Amazon Tavern

Cool......... Is there a trail down?? How high is the cliff??

I thought most of them were in warm climates as well.....

There are some trails through the mixed-species forest (back side of the dunes), but once out of there you kind of go where you will. The wind blows constantly and erases any footprints in a few days. There are some pretty rare and endangered plants so you have to be really careful where you walk! The prof gave us a spiel in the parking lot about how many endangered/protected species there are there, and that since this is a national park absolutely no picking anything. Then five minutes later in the forest he's holding up a plant bit and asking: "Does anyone know what this is?" I said "Yeah, it's a $10,000 fine." lol

These dunes range from 400-500 feet above the Lake surface. This is part of Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. I dunno if you can really make it out, but there's a lighthouse on that forested point that sticks out. Looks more like a white dot.
There are some trails through the mixed-species forest (back side of the dunes), but once out of there you kind of go where you will. The wind blows constantly and erases any footprints in a few days. There are some pretty rare and endangered plants so you have to be really careful where you walk! The prof gave us a spiel in the parking lot about how many endangered/protected species there are there, and that since this is a national park absolutely no picking anything. Then five minutes later in the forest he's holding up a plant bit and asking: "Does anyone know what this is?" I said "Yeah, it's a $10,000 fine." lol

These dunes range from 400-500 feet above the Lake surface. This is part of Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. I dunno if you can really make it out, but there's a lighthouse on that forested point that sticks out. Looks more like a white dot.

:laugh: Well it is good he @ least gave the spiel..

Leave it as you found it & most ppl do........

Sounds like an awesome day......:)
One of the highlights of tapering off Benzos,is the insane nightmares.I often wondered,who writes the script for these crazy dreams.
I kind of missed them when I finished my taper.

It's your brain compensating for the loss of something it had become used to. You've heard of how amputees have "phantom limb" pain/sensations? It's a similar thing, although the mechanisms are different.
One of the highlights of tapering off Benzos,is the insane nightmares.I often wondered,who writes the script for these crazy dreams.
I kind of missed them when I finished my taper.

Crazy dreams are a mainstay in my life. Have you ever been trolled by your dreams? Like those dreams where you keep thinking your waking up from a dream in bed only to be dreaming. Or dreams where you were doing basically what you were doing before you fell asleep leading into messed up but plausible occurrences.
Crazy dreams are a mainstay in my life. Have you ever been trolled by your dreams? Like those dreams where you keep thinking your waking up from a dream in bed only to be dreaming. Or dreams where you were doing basically what you were doing before you fell asleep leading into messed up but plausible occurrences.

I get dreams mixing people I know with tv persons
But some are just very strange!
These dreams seemed scripted!But by who?

My friend was a Pikachu in one of my dreams.

Hahaha... that's cute. My mother was very into the paranormal including dream interpretation, despite her utter devotion to Christ and Church. She used to ask us almost every morning if we had any interesting dreams. I used to think that the paranormal stuff was cool too for a long time. Till I learned that it's just our brains' amazing way of unloading unneeded sensory and information input, processing new info and integrating it with existing memories, working out problems that our consciousness has fretted over, dealing with emotional overload, etc. That doesn't make dreams any less fascinating though! I've learned to control mine to some extent (called "lucid dreaming") and even to fall back into the same dream if awakened by Mr. Owl snorting in my ear or having his own lucid dream about monsters and assaulting me instead. lol

And that being said, I have had several dreams that my mother would have called precognition -- predictive of future events. I don't know a scientific explanation for those.

Have you ever had any such dreams?
My friend was a Pikachu in one of my dreams.

Quote from 'Naked Guy' thread:
"Don't tell me Jack has regressed to Amazon ways and is sock trolling. Is he really that upset over what is or isn't calling someone a pedophile? I expected better from him these days but I can't say it's not possible considering his past. We don't need a troll sock war."

Is this YOUR idea, Jade? Or did Kellyanne put you up to this?
Quote from 'Naked Guy' thread:
"Don't tell me Jack has regressed to Amazon ways and is sock trolling. Is he really that upset over what is or isn't calling someone a pedophile? I expected better from him these days but I can't say it's not possible considering his past. We don't need a troll sock war."

Is this YOUR idea, Jade? Or did Kellyanne put you up to this?

I just remember the sock trolling that probably ended the Amazon forums. Owl brought it up and I was wondering what she sees as tells. I have OCD and I notice things. You have a few things, not in your favor but they aren't really evidence. Rather than go through that I'd rather just say I hope it's not you and if it was that you'd stop. You act quirky enough just being Jack.
I just remember the sock trolling that probably ended the Amazon forums. Owl brought it up and I was wondering what she sees as tells. I have OCD and I notice things. You have a few things, not in your favor but they aren't really evidence. Rather than go through that I'd rather just say I hope it's not you and if it was that you'd stop. You act quirky enough just being Jack.

Kellyanne has a way of sending out her Stooges to attack me. She begged me not to expose her, but because of her relentless attacks on me for no apparent reason, I had to do it for the good of the country and the defeat of Trump. Now, if you continue to take orders from 'Owl', continue to attack me, I will have to expose YOU as well.