs. just watching portions, and exercising. Drinking lots of water is also vital to health, a lot of disease is tied to dehydration and often people aren’t aware they are dehydrated, especially older people.
A balanced diet based on unprocessed foods is the key, it always has been, these new “diets” have their fallbacks. They use a lot of questionable sweeteners to replace sugar. Your brain needs natural sugars, it’s not good to deny your brain.
Research is showing Paleo increases biomarkers connected to heart disease. Moderation in all things is the key in my opinion. I have lost lbs. just watching portions, and exercising. Drinking lots of water is also vital to health, a lot of disease is tied to dehydration and often people aren’t aware they are dehydrated, especially older people.

Holy smoke, some good advice there.

I am no nutrition expert, but I also have found that portion control, food choice, avoiding processed foods and sugars, exercise and strength training are all I really need to stay fit. There is no rocket science to it.
The "diet" industry is obviously a multi-billionaire dollar capitalist enterprise, and all their gimmicks, fads, and pills are designed to do one thing, and one thing only - convince people to spend money on their products, their advice, their books.

I have also lately been trying to live under more of a "lead by example" way of life. I just mind my own business, do me, and then people will naturally take notice of the good I am accomplishing and want a "slice of the pie". THEN is when I can educate them on how I have accomplished what I have.
I had a slice of peach pie at the AK state fair, walked around for six hours worked it off! I hadn’t had pie since Thanksgiving. I occasionally indulge, like my hamburger or the month! Everything in moderation.

I have also lately been trying to live under more of a "lead by example" way of life. I just mind my own business, do me, and then people will naturally take notice of the good I am accomplishing and want a "slice of the pie". THEN is when I can educate them on how I have accomplished what I have.
Exactly. I provide information only if asked.
A balanced diet based on unprocessed foods is the key, it always has been, these new “diets” have their fallbacks. They use a lot of questionable sweeteners to replace sugar. Your brain needs natural sugars, it’s not good to deny your brain.
Research is showing Paleo increases biomarkers connected to heart disease. Moderation in all things is the key in my opinion. I have lost lbs. just watching portions, and exercising. Drinking lots of water is also vital to health, a lot of disease is tied to dehydration and often people aren’t aware they are dehydrated, especially older people.
For me it isn't a diet but a way of life punctuated with common sense. I don't live on bacon and ribeyes but I have divorced myself from sugar and carbs and it works.
A balanced diet based on unprocessed foods is the key, it always has been, these new “diets” have their fallbacks. They use a lot of questionable sweeteners to replace sugar. Your brain needs natural sugars, it’s not good to deny your brain.
Research is showing Paleo increases biomarkers connected to heart disease. Moderation in all things is the key in my opinion. I have lost lbs. just watching portions, and exercising. Drinking lots of water is also vital to health, a lot of disease is tied to dehydration and often people aren’t aware they are dehydrated, especially older people.

Common sense here. Staying hydrated also helps your body flush out toxins, both ingested accidentally, and those created by metabolic processes.
For me it isn't a diet but a way of life punctuated with common sense. I don't live on bacon and ribeyes but I have divorced myself from sugar and carbs and it works.

If the protein you're consuming is mostly lean and not heavy on the red meats, you're probably doing okay. No health issues that you've noticed?
That is one of the problems they have w/ the bears in Yosemite valley....... They give them a few chances & then give um the gun......

Poor guys. But yeah, human safety comes first. At least here we have large unpopulated wilderness areas where it is a lot harder for them to become habituated to human food things. I wonder if this bear maybe is older and in failing health, and pillaging from homes was easier than his natural way of life.