Amazon Tavern

You can get better scents if you just buy the essential oils, and create a mist with them. Perfumes, Colognes use the stuff, but have a lot of alcohol to disperse the scents. You're mostly paying for branding. Not all essential oils are up to snuff either though.

Just started using essential oils for anxiety.
Lavender,chamomile,and valerian
Don't you need some different expensive ingredients besides the oils? I mean, other than alcohol which is cheap.

I believe a lot of that stuff is just additives, that do nothing for scent. Probably stuff to keep the oil from separating, preservatives, etc. Some may use extractives though, but I don't think they're lost, if you just want to smell nice. What really matters is the quality of oils, and good stuff is far from cheap. It only takes a few drops of each to scent a bottle though, so it would probably be worth it.

When they talk about perfume oil, that's the recipe of oils they use. You're paying for their recipe, and a fancy bottle. Different types have more of the oil, as this states.

Eau de Toilette or Eau de Parfum? The difference lies in the volume of perfume oil. While Eau de Toilette contains 5-9%, Eau de Parfum contains more, usually 8-14%. Eau de Parfums therefore last longer, and smell more intense.
I believe a lot of that stuff is just additives, that do nothing for scent. Probably stuff to keep the oil from separating, preservatives, etc. Some may use extractives though, but I don't think they're lost, if you just want to smell nice. What really matters is the quality of oils, and good stuff is far from cheap. It only takes a few drops of each to scent a bottle though, so it would probably be worth it.

When they talk about perfume oil, that's the recipe of oils they use. You're paying for their recipe, and a fancy bottle. Different types have more of the oil, as this states.

Eau de Toilette or Eau de Parfum? The difference lies in the volume of perfume oil. While Eau de Toilette contains 5-9%, Eau de Parfum contains more, usually 8-14%. Eau de Parfums therefore last longer, and smell more intense.

Do you know how to make your own essential oils, or do you buy them?
Have you ever tried eucalyptus oil? I put a few drops in an atomizer, fill with water, and spray around the house. Smells nice and repels fleas.

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I just had some cinnamon leaf essential oil show up. It was cheaper so it's might not be pure, but after Hazel got a tick, I'm going to need some natural repellent. The garden has all the weeds, and tall plants to go through. Exactly the type of stuff they would hang out on.
I just had some cinnamon leaf essential oil show up. It was cheaper so it's might not be pure, but after Hazel got a tick, I'm going to need some natural repellent. The garden has all the weeds, and tall plants to go through. Exactly the type of stuff they would hang out on.

Isn't there something you can put in her food that helps? Brewers yeast or something?
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Isn't there something you can put in her food that helps? Brewers yeast or something?

She started her meds to protect her, but I need to protect myself from the bastards. I was upset with it all because I specifically mentioned it odd she isn't on it yet. All the bugs were already out. I'm starting to think I should just be quiet about stuff, because as soon as I mention certain things in that manner, then something happens. I have obsessive disposition to think about what could happen.
I read,don't by anything that isn't a 100% oil

That's what it says, but like herbal supplements, they aren't exactly regulated. Many will be Jasmine, mixed with other oils. It's just like with the spice saffron. The real stuff will always be expensive. There was a way to test, but for the life of me I don't recall what it might have been. I'll look it up.
She started her meds to protect her, but I need to protect myself from the bastards. I was upset with it all because I specifically mentioned it odd she isn't on it yet. All the bugs were already out. I'm starting to think I should just be quiet about stuff, because as soon as I mention certain things in that manner, then something happens. I have obsessive disposition to think about what could happen.

Don't feel too bad. I went to a class on Monday that was held outdoors. Put bug spray on my shoes, legs, pants. Apparently the mosquitoes came out. The back of my neck has half a dozen itchy bumps. It's that lovely time of the year when we don't go out without coating ourselves in bug juice first. lol