Amazon Tavern

.. Yep, on that Yosemite trip to Mt Dana we only saw one American who was so happy he was in tears as he made it up on his third attempt & then shortly after a group of kids, from America that were semi-lost but back on trail.

The rest were from mostly asia & Europe........ I submitted w/ a guy that was tagging along w/ us from India, although he was currently working in IT in SJose...

He was younger & more experienced @ that elevation (over 13,000) & was telling us stories of hiking up to glaciers in India... He said the scariest part was the ride up, on trails they called a road..... He said it ended @ about 16,000 ft (I think he was exaggerating) & that no one wanted to sit by the windows, as you would have to see

Yikes! He's a lot braver than I am. I don't even like sitting by the window on the camper buses in Denali for that reason!

We went to a salmon bake at Ester Gold Camp once and sat by a whole busload of Amish ppl from Pennsylvania. Kind of changed my stereotype of them, for sure, as stay-at-home-and-to-themselves farming folk who don't travel.
Hello, everyone! I hope all is well? Matthew is back to school, and is doing really well! Hard for me to believe, but he's in the 8th grade. He will be a high schooler next year. :awesome::eek:
Hello, everyone! I hope all is well? Matthew is back to school, and is doing really well! Hard for me to believe, but he's in the 8th grade. He will be a high schooler next year. :awesome::eek:

And he's a teenager now as well! How was your summer? Did you guys do any interesting stuff?
And he's a teenager now as well! How was your summer? Did you guys do any interesting stuff?

That's the scary part! LOL! It was great, thank you! I hope yours was, too. We did get to go on some adventures around here, and when I had to renew my license. LOL! 4 towns and $150 later...
Yikes! He's a lot braver than I am. I don't even like sitting by the window on the camper buses in Denali for that reason!

We went to a salmon bake at Ester Gold Camp once and sat by a whole busload of Amish ppl from Pennsylvania. Kind of changed my stereotype of them, for sure, as stay-at-home-and-to-themselves farming folk who don't travel.

I have never really met any.. When I was visiting Iowa there were lots of them but never ran into them..

I have met many Mennonites who look like them but are pretty much just like everyone else in ever other way..
OH, jeesh. We are finally Real ID compliant here in Maine, and I had to document EVERYTHING!! Even had to have Bob's death certificate, even though I didn't change my name. That was an expensive thing! The pink tax is real.

That's insane. And there went $150 that you could have used for something else.
I have never really met any.. When I was visiting Iowa there were lots of them but never ran into them..

I have met many Mennonites who look like them but are pretty much just like everyone else in ever other way..

They dress in a similar way?
Isn't that awful? That's what I was thinking, too. School shopping, groceries, you name it.

We just found out that we can get that "enhanced" license here that you can use instead of a passport, when visiting Canada. I wonder if that's super expensive too?
We just found out that we can get that "enhanced" license here that you can use instead of a passport, when visiting Canada. I wonder if that's super expensive too?

Oh, I wonder? My issues were they needed paperwork to prove who I am. Those cost money. Matt and I might be travelling next summer and we will need to get our passports. I would have to do that all over again.
They dress in a similar way?

Yes, & I guess they get confused w/ them a lot.. Up in the foothills east of here there is a family that has a dry cleaners & everyone would ask them about it, so I was hardly the

The women where the old time dresses & hats which really stands out..
Yes, & I guess they get confused w/ them a lot.. Up in the foothills east of here there is a family that has a dry cleaners & everyone would ask them about it, so I was hardly the
The women where the old time dresses & hats which really stands out..

And the men wore black pants with suspenders, a hat, and squared-off beards but no mustache. They also seem shy and seldom make eye contact, and same with their kids. Used to see them shopping at the Walmart when we lived in rural Missouri years ago. There were a lot of Amish up there so no telling which group they belonged to. There was also a plethora of fundie Xtian churches there; you could always tell the female adherents by their long skirts and hair, sensible black shoes, no makeup or jewelry, and usually a cross on a necklace. I guess a lot of those guys choose rural areas where they don't feel like they're out of place or maybe not as exposed to all that stuff city ppl are always up to.
And the men wore black pants with suspenders, a hat, and squared-off beards but no mustache. They also seem shy and seldom make eye contact, and same with their kids. Used to see them shopping at the Walmart when we lived in rural Missouri years ago. There were a lot of Amish up there so no telling which group they belonged to. There was also a plethora of fundie Xtian churches there; you could always tell the female adherents by their long skirts and hair, sensible black shoes, no makeup or jewelry, and usually a cross on a necklace. I guess a lot of those guys choose rural areas where they don't feel like they're out of place or maybe not as exposed to all that stuff city ppl are always up to.

Yes, city folk are evil, remember Sodom was a city, can't argue w/ facts....... :rolleyes:

It seems dress is very important to some groups.:dunno:
Yes, city folk are evil, remember Sodom was a city, can't argue w/ facts....... :rolleyes:

It seems dress is very important to some groups.:dunno:

It's a way to identify themselves to others of a like mind.... the same way we adopt certain fashions when we're teenagers, depending on which group we're in or want to be in.
Hahahaha -- funny bumper sticker I saw in town today.
