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I don't like it, it's just how I make myself feel better about it. Many use it as a means to feed their family in the rural areas. Makes sure you have meat for winter. The neighbors I hang with hunt for meat, and I can't knock people for that. When people use it for sport, and waste, is when I get pissed. Living around here, and seeing the accidents, does give you a little bit more understanding though.

I couldn't stand Palin wanting to kill wolves off to preserve more reindeer, I thought the wolves were already endangered. The whole reasoning for it seemed off. I hardly remember it now though. Palin, and family was too much drama, not to tune out.

Wolves have to eat too!
It's to control the population. Otherwise food dwindles for them, and they encroach on people more. The big thing when that happens is all the car accidents. My Dad had one when I was young, and even with the hunting, you have quite a few accidents. How I feel better about it, is it's a more painless death, and lack of waste. The accidents not only hurt the people in the vehicle, but if the animal isn't killed they are likely to have a slow painful death. Still though, anyone that wants to call it a sport, and doesn't properly use the animal, besides a trophy, can kiss my butt.

The problem with trophy hunting is it takes the prime breeding population. Unlike natural predators like wolves, coyotes, etc. who go after the elderly, weak, or frail.
I don't like it, it's just how I make myself feel better about it. Many use it as a means to feed their family in the rural areas. Makes sure you have meat for winter. The neighbors I hang with hunt for meat, and I can't knock people for that. When people use it for sport, and waste, is when I get pissed. Living around here, and seeing the accidents, does give you a little bit more understanding though.

I couldn't stand Palin wanting to kill wolves off to preserve more reindeer, I thought the wolves were already endangered. The whole reasoning for it seemed off. I hardly remember it now though. Palin, and family was too much drama, not to tune out.

As it turns out she was totally wrong about that, and removing the apex predators caused the caribou herds to sicken and become weaker. They completely changed the ecosystem of Yellowstone by re-introducing wolves. The elk, bison, and caribou were eating all the vegetation along the streams and causing run off, erosion, and fish kills because of increased sediment in streams and lakes. The wolves trimmed them back and allowed the protective vegetation to return, which in turn brought back the beavers, otters, and muskrats.
I don't like it, it's just how I make myself feel better about it. Many use it as a means to feed their family in the rural areas. Makes sure you have meat for winter. The neighbors I hang with hunt for meat, and I can't knock people for that. When people use it for sport, and waste, is when I get pissed. Living around here, and seeing the accidents, does give you a little bit more understanding though.

I couldn't stand Palin wanting to kill wolves off to preserve more reindeer, I thought the wolves were already endangered. The whole reasoning for it seemed off. I hardly remember it now though. Palin, and family was too much drama, not to tune out.
Right, I don't know any people who do that. Sure they say they will fill up their freezer, but they live in the city and I just think it's stupid. I have a neighbor who travels all over to go hunting, his favorite is "turkey hunting". Just crazy....
You sound like Sarah Palin talking about the wolves. lol

Idk, I just don't think it's up to me to say, "ok your life ends today", to any innocent living creature. I try to avoid stepping on ants if I see them. lol


I even put spiders outside on a piece of paper.

Hunting for food is one thing, like Jade pointed out. Same with fishing. But killing just because you can.... bad karma.

I even put spiders outside on a piece of paper.

Hunting for food is one thing, like Jade pointed out. Same with fishing. But killing just because you can.... bad karma.
A baby lizard ran inside one day and I caught it by putting a glass on top and sliding a piece of paper under the bottom and released it outside in the bushes.
You sound like Sarah Palin talking about the wolves. lol

Idk, I just don't think it's up to me to say, "ok your life ends today", to any innocent living creature. I try to avoid stepping on ants if I see them. lol

LOL! You sound like me! I just don't have the heart to throw out the house spiders in the winter time. We've had one for so long, he or she has even been featured in one of my son's social stories!
Sadly hunting is big up here. I get the necessity of it but it's not for me. I do like fishing though, which seems a bit hypocritical as fish feel pain and fear too.

One of my favorite deer pics, from Dec. 2017:


She's beautiful! I used to love watching the doe and her babies out in the field behind the house that we used to live in.
LOL! You sound like me! I just don't have the heart to throw out the house spiders in the winter time. We've had one for so long, he or she has even been featured in one of my son's social stories!

I can't go that far!I got bit on the elbow,by a brown recluse,terrible infection,arm on fire,tons of pus!And I was lucky,a friend at the same time,had the same thing,she had to have an operation to scrap out the poison!
I can't go that far!I got bit on the elbow,by a brown recluse,terrible infection,arm on fire,tons of pus!And I was lucky,a friend at the same time,had the same thing,she had to have an operation to scrap out the poison!

Oh, jeesh! Sorry to hear that. We don't have anything like that here.
Right, I don't know any people who do that. Sure they say they will fill up their freezer, but they live in the city and I just think it's stupid. I have a neighbor who travels all over to go hunting, his favorite is "turkey hunting". Just crazy....

I can't see the hunting for meat if you live near grocery stores, but it's still better than hunting just to kill something, and not eating it.
I can't go that far!I got bit on the elbow,by a brown recluse,terrible infection,arm on fire,tons of pus!And I was lucky,a friend at the same time,had the same thing,she had to have an operation to scrap out the poison!

Gods, that's horrible.