Amazon Tavern

Good morning, and what a lovely one it is too. A bit of snow and frost overnight....

It’s lovely to see in pictures.
I need some new ones,we will be up by the store that has the good ones,on the 7th,when they inspect her knee.

I noticed that they have these giant adult-sized "onesies" at the store.... think I might get Mr. Owl one for his b-day. They're fleece and zip up the front.
Happy Halloween/blessed Samhain to you all. I don't often get nostalgic for the "good old days," but on this date I always miss the fun of dress-up and trick-or-treat with the kids. And going through their goodies after they went to bed on the pretense of looking for tampered stuff, and snitching some of the Hershey bars. lol
Baked Haddock, home made tarter sauce, Mac & Cheese for dinner tonight :cool:

Yum! Mr. Owl insists on mac n cheese every time we have fish. Which would be 3x/week but I make a big batch. He gets the leftovers while the rest of us have rice or pasta or something (rest of us = me and the flock). Do you guys eat red meat often?
Yum! Mr. Owl insists on mac n cheese every time we have fish. Which would be 3x/week but I make a big batch. He gets the leftovers while the rest of us have rice or pasta or something (rest of us = me and the flock). Do you guys eat red meat often?

Yes, I'm a carnivore! But I do like white meats (poultry, pork and other seafoods). We got some really nice sirloins and 5 lbs. of 90% ground chuck at Sam's on Sun. And she brought home a very nice roast from a local butcher. I like my spaghetti sauce with a lot of meat. I let her season the spaghetti sauce though, she has "the touch" for that. Otherwise, I do most of the cooking during the week, she mostly takes over on weekends (we go out a lot on weekends so she gets out of it!).
Yes, I'm a carnivore! But I do like white meats (poultry, pork and other seafoods). We got some really nice sirloins and 5 lbs. of 90% ground chuck at Sam's on Sun. And she brought home a very nice roast from a local butcher. I like my spaghetti sauce with a lot of meat. I let her season the spaghetti sauce though, she has "the touch" for that. Otherwise, I do most of the cooking during the week, she mostly takes over on weekends (we go out a lot on weekends so she gets out of it!).


We love meat way too much as well. I've been substituting ground turkey though for ground beef in recipes (like meat sauce for pasta) where the rest of the ingredients hide the fact that it's not ground beef. Works in chili too. But you got to have a roast or a steak now and then or what's the whole point of life, eh? lol One of the grocery chains here had porterhouse and t-bone steaks on sale for $5.99/lb so we have some stashed in the freezer.

We love meat way too much as well. I've been substituting ground turkey though for ground beef in recipes (like meat sauce for pasta) where the rest of the ingredients hide the fact that it's not ground beef. Works in chili too. But you got to have a roast or a steak now and then or what's the whole point of life, eh? lol One of the grocery chains here had porterhouse and t-bone steaks on sale for $5.99/lb so we have some stashed in the freezer.

Save A Lot here has T-bones on sale for $3.99 lb every few weeks!
Having ham steak and brussel sprouts today!

We love meat way too much as well. I've been substituting ground turkey though for ground beef in recipes (like meat sauce for pasta) where the rest of the ingredients hide the fact that it's not ground beef. Works in chili too. But you got to have a roast or a steak now and then or what's the whole point of life, eh? lol One of the grocery chains here had porterhouse and t-bone steaks on sale for $5.99/lb so we have some stashed in the freezer.

I filled my freezer for the winter. We don't get to Sam's that often, about 4 or 5 times a year, but when we do, it's usually between $400 and $500. Chicken fingers, fries, fish, shrimp (we use an air fryer and we love it), coffee and a lot of other stuff. When they have nice cuts of beef, we'll get some, but usually get most fresh meats from the local butcher.