Amazon Tavern

The biscuits were good,hard to tell how good the chicken was,so few bites.
I don't want to know anything about a business owners religion.
I couldn't care less. No one ever spoke to me about a religion when I was in the establishment. Whether the owner supports gay marriage or not matters zero to me. Lots of people in America don't view it the same as a male/female marriage, which is their right. It's America and if the owner feels this way it's his choice. The statement Rahm made "we don't want a business who doesn't support our values" is fascism, pure and simple. Using govt force in this manner is nothing but fascism.
Ditto. Believe and practice as you will, but don't try to force it on someone else.
How is not supporting gay marriage "forcing it on someone else".

The man never demanded anyone else share the same view. But using govt to threaten and force him to abandon his views is a brown shirt, jackboot move.
I couldn't care less. No one ever spoke to me about a religion when I was in the establishment. Whether the owner supports gay marriage or not matters zero to me. Lots of people in America don't view it the same as a male/female marriage, which is their right. It's America and if the owner feels this way it's his choice. The statement Rahm made "we don't want a business who doesn't support our values" is fascism, pure and simple. Using govt force in this manner is nothing but fascism.

I didn't bring up the government,it's my personal view,leave your religion out of your business.
I didn't bring up the government,it's my personal view,leave your religion out of your business.
Again, I've never personally witnessed any religious material or been spoken to about religion by employees at a Chick-Fil-A. Have you? Do you have examples of when this business ever tried to "force religion" on their customers? If not, your claim has no merit.

Every business owner has their own political or religious beliefs and are free to do so, as this is America. You seem to think if someone doesn't agree with what you believe, they are not entitled to those beliefs. That isn't how the 1st Amendment works.
Again, I've never personally witnessed any religious material or been spoken to about religion by employees at a Chick-Fil-A. Have you? Do you have examples of when this business ever tried to "force religion" on their customers? If not, your claim has no merit.

Every business owner has their own political or religious beliefs and are free to do so, as this is America. You seem to think if someone doesn't agree with what you believe, they are not entitled to those beliefs. That isn't how the 1st Amendment works.

They can do whatever they want,so can I!
Such as I exercise my right to not give them my business.
How is not supporting gay marriage "forcing it on someone else".

The man never demanded anyone else share the same view. But using govt to threaten and force him to abandon his views is a brown shirt, jackboot move.

Ruh roh, we're veering dangerously into politics!

Mr. Cathy's charitable contributions to anti-gay organizations is the issue. Yes, it's his right to believe how he does, that's fine. But it's also our LGBTQ-allies' right not to spend our money there, knowing that it will be funneled to organizations who have done untold harm to our LGBTQ family/friends.
Ruh roh, we're veering dangerously into politics!

Mr. Cathy's charitable contributions to anti-gay organizations is the issue. Yes, it's his right to believe how he does, that's fine. But it's also our LGBTQ-allies' right not to spend our money there, knowing that it will be funneled to organizations who have done untold harm to our LGBTQ family/friends.
So you admit the organization has not tried to "force religion" on the customers.

Thank you. My point is proven.

And btw, it didn't hurt the business a bit. There are many CFAs here and they are always full up. I don't like bullies and that is what this whole kerfuffle was.
So you admit the organization has not tried to "force religion" on the customers.

Thank you. My point is proven.

And btw, it didn't hurt the business a bit. There are many CFAs here and they are always full up. I don't like bullies and that is what this whole kerfuffle was.

End of discussion.
Had first Boreal Flora class today.... squeeeee! It's something I've dreamed about being able to do all my life! Imagine walking through a forest, an expert with you pointing out the various plants and telling you about why each one is unique! The prof has a PhD in Botany and he sure earned it. The only aid he brought along with a dry erase board that he wrote the plants' names on. So we have to learn 160 - 200 plants by sight, along with their Latin names, their family classifications, medicinal or edible or poisonous qualities, and something unique about each one for extra credit. Next week we get to go get wet and muck out a pond and learn aquatic plants. That's gonna be a tough one, other than the generic "lily pad," I don't know any aquatic guys... yet!

Damn, I sure do love this place. :~)
I'm so freaked out by this storm I need a valium drip. :laugh: What a ruined holiday weekend!! You have no idea how stressful and anxiety-laden all this shit is with something like this. People are in mass panic and it's contagious.
I'm so freaked out by this storm I need a valium drip. :laugh: What a ruined holiday weekend!! You have no idea how stressful and anxiety-laden all this shit is with something like this. People are in mass panic and it's contagious.

Oh lord. I hope it passes by far away from you. (((hugs)))
No kidding! The uncertainty would make me crazy(er). I guess you have bottled water, food for you and the critters, flashlights, etc.?
Yes. Now there is a bit more consensus on landfall, which is West Palm. If that course holds, this area will only get tropical storm wind and rain around next Wed.
Yes. Now there is a bit more consensus on landfall, which is West Palm. If that course holds, this area will only get tropical storm wind and rain around next Wed.

It could still spawn tornados stay safe. I was sweating it would hit cross into the gulf and then turn north.