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Don't feel too bad. I went to a class on Monday that was held outdoors. Put bug spray on my shoes, legs, pants. Apparently the mosquitoes came out. The back of my neck has half a dozen itchy bumps. It's that lovely time of the year when we don't go out without coating ourselves in bug juice first. lol

I remember when Soy Sauce was called Bug Juice
Don't feel too bad. I went to a class on Monday that was held outdoors. Put bug spray on my shoes, legs, pants. Apparently the mosquitoes came out. The back of my neck has half a dozen itchy bumps. It's that lovely time of the year when we don't go out without coating ourselves in bug juice first. lol

I never dealt with a tick, and never would have thought what I felt was a tick on Hazel, I thought it was just a skin tag, or like one of the harmless types of lumps I have on my neck. Hazel is the same breed my brothers dog was, and she got lumps, as she got older, so I assumed something. Mom says she even looked at it, but stupidly I did not, because I remembered it's best to just leave those alone, or they can get infected.
Looks like it's shaping up to finally look like summer around here! Supposed to be close to 80F over the weekend, even. Bring on the bugs! :laugh:
We had yet another bad thunder storm,tornado warnings.
Every rainy day now,makes it less likely,the farmers,can grow corn!
Soybeans maybe,but the market for those is fucked up because of Trump.
We had yet another bad thunder storm,tornado warnings.
Every rainy day now,makes it less likely,the farmers,can grow corn!
Soybeans maybe,but the market for those is fucked up because of Trump.

Wow, more rain? It's been abnormally dry up here so far this spring, not counting the massive snow melt of course. This weather pattern is disastrous for farmers and non-farm ppl both. We're all going to be paying more both for gasoline and for food.
And mosquitoes can carry yellow fever, Zika, encephalitis, West Nile, exotic Newcastle disease, dengue fever, malaria. Guess I'm going to have to go with Phantasmal here, the more I think about it!

I've had 100's of mosquito bites.Never got sick,many around Toledo end up in the Hospital every year,with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever,from ticks in Oak Openings State Park