Amazon Tavern

I bought plants. I buy a lot of stuff at the end of the season when they're marked down, then baby them through the winter. I bought seeds for Arctic Fire dianthus this year and didn't get a single one.


Oh wow, those are very pretty. I've not had much luck growing perennials from seed either. I sure want some delphiniums though! Have never seen them for sale so far. How tall are yours? Are they that heavenly blue? I can just see them towering above with those beautiful dianthus around their feet.
Oh wow, those are very pretty. I've not had much luck growing perennials from seed either. I sure want some delphiniums though! Have never seen them for sale so far. How tall are yours? Are they that heavenly blue? I can just see them towering above with those beautiful dianthus around their feet.

Delphiniums are fiddly when growing from seed. It's best to just buy on an online nursery. They won't be in stock till next spring but you can save this.
Delphiniums are fiddly when growing from seed. It's best to just buy on an online nursery. They won't be in stock till next spring but you can save this.

Thanks! Those are exactly what I think of when "Delphinium" pops up. We are currently trying to find some more 6' fencing to expand the gardens. Mr. Owl went to 3 sources today when he was in town and came up empty. Not finding it on-line either except in 1) type that doesn't match current fencing, or 2) chain-link. Part of the new plot will be for growing some flowers for cutting. I expect that deer love to eat delphiniums; they also find lupines delicious. I had to build a cage over them this summer to keep their pretty heads from being snapped right off. The other section will be for happy herb, which apparently is far too huge to grow even in a 6-1/2' greenhouse. lol
Oh wow, those are very pretty. I've not had much luck growing perennials from seed either. I sure want some delphiniums though! Have never seen them for sale so far. How tall are yours? Are they that heavenly blue? I can just see them towering above with those beautiful dianthus around their feet.

I'd say about 20" or so. For some reason they didn't do as well this year as usual. There's a tree nearby that might keep them in the shade for too many hours. I've had them in white, light blue and dark blue. The blues are prettier.
Thanks! Those are exactly what I think of when "Delphinium" pops up. We are currently trying to find some more 6' fencing to expand the gardens. Mr. Owl went to 3 sources today when he was in town and came up empty. Not finding it on-line either except in 1) type that doesn't match current fencing, or 2) chain-link. Part of the new plot will be for growing some flowers for cutting. I expect that deer love to eat delphiniums; they also find lupines delicious. I had to build a cage over them this summer to keep their pretty heads from being snapped right off. The other section will be for happy herb, which apparently is far too huge to grow even in a 6-1/2' greenhouse. lol

Lupines, yes! I haven't had much luck with them. I tried to grow them from plants and from seed. The seed never sprouted and the plants died out after the first year. Have you ever grown an annual called heliotrope? It's pretty and smells amazing. It's also a cottage garden favorite.
So beautiful! I guess it's possible mine were biennials and didn't reseed themselves.

I had a few re-seeding plants that never came back either. Weeds kind of took over when we went out west and have caused a few plants not to come back. I'm upset because we put wood chip mulch down but it wasn't enough it seems. I had a delphinium that didn't come back a few years ago. I did have some Feverfew growing about 15 feet or more from my garden though.
That white spiky-looking thing? No! Do you know what it is?

I am pretty sure this is it, Western giant puffball | Calvatia booniana some are edible I believe.

We had a long winter, so much above 6,000ft & above is still coming out, higher up some flowers haven't even bloomed yet..

I think this one had pretty recently blew up/sent out it's spores..

This one is real popular but is spent by now-usually late spring start popping out of the ground
Lupines, yes! I haven't had much luck with them. I tried to grow them from plants and from seed. The seed never sprouted and the plants died out after the first year. Have you ever grown an annual called heliotrope? It's pretty and smells amazing. It's also a cottage garden favorite.

I LOVE those! I've found them a few times in a nursery (never in a place like Lowes!). Love to put them in a pot by the deck chairs.
Going to be a long and exciting night here! Geomag storm in progress. Took this photo about 15 mins ago when all the indicators were saying no activity!

I LOVE those! I've found them a few times in a nursery (never in a place like Lowes!). Love to put them in a pot by the deck chairs.

Places like Lowe's and Depot have the same old plants every year, IMO. Maybe one new flavor of the year but mostly stuff like hostas, Stellas, coreopsis, coneflower etc. A few years ago giant zinnias were the big thing, now nobody has them anymore. I have a bunch of nurseries that I visit every year. That's where I get the heliotrope. One year I bought heliotrope seeds on ebay and the seller included a free packet of coreopsis. You guessed it, the heliotrope didn't grow and the coreopsis is overrunning the garden!
I know, right. So weird it won't be up here until next Wed!

I think we are eating to much protein,how much is to much,yesterday we had steaks,pretty sure that was to much.
Today we had 2 chicken thighs each.Is that to much?
Plus what is the best source of fats.
We are doing good on carbs.
Now we need to adjust protein and fats.