Amazon Tavern

Deer will eat regular "field corn," the kind grown and sold for both ethanol and for animal feed. What Mason said is a real common practice in corn-growing areas. Farmers who like to hunt quail will leave stands of corn or wheat on the edges of fields to attract the birds.
Do people there feed the deers? Like people feed the squirrels and birds?
Yes, it's legal in Michigan. In winter we go to the supply place (they also sell farm stuff and domestic pet supplies) and get huge sacks of alfalfa silage. Our neighbors feed them too.
That is so cool. I think deers are the most beautiful, graceful animals ever. I don't understand how anyone can take a gun and shoot them. Hearing about hunting makes me sick.
That is so cool. I think deers are the most beautiful, graceful animals ever. I don't understand how anyone can take a gun and shoot them. Hearing about hunting makes me sick.

Sadly hunting is big up here. I get the necessity of it but it's not for me. I do like fishing though, which seems a bit hypocritical as fish feel pain and fear too.

One of my favorite deer pics, from Dec. 2017:

Sadly hunting is big up here. I get the necessity of it but it's not for me. I do like fishing though, which seems a bit hypocritical as fish feel pain and fear too.

One of my favorite deer pics, from Dec. 2017:


Stunning! I don't get it but I know some people get into it. It does make me wonder how someone can look at something like that and pull a trigger. I've fished before and it's fun waiting to get a bite, but I always threw the fish back.
I remember our parents once getting take-out pizza when we lived in Ohio. We very seldom ever did that. It was called "Vic Cassano" or something like that. It even has a Wikipedia entry. It was SOOO good!'s_Pizza_King

Oh yeah that's another one. Had one right in Park Lane, where the family lived. I moved up to Michigan when I was 4 though, but still I remember some details from back then. Kind of hard to forget living in a basic sized house, with my 4 brothers, my sister, Mom, and Dad. I was little, but besides my one brother close to my age, my siblings were around high school+ range. My family had actually built a house from the ground up, but bills were getting to be too much with the two additions, including me. It was sold, and we moved into a smaller house. The house they built is still there, on Scarf Rd.
Stunning! I don't get it but I know some people get into it. It does make me wonder how someone can look at something like that and pull a trigger. I've fished before and it's fun waiting to get a bite, but I always threw the fish back.

Thanks! Yeah, cleaning them is horrible. I decided a couple yrs ago to do what they do in Alaska and bop them over the head once I take the stringer out of the water. It's more merciful.
Oh yeah that's another one. Had one right in Park Lane, where the family lived. I moved up to Michigan when I was 4 though, but still I remember some details from back then. Kind of hard to forget living in a basic sized house, with my 4 brothers, my sister, Mom, and Dad. I was little, but besides my one brother close to my age, my siblings were around high school+ range. My family had actually built a house from the ground up, but bills were getting to be too much with the two additions, including me. It was sold, and we moved into a smaller house. The house they built is still there, on Scarf Rd.

I see from Cassano's FB page that they are on Stroop Road. That was close to where we lived; in fact my mom's little dog ran away one night and got hit by a car on that road. :(
That is so cool. I think deers are the most beautiful, graceful animals ever. I don't understand how anyone can take a gun and shoot them. Hearing about hunting makes me sick.

I once was riding my bike at Side Cut Park,in Maumee,next to the river,on a gravel trail.
Standing on the trail was a family,of deer,mom,dad,and doe.I stopped about 5 ft from them.I stared at them ,they stared at me,for about 3 minutes,then they slowly strolled away,into the vegetation.
I once was riding my bike at Side Cut Park,in Maumee,next to the river,on a gravel trail.
Standing on the trail was a family,of deer,mom,dad,and doe.I stopped about 5 ft from them.I stared at them ,they stared at me,for about 3 minutes,then they slowly strolled away,into the vegetation.
They are much grace and beauty.
That is so cool. I think deers are the most beautiful, graceful animals ever. I don't understand how anyone can take a gun and shoot them. Hearing about hunting makes me sick.

It's to control the population. Otherwise food dwindles for them, and they encroach on people more. The big thing when that happens is all the car accidents. My Dad had one when I was young, and even with the hunting, you have quite a few accidents. How I feel better about it, is it's a more painless death, and lack of waste. The accidents not only hurt the people in the vehicle, but if the animal isn't killed they are likely to have a slow painful death. Still though, anyone that wants to call it a sport, and doesn't properly use the animal, besides a trophy, can kiss my butt.
It's to control the population. Otherwise food dwindles for them, and they encroach on people more. The big thing when that happens is all the car accidents. My Dad had one when I was young, and even with the hunting, you have quite a few accidents. How I feel better about it, is it's a more painless death, and lack of waste. The accidents not only hurt the people in the vehicle, but if the animal isn't killed they are likely to have a slow painful death. Still though, anyone that wants to call it a sport, and doesn't properly use the animal, besides a trophy, can kiss my butt.
You sound like Sarah Palin talking about the wolves. lol

Idk, I just don't think it's up to me to say, "ok your life ends today", to any innocent living creature. I try to avoid stepping on ants if I see them. lol
You sound like Sarah Palin talking about the wolves. lol

Idk, I just don't think it's up to me to say, "ok your life ends today", to any innocent living creature. I try to avoid stepping on ants if I see them. lol

I don't like it, it's just how I make myself feel better about it. Many use it as a means to feed their family in the rural areas. Makes sure you have meat for winter. The neighbors I hang with hunt for meat, and I can't knock people for that. When people use it for sport, and waste, is when I get pissed. Living around here, and seeing the accidents, does give you a little bit more understanding though.

I couldn't stand Palin wanting to kill wolves off to preserve more reindeer, I thought the wolves were already endangered. The whole reasoning for it seemed off. I hardly remember it now though. Palin, and family was too much drama, not to tune out.