Amazon Tavern

We are near 90 the next few days,plus humidity.

Blech. I think today's 79F (currently) our high, then it slips back to a bit below normal (68F) for a couple days, then warm again. It's supposed to rain all day Thursday which will put a crimp in our botany field trip. I hope we still go anyways. It will be fun taking notes inside a plastic bag. lol
Very pleasant! What's it like in Yosemite this week? My sister is supposed to be hiking there.

Valley floor is mid 60's :) Perfect for the valley floor & cooler up top-perfect for up & down hiking..

What does she have planned?? The falls?? Half dome?? Unfortunately someone feel a few days ago going up..
Valley floor is mid 60's :) Perfect for the valley floor & cooler up top-perfect for up & down hiking..

What does she have planned?? The falls?? Half dome?? Unfortunately someone feel a few days ago going up..

I don't know exactly what she's doing there. I guess it's probably still pretty busy even though it's after Labor Day, eh?
I don't know exactly what she's doing there. I guess it's probably still pretty busy even though it's after Labor Day, eh?

Yes but much. much better...... I have been out twice since the holiday weekend & the trails are much better....... Even on weekends..
Yes but much. much better...... I have been out twice since the holiday weekend & the trails are much better....... Even on weekends..

Oh cool! Our b.i.l. is wanting to visit there next year; he was saying that there is a super long waiting list for lodging within the park boundaries. Is that better after Labor Day as well? How much of a drive is it if you stay outside the park?
Oh cool! Our b.i.l. is wanting to visit there next year; he was saying that there is a super long waiting list for lodging within the park boundaries. Is that better after Labor Day as well? How much of a drive is it if you stay outside the park?

I would guess, but don't know as you usually have to get a year in advance & unfortunately ppl are taking advantage & purchasing them then scalping them..

You can stay right outside the park & stay in a decent place @ a bay area price but cheaper than in the park unless your in a tent of some type.. I have not stayed there in 15 years & then I stayed in a chateau & it was nice, early April
I would guess, but don't know as you usually have to get a year in advance & unfortunately ppl are taking advantage & purchasing them then scalping them..

You can stay right outside the park & stay in a decent place @ a bay area price but cheaper than in the park unless your in a tent of some type.. I have not stayed there in 15 years & then I stayed in a chateau & it was nice, early April

Thanks. He visited Yellowstone this year and stayed outside the park. Said he wasted several hours (and gas) each day driving into the park and in long lines of traffic as well.

Was gifted to visit Yellowstone when I was 16... would so love to go there again before my time here expires. Have you ever been there yourself?
Thanks. He visited Yellowstone this year and stayed outside the park. Said he wasted several hours (and gas) each day driving into the park and in long lines of traffic as well.

Was gifted to visit Yellowstone when I was 16... would so love to go there again before my time here expires. Have you ever been there yourself?

I dunno honestly how bad the lines are getting in, there is a few options to enter.. In June 2017 I hiked up Mt Dana which is @ the entrance to the park from the east side (over 10,000 ft) & we got there before 9AM & there was no line.. @ 9AM they open the booth (no gates) to collect fees & it slowed a bit.. When we came down there was no line, it was some time after 5PM...

I went the west entrance highway 120 about this time of year 2018 & no line around the same time of the AM, maybe a bit later..
I dunno honestly how bad the lines are getting in, there is a few options to enter.. In June 2017 I hiked up Mt Dana which is @ the entrance to the park from the east side (over 10,000 ft) & we got there before 9AM & there was no line.. @ 9AM they open the booth (no gates) to collect fees & it slowed a bit.. When we came down there was no line, it was some time after 5PM...

I went the west entrance highway 120 about this time of year 2018 & no line around the same time of the AM, maybe a bit later..

I guess it is a good thing that our National Parks are so very popular... but sure does make it difficult for those who can only go in high season!
You see lots of ppl from all over the world there, especially the popular ones like Yosemite..

Isn't that so cool?? First time I went to Alaska, it was July 2006 and I could only get four days off from work. I thought it would be tourists from US, mostly white, etc. Only stayed a few days in a tiny sector (Ester), and then 3 days in Denali with my host. I was so amazed at the ppl from across the world who were there too!
Isn't that so cool?? First time I went to Alaska, it was July 2006 and I could only get four days off from work. I thought it would be tourists from US, mostly white, etc. Only stayed a few days in a tiny sector (Ester), and then 3 days in Denali with my host. I was so amazed at the ppl from across the world who were there too!
.. Yep, on that Yosemite trip to Mt Dana we only saw one American who was so happy he was in tears as he made it up on his third attempt & then shortly after a group of kids, from America that were semi-lost but back on trail.

The rest were from mostly asia & Europe........ I submitted w/ a guy that was tagging along w/ us from India, although he was currently working in IT in SJose...

He was younger & more experienced @ that elevation (over 13,000) & was telling us stories of hiking up to glaciers in India... He said the scariest part was the ride up, on trails they called a road..... He said it ended @ about 16,000 ft (I think he was exaggerating) & that no one wanted to sit by the windows, as you would have to see